Nouvelles de la société
Participation in the conference
Genetal director of INFOMINE Research Group Mr. Igor Petrov spoke on report "Review of development projects REM in the world" at the scientific-practical conference "Topical issues of making and using the REM" (organizer - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Institute" Gintsvetmet "), held October 21, 2014
Articles written by our staff
In the journal “Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and Management” (№4 / 2014) published an article by an expert analyst Marina Elsukova "The market of molybdenum in the world and Russia."
Participation in the conference
Head of the department of chemical products markets Ms. Olga Voloshina made the report "Market Overview of sulfur and sulfuric acid in the CIS" at the 5th International Scientific and Practical Conference "Sulphur and sulfuric acid - 2014" (Organizer - Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Institute" Gintsvetmet "), held on October 9, 2014
Articles written by our staff
In the journal "Exploration and protection of natural resources» (№9 / 2014) published an article by General Director of INFOMINE Mr.Igor Petrov "Review development projects of rare earth metals in the world."
Participation in the conference
Head of the Department of energy environment and equipment markets Elena Gusarova spoke on "Transportation of Russian non-ferrous metals in the Baltic and North Seas (aluminum, nickel, copper): the main cargo traffic" at the III International Conference "Freight and the ports of the Baltic basin" (organized by "Business Forum"), which was held on 22-23 September in Riga (Latvia).
Participation in the conference
General director of INFOMINE Prof. Igor Petrov spoke on "Overview commissioned gold deposits and Russia (1998-2013) and the technologies used" at the International Conference "Reagents for gold" (organizer - Creon Energy), held on September 8, 2014, at the Hotel Baltschug Kempinski (Moscow).
Participation in the conference
General director of INFOMINE Prof. Igor Petrov spoke on "Problems of national security of Russia in the field of non-ferrous raw materials, precious and rare metals" in the Mining Forum "Day of the Miner Gold Miner," which took place on August 28, 2014 in Moscow Technology University MISiS .
Company news
General director Igor Petrov gave an interview to the mining portal Russia.
Results of the company in the first half of 2014
In the first half of 2014 the company holds more than 40 studies.
Articles written by our staff
In the journal "Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and Management »(№ 2/2014) published an article by an expert analyst Mrs. Irina Tarasova "Talc Market in Russia."