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Unsere Nachrichten
In 2024, the Infomine Research Group completed over 80 studies.
In general, the industrial marketing research market is characterized by sharp changes in customer activity during the year, however, the Infomine marketing research activity index increased by 29.8% by the end of 2024.
Russian companies are the main customers of Infomine research, their share in 2024 was 68% (in 2023 - 100%), the rest came from Kazakhstan.
In 2024, it is worth highlighting the large-scale custom work carried out by our company:
- a detailed study of the global and Russian market for aluminum semi-finished products;
- a comprehensive study of the markets for products made from coal from the Customer's deposit;
- a study of the Russian market for composite materials;
- a comprehensive study of the global and Russian markets for lithium carbonate;
- study of the world and Russian foundry coke market;
- development of the foundations of the rare metals industry development strategy of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
- detailed study of the Russian gypsum oil well cement market.
The customers of these works were leading Russian and Kazakhstani companies.
InfoMine experts have updated a number of studies on their own initiative that are “landmark” for us:
Overview of the petroleum coke market (green and calcined) in Russia, the EAEU and the world (26th edition)
Overview of the sulfur market (lump, liquid, granulated) in Russia, the CIS and the world (20th edition)
Overview of the caustic soda market (liquid and solid) in Russia (18th edition)
Overview of the technical salt market (sodium chloride, halite) in Russia, the EAEU and the world (15th edition)
Overview of the activated carbon market in Russia, the EAEU and the world (13th edition)
Overview of the sulfuric acid and oleum market in Russia, the EAEU and the world (13th edition)
Overview of the calcium chloride market in Russia and the CIS countries (13th edition)
Overview of the quartz glass sand market in Russia and the EAEU (10th edition)
Overview of the proppants (proppants) market in Russia and the world (10th edition) edition)
Overview of the Kaolin Market in the Russian Federation, the EAEU Countries and the World (10th Edition)
Overview of the Iron Ore Raw Materials Market (Iron Ore, Concentrate, Agglomerate, Pellets) in Russia and the World (10th Edition)
Overview of the Steel Grinding (Grinding) Market in Russia and the EAEU Countries (10th Edition)
Overview of the Iron Ore Raw Materials Market (Iron Ore, Concentrate, Agglomerate, Pellets) in Russia and the World (10th Edition)
In 2024, the following Russian companies were among our new clients:
PAO TMK, AO TAIF, AO MSZ, OOO Fryanovsky Ceramic Plant, AO SEZ PPT Alabuga, OOO Gazpromneft - Technological Partnerships, AO VNIISV, OOO Aerolife Plant, OOO PIUTS Sapphire, OOO Center for the Development of Hydroabrasive Technologies, KSC RAS, GBU Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), Rosatom MetalTech LLC, etc.
The company's main research topics in 2024 are chemical products (47%), metals (19%), non-metallic raw materials and building materials (16%), high-tech materials (8), energy (6%)
The share of new research topics was 15%.
Among the new topics, it is worth noting:
Overview of the unsaturated polyester and epoxy resins market in Russia
Overview of the monochloroacetic acid (MCA) and its sodium salt (Na-MCA) market in Russia and the world
Overview of the ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene (UHMWPE) market and products based on it in Russia and the world
Overview of the sodium-ion battery market in Russia and the world
Overview of the world market of coal for pulverized coal injection into blast furnaces (PCI) and Russia's position
Overview of the market of ligatures for aluminum alloys in the Russian Federation
Overview of the market of liquid complex fertilizers (LCF) in Russia and the EAEU
In 2024, the company's experts published 2 articles in scientific journals.
The employees also made 11 reports at conferences.