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Synthetic zeolite in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)
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This report is the fifth edition of a ready-made study of the market for synthetic zeolites in Russia and the world.
Market monitoring has been carried out since September 2003.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian and global markets for synthetic zeolites.
The objects of research are synthetic zeolites.
The work presented is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.
A distinctive feature of this study is the presence of a brief description of the global market for synthetic zeolites, a detailed description of the largest manufacturers and consumers operating in the market for the products in question, and an industry consumption forecast.
Chronological scope of the study: 2001-2023; forecast – 2024-2035
Geography of the study: Russian Federation – comprehensive detailed market analysis; world - general retrospective market analysis.
The report consists of 8 parts, contains 125 pages, including 23 figures, 44 tables and 2 appendices.
The first chapter of the report provides a brief description of the global market for synthetic zeolites.
The second chapter of the report provides a brief description of methods for the production of powdered zeolites of types A, X, Y, as well as polycrystalline zeolite aggregates and granules that do not contain binders.
The third chapter of the report is devoted to raw materials for the production of synthetic zeolites; information is provided on the largest suppliers of the main types of raw materials and directions of supply.
The fourth chapter discusses the production of synthetic zeolites in Russia. Data on the requirements for the quality of products, production capacities and volumes are presented, and the current state of the largest enterprises producing synthetic zeolites is described.
The fifth chapter of the report analyzes data on foreign trade transactions with synthetic zeolites in the Russian Federation for the period 2001-2023.
The sixth chapter is devoted to prices for synthetic zeolites in the Russian Federation, as well as an analysis of Russian export-import prices.
The seventh chapter of the report examines the consumption of synthetic zeolites in Russia. This section shows the balance of production and consumption, the sectoral structure of consumption, presents the main consumers, as well as the current state and prospects for the development of the main consumption sectors and the largest consumer enterprises.
The eighth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market of synthetic zeolites for the period until 2035.
The appendices provide address and contact information of the main enterprises producing and consuming synthetic zeolites in the Russian Federation.
Target audience of the study:
- participants in the market of synthetic zeolites and products based on them (adsorbents and molecular sieves, catalysts for oil refining processes, synthetic detergents) - manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for marketing services and management decision makers working in the synthetic zeolite market.
1. Brief description of the global market for synthetic zeolites
2. Methods for the production of synthetic zeolites
2.1. Synthesis of powdered zeolites
2.1.1. Synthesis of zeolites type A and X
2.1.2. Synthesis of Y-type zeolites
2.2. Synthesis of polycrystalline zeolite intergrowths, granules containing no binders
3. Raw materials for the production of synthetic zeolites: the largest suppliers and directions of supply
4. Production of synthetic zeolites in Russia
4.1. Quality requirements for synthetic zeolites
4.2. Capacity of enterprises for the production of synthetic zeolites
4.3. Volumes of production of synthetic zeolites by Russian enterprises in 2001-2023.
4.4. Current status of the largest enterprises for the production of synthetic zeolites
4.4.1. KNT Group Company
LLC "Ishimbay Specialized Chemical Plant of Catalysts" (Ishimbay, Republic of Bashkortostan)
Sterlitamak Catalyst Plant LLC (Sterlitamak, Republic of Bashkortostan)
4.4.2. LLC "Salavat Catalyst Plant" (Salavat, Republic of Bashkortostan)
4.4.3. LLC "Plant of molecular sieves "Real Sorb" (Yaroslavl region)
4.4.4. LLC "Component" (Nizhny Novgorod)
4.4.5. JSC "Nizhny Novgorod Sorbents" (Nizhny Novgorod)
4.4.6. Other enterprises
5. Export-import of synthetic zeolites to the Russian Federation in 2001-2023.
5.1. Import
5.2. Export
6. Review of prices for synthetic zeolites
6.1. Domestic prices for synthetic zeolites for June 2024
6.2. Export-import prices for synthetic zeolites in 2004-2023.
7. Consumption of synthetic zeolites in Russia
7.1. Balance and structure of consumption
7.1.1. Balance of consumption of synthetic zeolites in the Russian Federation in 2001-2023.
7.1.2. Structure of consumption of synthetic zeolites in the Russian Federation
7.2. The main consumer industries of zeolites in Russia
7.2.1. Chemical and petrochemical industry
Production of synthetic detergents (SMC)
Production of oil refining catalysts
Production of technical gases
Polymer production
7.2.2. Extraction and processing of natural gas and oil
7.2.3. Other consumption sectors
7.3. The largest consumer enterprises of zeolites
Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC (Orenburg)
JSC Gazpromneft-Omsk Oil Refinery (Omsk)
Procter and Gamble-Novomoskovsk LLC (Tula region)
8. Forecast and prospects for the production/consumption of synthetic zeolites in Russia until 2035.
Appendix 1. Contact information of the largest manufacturing enterprises of synthetic zeolites in the Russian Federation
Appendix 2. Contact information of the largest consumer enterprises of synthetic zeolites in the Russian Federation
Table 1. Main groups of synthetic zeolites
Table 2. Russian and foreign classification of the main industrial types of general purpose zeolites
Table 3. Properties and applications of the main industrial types of zeolites
Table 4. Main types of raw materials for the production of synthetic zeolites and suppliers
Table 5. Quality requirements for synthetic zeolite NaX (13X) (according to TU 38.10281-88)
Table 6. Quality requirements for synthetic zeolite NaX-K (oxygen) (13 X) (according to TU 2163-009-05766557-2000)
Table 7. Quality requirements for synthetic zeolite NaX GDO (13X) (according to TU 2163-017-94262278-2011)
Table 8. Quality requirements for synthetic zeolite NaA-U (improved) (4A) (according to TU 2163-003-15285215-2006)
Table 9. Quality requirements for synthetic zeolite CaA-U (improved) (5A) (according to TU 2163-004-05766557-97)
Table 10. Quality requirements for synthetic zeolite KA-U (improved) (3A) (according to TU 2163-006-15285215-2006)
Table 11. Capacity of enterprises for the production of synthetic zeolites in the CIS
Table 12. Volumes of production of synthetic zeolites by enterprises of the Russian Federation in 2010-2023, tons
Table 13. Brands of zeolites produced by ISHZK LLC
Table 14. Some financial indicators of KNT Group enterprises in 2014-2023, million rubles.
