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Quartz Glass Sands in Russia and EAEU: Production, Market and Forecast (10 edition)

Seitenzahl: 165 Anzahl der Tische: 59 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 37
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 27.05.2024
Form der Präsentation:

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 2 500 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the tenth edition of the glass sand market research in the EAEU countries.

Market monitoring has been carried out since 2003.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for quartz glass raw materials in Russia and the EAEU countries.

The objects of study are quartz glass sands.

The work is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.

Chronological scope of the study: 2000-2023; forecast – 2024-2030

Geography of the study: Russia – comprehensive detailed market analysis; Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan - brief market analysis

Scope of the study: the report consists of 8 parts, contains 165 pages, including 59 tables, 37 figures and 2 appendices.


The first chapter of the report provides information on glass sand reserves in Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus.

The second chapter of the report is devoted to a review of existing technologies for the enrichment of quartz sands and the requirements for the quality of commercial products.

The third chapter of the report provides data on the volumes of extraction and production of glass sands in Russia in 2000-2023, as well as on the production of sands in Belarus and Kazakhstan.

The fourth chapter is devoted to a description of the current state of the main glass sand producers in Russia. It provides data on production volumes, characteristics of products, directions and volumes of supplies.

The fifth chapter of the report analyzes data on foreign trade operations with glass sands in Russia and the EAEU countries (Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan).

The sixth chapter shows current prices for glass sands in Russia, as well as the dynamics of changes in export-import prices for products in 2005-2023.

The seventh chapter of the report is devoted to the analysis of domestic consumption of glass sands in Russia and the EAEU countries. This section also provides the industry structure of sand consumption in Russia, data on the directions and volumes of supplies, and describes the current state of the largest Russian consumers.

The final, eighth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the production and consumption of glass sands in Russia until 2030.

The appendices provide addresses and contact information of the main producers and consumers of glass sands in the Russian Federation.


Target audience of the study:

- participants in the quartz glass sand market – manufacturers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the market of glass and glass raw materials.





1. Reserves and deposits of quartz glass sands in the EAEU as of 01/01/2023.

1.1. Reserves and deposits of quartz glass sands in Russia

1.2. Reserves and deposits of quartz glass sands in Belarus

1.3. Reserves and deposits of quartz glass sands in Kazakhstan


2. Processing technologies and quality requirements for quartz glass sands

2.1. Enrichment of quartz sands

2.2. Quality requirements for quartz sands


3. Extraction and production of glass sands in the EAEU

3.1. Extraction and production of glass sands in Russia in 2000-2023.

3.2. Extraction and production of glass sands in Belarus in 2010-2023.

3.3. Extraction and production of glass sands in Kazakhstan


4. Current state of enterprises producing quartz glass sands in Russia

OJSC "Ramensky GOK" (Moscow region)

LLC "Larta Minerals Nebolchi" / LLC "Sibelko Nebolchi" (Nebolchinskoe quarry management, Novgorod region)

JSC "Quartz" (Ulyanovsk region)

LLC "Tashlinsky GOK" (Ulyanovsk region)

Quarzwerke Group

JSC GOK Muraevnya (Ryazan region)

LLC "Kvartsverke Ulyanovsk" (TD "Kvarts", Ulyanovsk region)

LLC "Velikodvorsky processing plant" (Vladimir region)

LLC "Agropromenergo" (Stavropol Territory)

LLC "Lukyanovsky GOK" (Ulyanovsk region)

JSC Tugansky GOK Ilmenite, Tomsk region.


5. Foreign trade operations with glass sands in Russia and the EAEU

5.1. Export-import of glass sands in Russia in 1999-2023.

5.2. Export-import of glass sands in other EAEU countries in 2004-2023.


6. Prices for glass sands

6.1. Current Russian prices for glass sands of various brands

6.2. Review of Russian export-import prices for glass sands in 2005-2023.


7. Consumption of glass sands in Russia and the EAEU

7.1. Balance of production and consumption of glass sands in Russia in 2000-2023.

7.2. Main consumer industries of glass sands in Russia

7.3. Main consumers of glass sands in the Russian Federation

Klin Glass Factory LLC/AGC Flat Glass Klin LLC (Moscow region)

JSC "Bor Glass Factory"/JSC "AGC BSZ" (Nizhny Novgorod region)

JSC "Salavatsteklo" (Republic of Bashkortostan)

JSC "Saratovstroysteklo" (Saratov region)

Group of companies "RSKH"

Larta Glass/Guardian Industries

Larta Glass Ryazan LLC/Guardian Glass Ryazan LLC

Larta Glass Rostov LLC/Guardian Glass Rostov LLC

JSC "Glanit" (Aleksinsky glass factory, Tula region)

LLC "Sibsteklo"/JSC "Novosibirsk plant "Ekran" (Novosibirsk region)

Group of companies LLC "ChSZiK"

JSC "Glass Market" (JSC "Sitall", Smolensk region)

Larta Glass Ramenskoye LLC/Pilkington Glass LLC (Moscow region)

