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Liquid Complex Fertilizers (LCF) in Russia and EAEU: Production, Market and Forecast

Seitenzahl: 65 Anzahl der Tische: 31 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 12
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 30.01.2024
Form der Präsentation:

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel - the version with the source data

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the first edition of a market study of liquid complex fertilizers (LCF) in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union (EAEU).


The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for liquid complex fertilizers in Russia and the EAEU countries (which, in addition to the Russian Federation, include the Republic of Armenia, the Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Kyrgyz Republic).

The object of the study is liquid complex fertilizers, which are multicomponent (nitrogen-phosphorus and nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium) products, generally obtained on the basis of solutions of ammonium phosphates produced by neutralizing phosphoric acid with ammonia.

At the same time, the study does not consider single-component (i.e. containing only one macroelement), liquid organic and organomineral fertilizers (including extracts from peat, vermicompost fractions and other products of biological origin), as well as chelate microelement complexes (like products produced by JSC "Buysky Chemical Plant").

This work is a desk research. Data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan) were used as sources of information; UN international databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (until 2022); Unified information system in the field of procurement; railway transport statistics; VLSI databases; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers; industry and regional press, conference materials, Internet sites of manufacturing enterprises and consumers of the products under study; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; Infomine database, etc.

Chronological scope of the study: 2018-2023; forecast – 2024-2031

Geography of the study: countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, including the Russian Federation, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia.


The report consists of 6 parts, contains 65 pages, including 12 figures, 31 tables and 2 appendices.

The first chapter provides information about the technology used in the industry for the production of liquid complex fertilizers, the production capacity of this type of product in the EAEU countries, as well as the main types of raw materials for its production (ammonia and phosphoric acid).

The second chapter is devoted to the analysis of the production of liquid complex fertilizers. It presents the requirements for the quality of products, traces the dynamics of their production and provides data on production volumes in 2018-2023, describes the leading manufacturers of this type of product and their current status.

The third chapter analyzes foreign trade operations with liquid complex fertilizers in Russia and other EAEU countries in the period 2018-2023. Data on the volumes of exports and imports of the products under study are presented, the geographical structure of supplies is presented, and information on individual exporters and importers of housing and utility services is analyzed.

The fourth chapter provides information on the price level for liquid complex fertilizers on the domestic market of the Russian Federation, and also analyzes data on changes in export-import prices for this category of products in 2018-2023.

The fifth chapter is devoted to the consumption of liquid complex fertilizers in Russia. This section shows the balance of production and consumption of the product category under study, evaluates the geographical structure of its supplies to the domestic market of the Russian Federation, presents the main suppliers and describes the sales and distribution networks they have formed through which they sell fertilizers to domestic buyers.

The sixth and final chapter is devoted to the forecast of consumption of liquid complex fertilizers in the Russian Federation for the period until 2031.

The appendices provide contact information on manufacturers of liquid complex fertilizers in the EAEU countries, as well as the sales and distribution structures of Russian companies selling this type of product.


Target audience of the study:

– participants in the market for housing and communal services and other types of mineral fertilizers;

– potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing services and management decision-makers working in the mineral fertilizer market.





I. Technology for the production of liquid complex fertilizers and raw materials used in industry

I.1. Technology for the production of liquid complex fertilizers

I.2. Capacity for the production of liquid complex fertilizers

I.3. Main raw material suppliers


II. Production of liquid complex fertilizers in the EAEU in 2018-2023.

II.1. Product quality

II.2. Production of liquid complex fertilizers in the EAEU countries

II.2.1. Production of liquid complex fertilizers in the Russian Federation

II.2.2. Production of liquid complex fertilizers in the Republic of Belarus

II.3. Current status of manufacturers of liquid complex fertilizers

II.3.1. JSC "Apatit" (Cherepovets, Vologda region)

II.3.2. Branch "VMU" of Uralchem (Voskresensk, Moscow region)


III. Export and import of liquid complex fertilizers to the EAEU in 2018-2023.

III.1. Balance of export and import of liquid complex fertilizers of the Russian Federation

III.2. Balance of exports and imports of liquid complex fertilizers from the Russian Federation to other EAEU countries


IV. Review of prices for liquid complex fertilizers in Russia in 2018-2023.

IV.1. Domestic prices for liquid complex fertilizers in Russia

IV.2. Dynamics of export-import prices


V. Consumption of liquid complex fertilizers in Russia in 2018-2023.

V.1. Balance of consumption of liquid complex fertilizers in Russia

V.2. Structure of supplies of liquid complex fertilizers to the market of the Russian Federation

V.3. Sales and distribution system of Russian producers of mineral fertilizers producing housing and communal services

V.3.1. PhosAgro-Region LLC

V.3.2. LLC "Trading House "Uralchem"


VI. Forecast of consumption of liquid complex fertilizers in Russia for the period until 2031.


Appendix 1: Addresses and telephone numbers of manufacturers of liquid complex fertilizers in the EAEU countries

