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Zinc Oxide (Zinc White) in Russia and the EAEU: Production, Market and Forecast (2 edition)

Seitenzahl: 70 Anzahl der Tische: 24 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 18
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 04.09.2023
Form der Präsentation:

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Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment. 


This review is the second edition of the study of the zinc oxide (zinc white) market in Russia.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the zinc oxide (zinc white) market and forecast its development for the period up to 2030.

The object of research is zinc oxide (zinc white powder).

This work is a desk study. As sources of information, data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), data from the customs statistics of the Russian Federation, statistics on railway transportation of the Russian Federation, data from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, materials from the websites of zinc oxide consumer enterprises ( zinc white), as well as the Infomine database.

The chronological framework of the study is 2013-2022, the forecast is 2023-2030.

Research geography: Russian Federation - comprehensive detailed market analysis; EAEU countries - a general retrospective analysis of the market.


The report consists of 6 chapters, contains 70 pages, including 24 tables, 18 figures and 2 appendices.

The first chapter of the report provides information on existing production technologies, data on regulatory documents regulating the requirements for the quality of zinc oxide in the Russian Federation, the mode of its transportation and packaging.

The second chapter analyzes the production of zinc oxide in Russia and the EAEU in 2013-2022. It provides statistical data on the volume of production of these products, as well as the characteristics of the main manufacturing enterprises.

The third chapter is devoted to foreign trade operations with zinc oxide in the EAEU countries in 2013-2022. The volumes and main directions of product deliveries are determined.

The fourth chapter analyzes statistical data on export-import prices for zinc oxide in the period 2013-2022.

The fifth chapter is devoted to the consumption of zinc oxide in Russia. It provides data on the consumption of zinc oxide in Russia in 2013-2022, the main areas of application and consumers of this product.

The sixth and final chapter presents a forecast for the development of the Russian zinc oxide market for the period up to 2030.

The Appendices provide contact information for zinc oxide manufacturers.


Target audience of the study:

- participants in the zinc oxide market - manufacturers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.


The proposed study purports to be a reference tool for marketing and decision makers working in the zinc oxide market.





1. Overview of production technology and product quality requirements


2. Production of zinc oxide in Russia in 2013-2022

2.1. Zinc oxide production volumes

2.2. Brief description of the main enterprises-manufacturers of zinc oxide in Russia

2.2.1. Empils-zinc LLC (Rostov-on-Don)

2.2.2. ChKhZ Oksid LLC (Chelyabinsk region)

2.2.3. LLC Plant "Lakokraska-Yuganets" (Nizhny Novgorod region)

2.2.4. PK Bellit LLC (Saransk, Republic of Mordovia)

2.2.5. LLC "Plant" Belkhim "(Nizhny Novgorod region)

2.3. Projects to create new enterprises


3. Foreign trade operations with zinc oxide (zinc white) in Russia and the EAEU in 2013-2022

3.1. Foreign trade operations of Russia

3.2 Russian zinc oxide exports in 2013-2022

3.3. Import of zinc oxide of the Russian Federation in 2013-2022

3.4. Zinc oxide imports by the EAEU countries in 2013-2022


4. Prices for zinc oxide in Russia in 2013-2022

4.1. Export and import prices for zinc oxide in Russia in 2013-2022

4.2. Domestic prices for zinc oxide in Russia in 2020-2023


5. Consumption of zinc oxide (zinc white) in Russia in 2013-2022

5.1. Production-consumption balance

5.2. The structure of the use of zinc oxide and the main areas of consumption in the Russian Federation

5.3. The current state of the main sectors of the use of zinc oxide in the Russian Federation in 2013-2022

5.4. Consumption of zinc oxide in the EAEU in 2013-2022


6. Prospects for the development of the zinc oxide (zinc white) market in Russia until 2030


Appendix 1. Addresses and telephone numbers of Russian manufacturers of zinc oxide (zinc white)

Appendix 2. Addresses and phone numbers of Russian tire industry enterprises

Table 1. Physical and chemical parameters of zinc white grades BTs0 and BTs1 (GOST 202-84)