7.4. Consumption of glass sands in other EAEU countries


8. Forecast for the development of the glass sand market in Russia until 2030.


Appendix 1. Addresses and telephone numbers of glass sand manufacturers in Russia

Appendix 2. Addresses and telephone numbers of glass sand consumers in Russia

Table 1. Main deposits of quartz sands for the glass industry in Russia

Table 2. Main deposits of quartz sands for the glass industry in Belarus

Table 3. Effect of impurities in quartz sand on product quality

Table 4. Basic requirements for the quality of quartz sands for the glass industry

Table 5. Grades of quartz sand, ground sandstone, quartzite and vein quartz for the glass industry

Table 6. Technical requirements for quartz sand, ground sandstone, quartzite and vein quartz

Table 7. Extraction of glass sands by Russian enterprises in 2004-2023, thousand tons

Table 8. Quality indicators of glass sands produced by OJSC Gomel Mining and Processing Plant

Table 9. Average chemical composition of enriched quartz sands produced by Ramensky GOK OJSC

Table 10. Main consumers of quartz glass sands produced by Ramensky GOK OJSC in 2006-2023, thousand tons

Table 11. Financial indicators of Ramensky GOK OJSC in 2014-2023, million rubles.

Table 12. Main consumers of quartz sands of Larta Minerals Nebolchi LLC in 2008-2023, thousand tons

Table 13. Financial indicators of Larta Minerals Nebolchi LLC/Sibelko Nebolchi LLC in 2014-2023, million rubles.

Table 14. Product quality indicators of JSC Quartz

Table 15. Dynamics of production and shipment of quartz glass sands by JSC “Kvarts” in 2006-2018, thousand tons

Table 16. Main consumers of quartz glass sands produced by JSC “Kvarts” in 2006-2023, thousand tons

Table 17. Financial indicators of JSC Quartz in 2014-2023, million rubles.

Table 18. Quality indicators of quartz glass sands of Tashlinsky GOK LLC

Table 19. Main consumers of quartz glass sands produced by Tashlinsky GOK LLC in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Table 20. Financial indicators of Tashlinsky GOK LLC in 2013-2022, million rubles.

Table 21. Characteristics of quartz sand produced by Muraevnya Mining and Processing Plant JSC

Table 22. Main consumers of quartz glass sands of Muraevnya Mining and Processing Plant JSC in 2006-2023, thousand tons

Table 23. Financial indicators of Muraevnya Mining and Processing Plant JSC in 2014-2023, million rubles.

Table 24. Financial indicators of Kvartsverke Ulyanovsk LLC in 2014-2021, million rubles.

Table 25. Main consumers of quartz sands of Kvartswerke Ulyanovsk LLC in 2010-2023, thousand tons

Table 26. Main consumers of quartz glass sands produced by Velikodvorsky Processing Plant LLC in 2019-2023, thousand tons

Table 27. Financial indicators of Velikodvorsky Processing Plant LLC in 2017-2023, million rubles.

Table 28. Quality indicators of sand grade B-100-1 produced by Agropromenergo LLC

Table 29. Results of chemical analysis of sands from the Spassky and Blagodarny quarries

Table 30. Main consumers of quartz glass sands of Agropromenergo LLC in 2003-2014, thousand tons

Table 31. Main consumers of quartz glass sands produced by OJSC Okskaya GPK in 2009-2012, thousand tons

Table 32. Main consumers of quartz glass sands produced by Lukyanovsky GOK LLC in 2015-2023, thousand tons

Table 33. Financial indicators of Lukyanovsky GOK LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles.

Table 34. Main Russian exporters of glass sand in 2018-2023, thousand tons

Table 35. Volumes of export supplies of glass sands from Russia by destination in 1999-2023, thousand tons

Table 36. Volumes of import supplies of glass sands to Russia by destination in 1999-2023, thousand tons

Table 37. Main Russian importers of glass sands in 2005-2023, thousand tons

Table 38. Supplies of glass sands produced in Belarus to Russian enterprises in 2005-2023, thousand tons

Table 39. Dynamics of imports of glass sands by Belarus in 2000-2023, thousand tons

Table 40. Dynamics of export-import of glass sands in Kazakhstan in 2004-2023, thousand tons

Table 41. Domestic Russian prices for glass sands in 2014-2024, rub./t

Table 42. Import prices for glass sands by brand and manufacturer in 2010-2022, $/t

Table 43. Balance of production and consumption of glass sands in Russia in 2000-2023, thousand tons, %

Table 44. Production of sheet and container glass in Russia in 2008-2023, million m2, million pieces, thousand tons

Table 45. Production of flat glass in Russia in 2003-2023, million m2

Table 46. Production of container glass in Russia in 2003-2023, million pieces.