Table 15. Brands of zeolites produced by Salavat Catalyst Plant LLC
Table 16. Railway supplies of raw materials to SkatZ LLC in 2018-2023, tons
Table 17. Financial indicators of SKatZ LLC in 2014-2023, million rubles.
Table 18. Brands of zeolites produced by ZMS Real Sorb LLC
Table 19. Brands of modified synthetic zeolites produced by ZMS Real Sorb LLC
Table 20. Some financial and economic indicators of the activities of Real Sorb Group of Companies in 2014-2023, million rubles.
Table 21. Synthetic zeolites produced by Component LLC
Table 22. Main financial and economic indicators of the activities of Component LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles.
Table 23. Main financial and economic indicators of the activities of Nizhny Novgorod Sorbents JSC in 2014-2023, million rubles.
Table 24. Brands of zeolites produced by AZKiOS
Table 25. Prices for synthetic zeolites sold by NPO PZS Tatsorb LLC, rub/kg (excluding VAT)
Table 26. Characteristics of zeolites produced by Roskhimzashchita Corporation JSC and their areas of application
Table 27. Volumes of foreign trade transactions of the Russian Federation with products based on synthetic zeolites in 2001-2023, tons
Table 28. Characteristics of zeolite-containing products supplied to Russian consumers by the largest foreign companies
Table 29. Import of synthetic zeolite and products based on it in the Russian Federation in 2018-2023, tons
Table 30. Largest Russian recipients of imported zeolites in 2018-2023, t
Table 31. Import of synthetic zeolite and products based on it in the Russian Federation in 2018-2023, tons
Table 32. Export of synthetic zeolites by Russian enterprises in 2018-2023, tons
Table 33. Prices for synthetic zeolites sold by Sorbis Group, rub/kg (including VAT)
Table 34. Average annual import prices of the Russian Federation by producers in 2011-2023, $/kg
Table 35. Average annual export prices of Russian producers of zeolite products in 2004-2023, $/kg
Table 36. Indicators of the synthetic zeolite market in the Russian Federation in 2007-2023, t, %
Table 37. Directions for using synthetic zeolites
Table 38. Volumes of consumption of synthetic zeolites (by industry) in the Russian Federation in 2012, 2018, 2023, thousand tons
Table 39. Industrial production indices by industry sector of the Russian Federation in 2014-2023, % compared to the previous year
Table 40. Characteristics of zeolites used in the production of industrial catalysts
Table 41. Nomenclature and characteristics of zeolite-containing catalysts produced in the Russian Federation
Table 42. Scenario forecast for oil and gas production in Russia for the period up to 2035.
Table 43. Some financial indicators of Procter and Gamble-Novomoskovsk LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles.
Table 44. Industry forecast for the consumption of synthetic zeolites in Russia for the period up to 2035, thousand tons
Figure 1. Geographical structure of the world market of synthetic zeolites, %
Figure 2. Industry structure of consumption of synthetic zeolites in the world, %
Figure 3. Scheme for obtaining granular zeolites
Figure 4. Technological scheme for producing powdered NaY zeolite using the silicate method
Figure 5. Dynamics of production of synthetic zeolites in Russia in 2001-2023, thousand tons
Figure 6. Structure of Russian production of synthetic zeolites by manufacturer in 2023, %
Figure 7. Dynamics of production of synthetic zeolites by ISHZK LLC and SZK LLC in 2001-2023, tons
Figure 8. Dynamics of production of synthetic zeolites by SkatZ LLC in 2001-2023, tons
Figure 9. Dynamics of production of synthetic zeolites by ZMS Real Sorb LLC in 2003-2023, tons
Figure 10. Dynamics of production of synthetic zeolites by JSC Nizhny Novgorod Sorbents in 2001-2023, tons
Figure 11. Export-import of products based on synthetic zeolites in the Russian Federation in 2001-2023, tons
Figure 12. Regional structure of Russian imports of synthetic zeolites and zeolite-containing products in 2001-2023, tons
Figure 13. Dynamics of production, export-import and “apparent” consumption of synthetic zeolites in the Russian Federation in 2001-2023, thousand tons
Figure 14. Structure of consumption of synthetic zeolites in Russia in 2012-2023, %
Figure 15. Dynamics of production of synthetic detergents (SMC) in Russia in 1997-2023, thousand tons
Figure 16. Dynamics of consumption of cracking catalysts by Russian enterprises in 2006-2023, million tons
Figure 17. Dynamics of production of cracking catalysts in Russia in 2002-2023, thousand tons
Figure 18. Dynamics of oil production, including gas condensate (million tons) and gas (billion m3) in the Russian Federation in 2001-2023.
Figure 19. Dynamics of associated petroleum gas production in Russia in 2006-2023, billion m3
Figure 20. Dynamics of natural gas production at Gazprom Dobycha Orenburg LLC in 2018-2023, billion m3
Figure 21. Dynamics of production of oil refining catalysts at Gazpromneft-Omsk Refinery JSC in 2006-2023, thousand tons