Table 2. Physical and chemical parameters of zinc white grades A, B and BCV (TU 2321-001-50992567-2003)

Table 3. Chemical composition of zinc oxide (GOST 10262-73)

Table 4. Chemical composition of feed zinc oxide (TU 2611-003-50992567-2012)

Table 5. Output of zinc oxide by the main manufacturing enterprises in 2013-2022, t

Table 6. Chemical composition of zinc oxide brand Tire quality produced by LLC "Empils-zinc"

Table 7. Export of zinc oxide by Empils-zinc LLC in 2013-2022, tons

Table 8. Financial performance of Empils-zinc LLC in 2013-2021, million rubles

Table 9. Export of zinc oxide by ChKhZ Oksid LLC in 2013-2022, tons

Table 10. Financial performance of ChKhZ Oksid LLC in 2013-2022, million rubles

Table 11. Financial performance of Zavod Lakokraska-Yuganets LLC in 2013-2022, million rubles

Table 12. Financial performance of PK Bellit LLC in 2018-2022, million rubles

Table 13. Financial performance of Belkhim Plant LLC in 2018-2022, million rubles

Table 14. Foreign trade of zinc oxide (zinc white) in Russia in 2013-2022, thousand tons, million $

Table 15. Directions of export deliveries of Russian zinc oxide (zinc white) in 2013-2022, tons

Table 16. Russian companies exporting zinc oxide (zinc white) in 2013-2022, tons

Table 17. Directions of import deliveries of zinc oxide to the Russian Federation in 2013-2022, tons

Table 18. Russian companies receiving zinc oxide in 2013-2022, tons

Table 19. Direction of import deliveries of zinc oxide to Belarus in 2013-2022, tons, thousand $

Table 20. Direction of import deliveries of zinc oxide to Kazakhstan in 2013-2022, tons, thousand $

Table 21. Average import prices for zinc oxide by suppliers in the Russian Federation in 2013-2022, $/t

Table 22. Production, export-import and "apparent" consumption of zinc oxide (zinc white) in Russia in 2013-2022, thousand tons

Table 23. Railway deliveries to enterprises-consumers of Russian-made zinc oxide in 2013-2022, t

Table 24. Tire production by Russian enterprises in 2013-2022, million units

Figure 1. Technological process for the production of zinc oxide

Figure 2. Production of zinc oxide in Russia in 2013-2022, thousand tons

Figure 3. Regional structure of zinc oxide production in Russia in 2018-2022, %

Figure 4. Zinc oxide (zinc white) production volume of Empils-zinc LLC in 2013-2022, thousand tons

Figure 5. The volume of production of zinc oxide (zinc white) LLC "CHP "Oxid" in 2013-2022, thousand tons

Figure 6. Zinc oxide supplies to Cordiant JSC in 2014-2022, tons

Figure 7. Zinc oxide (zinc white) production volume of Lakokraska-Yuganets Plant LLC in 2013-2022, thousand tons

Figure 8. Foreign trade in zinc oxide in Russia in 2013-2022, thousand tons

Figure 9. Geographical structure of Russian exports of zinc oxide in 2013-2022, %

Figure 10. Main recipients of Russian-made zinc oxide in 2022, %

Figure 11. Geographical structure of Russian imports of zinc oxide in 2013-2022, %

Figure 12. Dynamics of Russian imports of zinc oxide (zinc white) by main consumption sectors in 2013-2022, thousand tons

Figure 13. Dynamics of average annual export-import prices for zinc oxide (zinc white) in Russia in 2013-2022, $/kg

Figure 14. Dynamics of domestic prices of zinc oxide sold at tenders in 2020-2023, thousand rubles/t, incl. VAT

Figure 15. Dynamics of production, export, import and consumption of zinc oxide in Russia in 2013-2022, thousand tons

Figure 16. Estimated structure of zinc oxide consumption in Russia in 2013-2022, %

Figure 17. Dynamics of tire production in Russia in 2013-2022, million units

Figure 18. Forecast of production and consumption of zinc oxide in Russia for the period up to 2030, thousand tons


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