Appendix 2: Contact information of sales structures of manufacturers of liquid complex fertilizers operating on the Russian market

Table 1. Manufacturers of liquid complex fertilizers in Russia and Ukraine and their capacity, million tons/year

Table 2. Description of the technological process of industrial production of housing and communal services

Table 3. Capacities for the production of liquid complex fertilizers in the EAEU, thousand tons/year (P2O5)

Table 4. Main types of products used in the production of liquid complex fertilizers by Russian enterprises

Table 5. Ammonia production and availability of this type of raw material at Apatit JSC in 2018-2023, thousand tons

Table 6. Main suppliers of ammonia to Russian producers of liquid complex fertilizers in 2018-2023, thousand tons

Table 7. Type and volume of supplies of phosphate raw materials to OJSC Gomel Chemical Plant in 2022, thousand tons

Table 8. Basic physical and chemical characteristics of the ZHKU 11:37 grade, produced by JSC Apatit in accordance with TU 2186-627-00209438-2014

Table 9. Technical characteristics of NPK grades of liquid complex fertilizers produced by the VMU Branch of Uralchem

Table 10. Technical characteristics of the ZHKU 8:1(9) grade produced by the VMU Branch of Uralchem.

Table 11. Main characteristics and content of elements in the composition of liquid complex fertilizers produced by OJSC Gomel Chemical Plant in accordance with TU BY 400069905.032-2008

Table 12. Production of liquid complex fertilizers in Russia in 2018-2023, thousand tons

Table 13. Production of the main types of complex and complex fertilizers by Apatit JSC in 2018-2022, million tons

Table 14. Financial indicators of JSC Apatit in 2017-2021, billion rubles

Table 15. Production of sulfuric acid and main types of mineral fertilizers by the VMU branch of Uralchem in 2018-2022, million tons

Table 16. Financial indicators of the VMU Branch of Uralchem in 2016-2020, billion rubles

Table 17. Countries importing liquid complex fertilizers from the Russian Federation in 2018-2023, thousand tons

Table 18. Countries supplying liquid complex fertilizers to the Russian Federation in 2018-2022, tons

Table 19. Brands of liquid complex fertilizers supplied to the Russian Federation in 2018-2022, and their manufacturers, tons

Table 20. Balance of exports and imports of liquid complex fertilizers of the Russian Federation in 2018-2023, thousand tons

Table 21. Export of liquid complex fertilizers from the Russian Federation to the EAEU countries in 2020-2023, thousand tons

Table 22. Volumes and prices for the purchase of liquid complex fertilizers, formed based on the results of tender purchases in the Russian Federation in 2018-2023.

Table 23. Average annual export prices of liquid complex fertilizers of the Russian Federation by largest destination countries in 2018-2023, $/t

Table 24. Average export prices of Russian-made liquid complex fertilizers on separate sales bases in 2022-2023, $/t

Table 25. Average annual import prices of liquid complex fertilizers of the Russian Federation by largest producing countries in 2018-2022, $/t

Table 26. Average annual import prices of liquid complex fertilizers in the Russian Federation by largest manufacturing companies in 2018-2022, $/t

Table 27. Consumption of liquid complex fertilizers in Russia in 2018-2023, thousand tons

Table 28. Supplies of liquid complex fertilizers to the domestic market of the Russian Federation by manufacturer in 2018-2023, thousand tons

Table 29. Structure and geographical presence of PhosAgro-Region LLC divisions

Table 30. Geographical presence of official distributors of Uralchem Trading House LLC in the Russian Federation

Table 31. Forecast of consumption of housing and communal services in Russia for the period until 2031, thousand tons

Figure 1. Scheme of the technological process of industrial production of liquid complex fertilizers

Figure 2. Structure of distribution of capacities for the production of liquid complex fertilizers in the EAEU by manufacturers, %

Figure 3. Dynamics of production of liquid complex fertilizers in Russia in 2014-2023, thousand tons

Figure 4. Volume of production and sales of liquid complex fertilizers with chelated forms of microelements in Belarus in 2008-2017, tons

Figure 5. Geographical structure of supplies of liquid complex fertilizers produced by JSC Apatit in 2023, %

Figure 6. Dynamics of exports of liquid complex fertilizers of the Russian Federation in 2018-2023, thousand tons

Figure 7. Geographical structure of Russian exports of liquid complex fertilizers in 2023, %

Figure 8. Dynamics of average producer prices for liquid complex fertilizers sold on the domestic market of the Russian Federation in 2009-2017, rub/t (excluding VAT)

Figure 9. Dynamics of export prices for liquid complex fertilizers in the Russian Federation in 2018-2023, $/t

Figure 10. Dynamics of production of phosphate fertilizers in Russia in 2010-2022, million tons (P2O5)

Figure 11. Geographical structure of supplies of liquid complex fertilizers to the domestic market of the Russian Federation in 2023 by federal districts, %

Figure 12. Dynamics of projected consumption of housing and communal services in Russia in 2024-2031, thousand tons


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Verkaufsvertreter fur fertige Berichte


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