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Produkte der Holzindustrie (4)
Bleached, semi-bleached and unbleached pulp in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition) | 01/2018 | 2000 Euro |
Wood Pellet in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition) | 06/2023 | 2000 Euro |
Lignosulfonates in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition) | 03/2023 | 2000 Euro |
Сorrugated Сardboard in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast | 04/2016 | 2000 Euro |
Contact information of main CIS metals and minerals companies (free access!).
The reports listed include data on geology, reserves, mining, concentration, smelting, refining, structure of consumption, export and import of the metals (and other products) mentioned, as well as technological and economic analysis of standing of all enterprises, producing and consuming products of interest.
All reports include information on 5-7 previous years.
The price of the report includes both English and Russian versions.