Table 47. Volumes of glass sand consumption by the main Russian consumers in 2006-2023, thousand tons

Table 48. Suppliers of glass sand to Klin Glass Plant LLC in 2013-2023, thousand tons

Table 49. Suppliers of glass sand to Bor Glass Plant JSC in 2012-2023, thousand tons

Table 50. Enterprises supplying glass sand to JSC Salavatsteklo in 2012-2023, thousand tons

Table 51. Enterprises supplying glass sand to JSC Saratovstroysteklo in 2013-2023, thousand tons

Table 52. Suppliers of glass sand for enterprises included in the RSKh group of companies in 2006-2023, thousand tons

Table 53. Enterprises supplying glass sand to Larta Glass Rostov LLC in 2012-2023, thousand tons

Table 54. Suppliers of glass sand to JSC Glanit in 2013-2023, thousand tons

Table 55. Suppliers of glass sand to Sibsteklo LLC in 2012-2023, thousand tons

Table 56. Suppliers of glass sand for enterprises included in the group of companies LLC ChSZiK in 2013-2023, thousand tons

Table 57. Suppliers of glass sands to Glass Market JSC in 2011-2023, thousand tons

Table 58. Production of bottles and cans for canning in Belarus in 2005-2021, million units, thousand tons

Table 59. Forecast of the production index of other non-metallic mineral products, %

Figure 1. Structure of quartz sand reserves in the Russian Federation by district as of 01/01/2023, %

Figure 2. Technological diagram of dry enrichment of quartz sands

Figure 3. Technological scheme for the enrichment of quartz sands at Ramensky GOK OJSC

Figure 4. Dynamics of quartz glass production in Russia in 2000-2023, million tons

Figure 5. Dynamics of quartz glass production in Belarus in 2010-2023, thousand tons

Figure 6. Dynamics of production of quartz glass sands at Ramensky GOK OJSC in 2000-2023, thousand tons

Figure 7. Dynamics of production of quartz glass sands by Larta Minerals Nebolchi LLC/Sibelco Nebolchi LLC in 2000-2023, thousand tons

Figure 8. Dynamics of production of quartz glass sands by JSC “Kvarts” in 2000-2023, thousand tons

Figure 9. Dynamics of production of quartz glass sands by Tashlinsky GOK LLC in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 10. Dynamics of production of quartz glass sands at Muraevnya Mining and Processing Plant JSC in 2001-2023, thousand tons

Figure 11. Dynamics of production of quartz glass sands by Kvartswerke Ulyanovsk LLC in 2010-2023, thousand tons

Figure 12. Dynamics of production of quartz glass sands at Velikodvorsky Processing Plant LLC in 2016-2023, thousand tons

Figure 13. Dynamics of production of quartz glass sands by Agropromenergo LLC in 2003-2023, thousand tons

Figure 14. Dynamics of production of quartz glass sands by Lukyanovsky GOK LLC in 2008-2023, thousand tons

Figure 15. Dynamics of import and export of glass sands in Russia in 1999-2023, thousand tons

Figure 16. Dynamics of import and export of glass sands in Belarus in 2000-2023, thousand tons

Figure 17. Dynamics of glass sand imports to Kyrgyzstan in 2004-2023, thousand tons

Figure 18. Dynamics of export-import prices for glass sands in Russia in 2005-2023, $/t

Figure 19. Dynamics of production, import and “apparent” consumption of glass sands in Russia in 2000-2023, million tons

Figure 20. Industry structure of glass sand consumption in Russia in 2023, %

Figure 21. Dynamics of flat glass production in Russia in 2000-2023, million m2

Figure 22. Dynamics of glass production (million m2) and supplies of glass sand (thousand tons) to Klin Glass Plant LLC in 2005-2023.

Figure 23. Dynamics of glass production (million m2) and supplies of glass sand (thousand tons) to Bor Glass Plant JSC in 2001-2023, million m2, thousand tons

Figure 24. Dynamics of glass production (million m2) and supplies of glass sand (thousand tons) to Salavatsteklo JSC in 2001-2023.

Figure 25. Dynamics of glass production (million m2) and supplies of glass sand (thousand tons) to Saratovstroysteklo JSC in 2001-2023.

Figure 26. Dynamics of glass production at Larta Glass Ryazan LLC in 2008-2023, million m2

Figure 27. Dynamics of glass production (million m2) and consumption of glass sand (thousand tons) at Larta Glass Rostov LLC in 2012-2023.

Figure 28. Dynamics of production of glass container products by JSC Glanit in 2010-2023, million pieces.

Figure 29. Dynamics of production of glass container products by Sibsteklo LLC in 2006-2023, million pieces.

Figure 30. Dynamics of glass container production at Glass Market JSC in 2006-2023, million pieces.

Figure 31. Dynamics of glass production at Pilkington Glass LLC in 2006-2023, million m2

Figure 32. Dynamics of production, import and “apparent” consumption of glass sands in Belarus in 2005-2023, thousand tons

Figure 33. Dynamics of float glass production in Belarus in 2005-2023, million m2

Figure 34. Dynamics of production of container glass for the food industry in Belarus in 2005-2023, million pieces, thousand tons

Figure 35. Dynamics of production of container glass for the food industry in Kazakhstan in 2005-2023, million pieces.

Figure 36. Dynamics of flat glass production in Kyrgyzstan in 2003-2023, million m2

Figure 37. Forecast of glass sand consumption in Russia until 2030.


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