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In 2023, the INFOMINE Research Group company completed over 80 studies.
In general, the market for marketing research of industrial products during the year is characterized by sharp changes in customer activity; the INFOMINE marketing research activity index at the end of 2023 decreased by 7%.
Russian companies are customers of INFOMINE research; their share in 2023 was 100% (in 2022 – 84%).
In 2023, it should be noted that our company will carry out large-scale custom work:
- detailed study of the Russian additive technologies market;
- research of the Russian market of composite materials;
- detailed study of the Russian market of grinding balls;
- a set of studies of the markets for powders from a number of non-ferrous metals;
- research of the Russian market of master alloys for the production of aluminum alloys;
- study of the metallurgical silicon market in the world and the CIS.
Leading Russian companies were the customers for this work.
INFOMINE experts have proactively updated a number of studies that are “landmark” for us:
Review of the petroleum coke market (raw and calcined) in Russia, the CIS and the world (25th edition)
Review of the sulfur market (lumpy, liquid, granular) in Russia, the CIS and the world (19th edition)
Review of the caustic soda market (liquid and solid) in Russia (17th edition)
Review of the soda ash market in Russia, the CIS and the world (16th edition)
Market overview of technical salt (sodium chloride, halite) in Russia and the EAEU (CIS) (14th edition)
Review of the market of rare earth elements (metals) and their compounds in Russia (14th edition)
Review of the market for feldspathic raw materials in Russia and the EAEU (13th edition)
Review of the calcium chloride market in Russia and the CIS countries (12th edition)
Review of the sulfuric acid and oleum market in Russia, the CIS and the world (12th edition)
Review of the activated carbon market in Russia, the CIS and the world (11th edition)
Market overview of gypsum stone, gypsum and gypsum products in Russia (11th edition)
In 2023, our new clients included Russian companies:
LLC "RUK" (Raspadskaya Coal Company), LLC "Omsktekhuglerod", OJSC "KUMZ",
Sayanskkhimplast JSC, Ackermann Cement JSC, Sever Minerals JSC, El 6 LLC,
Oakside LLC, Trinity State Research Center JSC, Format-EK LLC, VNII Galurgy JSC, RusSilika LLC, Solar Systems LLC, Belgorkhimprom JSC, Inesco LLC, Uralchem Innovation LLC, LLC "Zinkum", LLC "Ugol-engineering", LLC "NPK "MorTransNiiProekt", LLC "Mining Element", LLC "IES Engineering and Consulting", etc.,
The company's main research topics in 2023 are chemical products (45%), metals (20%), high-tech materials and equipment (14%), non-metallic raw materials and construction materials (12%).
The share of new research topics was 13%.
New topics include:
Overview of the 3D concrete printing market for the construction industry in Russia and the world
Overview of the 3D printing market using biomaterials in Russia and the world
Overview of the melamine market in Russia, the EAEU countries and the world
Market overview of complex NPK and NK fertilizers in the Russian Federation, EAEU countries and the world
Review of the ammonium sulfonitrate (ASN) market in Russia and the EAEU countries
Overview of the African minerals and metals market
Overview of the lime ammonium nitrate (CAN) market in Russia, the EAEU countries and the world
In 2023, company experts published 5 articles in scientific publications.
The employees also made 9 presentations at conferences.