Nouvelles de la société
Articles of our staff
In the journal "Mineral resources of Russia. Economics and management” (No. 6, 2016) published an article by Director Igor Petrov "Modern tendencies of the world market of platinum group metals".
Articles of our staff
In the magazine "Glass. Glass Russia" (December 2016) published an article by an expert analyst Victoria Lymar’ "Production of soda ash in Russia and its use for the manufacture of glass".
Company news
INFOMINE Research Group Ltd. moved to the floor below in a more spacious and modern office is now at:
109028, Moscow, Pevcheskiy pereulok 4, building 4, Business Centre "Na Pevcheskom", 4th floor.
Company news
INFOMINE Research Group Ltd. became a collective member of the Association Industrial Marketers (
November 10 in the framework of the exhibition "Metal-Expo 2016" (Moscow) took place the first meeting of the Association Industrial Marketers.
Participation in the conferences
General Director Igor Petrov made a report on "Production and consumption of copper in Russia/CIS" on the 13-th international scientific-practical conference "Modern technologies in the field of production and processing of non-ferrous metals", held on 10 November, the JSC "Gintsvetmet" in the framework of the exhibition "Metal-Expo 2016".
Participation in the conference
General Director Igor Petrov made a report on "Сopper Production in Russia/CIS countries and questions of its raw materials" at the 5th all-Russian conference "Copper, brass, bronze: trends in production and consumption" held on 6 October in Moscow.
Participation in the conference
General Director Igor Petrov made a report on "Critical" minerals of Russia" at the International conference "Resource saving and environmental protection for the enrichment and processing of mineral raw materials" (Plachcinski reading – 2016) held on September 27-29, 2016 in St. Petersburg
Articles of our staff
In the magazine “Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and management" (№4, 2016) published an article by Director Igor Petrov, "Critical mineral raw materials of Russia"
Articles of our staff
The magazine “Rare earth” (№2 (7), 2016) published an article "Additive technology - state of the indicator" based on the report InfoMine Research Group "Market of metal powders for additive technologies of 3D-printers in Russia"
Articles of our staff
In the journal "Siberian Oil" (No. 132, July 2016) published an article "Side effect" with comments of the Director of markets of chemical and petrochemical products Olga Voloshina. Comments based on the materials of the report "Sulfur in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast".