Nouvelles de la société
Participation in the conference
General director of INFOMINE Prof. Igor Petrov spoke on "Problems of national security of Russia in the field of non-ferrous raw materials, precious and rare metals" in the Mining Forum "Day of the Miner Gold Miner," which took place on August 28, 2014 in Moscow Technology University MISiS .
Company news
General director Igor Petrov gave an interview to the mining portal Russia.
Results of the company in the first half of 2014
In the first half of 2014 the company holds more than 40 studies.
Articles written by our staff
In the journal "Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and Management »(№ 2/2014) published an article by an expert analyst Mrs. Irina Tarasova "Talc Market in Russia."
Company news
INFOMINE Research Group Ltd. finalized government project "Development Strategy of Russian Non-ferrous Metallurgy for 2014-2020 and up to 2030" The project is currently awaiting approval by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation.
Participation in the conference
General director on INFOMINE Igor Petrov made c report "Current status and prospects of rare earth and rare metals" at the conference "Metallurgy in securing defense contracts" (organizer - Rusmet company), which was held April 25, 2014 in Moscow.
Participation in the conference
General director on INFOMINE Igor Petrov made c report "Review and analysis of development projects in the world REM" at the conference "Improving the investment attractiveness of complex rare metal deposits with a view to preparing them for licensing" (organizer - IMGRE) held 24-25 April 2014 in Moscow.
Participation in the meeting
General director of INFOMINE Igor Petrov took part in a round table in the State Duma on "Legislative support rare industry, including rare earth metals", organized by the Committee on Natural Resources, Environment and Ecology.
Participation in the conference
General director of INFOMINE Mr. Igor Petrov spoke on "Main trends in production of non-ferrous metals and raw materials for their manufacture in Russia" at the conference "Flotation reagents 2014" (organizer - Creon company), which was held March 24, 2014 in Moscow.
Articles written by our staff
In the journal "Mineral Resources of Russia. Economics and Management »(№ 1/2014) published an article by an expert "INFOMINE" Irina Koloskova "Structure of production of manganese ore and the market in Russia."