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Glass-Basalt-Plastic Pipes and Geogrids in Russia and the Far Eastern Federal District: Production, Market and Forecast
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This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat , Federal Customs Service of Russia, rail transport statistics of JSC " Russian Railways ", the Agency of the Republic of Kazakhstan on Statistics. Also used data from the sector and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, web-sites of the materials manufacturer of continuous basalt fiber composite tubes and nets. When working on a report conducted telephone interviews of market participants.
The report consists of three chapters, contains 183 pages, 31 Figures and 64 Tables .
The first chapter is devoted to the study of production on the basis of continuous basalt fiber.
This chapter describes the characteristics and advantages of continuous basalt fiber ( CBF ) compared with glass fiber . The data on the technology of composite pipes and geogrids , information about the main manufacturers of products based on basalt fiber , technical specifications and price of products.
Also in the first chapter analyzes the statistics on the volume of foreign trade operations with composite tubes and geogrids .
The analysis of regulations in the field of technical regulation of the production and use of pipes and geogrids made of composite materials.
The second chapter provides estimates of the potential sectors of consumption of products of continuous basalt fiber in the Far East , made on the basis of the analysis of data on key indicators of socio -economic development of the region and the ongoing federal and regional programs.
The third chapter presents the findings of the feasibility of the production of products based on basalt fiber in the Far Eastern Federal District .
1. Products based on continuous basalt fiber
1.1. Continuous basalt fiber core products based on it
1.2. Basalt glass tube
1.2.1 . Raw materials and production technology of composite pipes , types of pipe joints
1.2.2 Properties and applications , compared with pipes of other materials
1.2.3 . Major manufacturers quality characteristics of products
1.2.4 . Foreign trade with Russia fiberglass pipes (2004-2012 gg.)
1.2.5 . Existing regulations for composite pipe
1.3. Geogrids on the basis of glass and basalt fiber
1.3.1 . Raw materials and production technology of geogrids
1.3.2 . Applications geogrids
1.3.3 . Major manufacturers , technical specifications and price of products
1.3.4 . Foreign trade with Russia basalt glass geogrids period (2008-2012 ).
1.3.5 . Existing regulations on geogrid -based composite materials
2. Evaluation of potential consumption of products based on basalt fiber in the Far Eastern Federal District
2.1. The main socio- economic characteristics of the Far Eastern Federal District.
2.2. Key policy documents for the development of the Far Eastern Federal District
2.3 . Investment climate in the Republic of Sakha ( Yakutia)
2.4. Potential areas for the use of products based on basalt fiber , the potential customers
2.4.1 . Housing and communal services
2.4.2 . transport Complex
3 . The main findings of the study of the feasibility of production of products based on basalt fiber in the Far Eastern Federal District
Table 1. Comparative characteristics of the reinforcing fibers
Table 2. Comparative characteristics of filaments of glass and basalt fiber
Table 3. Major products based on basalt fiber and application
Table 4. Resulting stiffness of pipes in various systems of standardization
Table 5. Applications of composite pipes
Table 6. Economic aspects of the use of metal and glass , basalt pipes
Table 7. Comparative characteristics of tubes made of various materials
Table 8. The main characteristics of composite tubes Russian producers
Table 9. Applications products NPP " Fiberglass Pipe Plant "
Table 10. Specifications of tubing and casing production of "NPP " FTA "
Table 11. Specifications pipes PMTP
Table 12. Specifications of fiberglass pipes produced by " TST "
Table 13. Specifications GRP pipe production IG " Steklokompozit "
Table 14. Specifications and cost of fiberglass pipe manufactured by JSC " SAFIT " rub / rm . , Without VAT
Table 15. Specifications of pipes for utilities produced by " Feed -M"
Table 16. Ratings and cost of pipes for drainage , LLC "Flow -M"
Table 17. Ratings and cost of pipes for drinking cold water LLC "Flow -M"
Table 18. Ratings and cost of pipes for potable hot water LLC "Flow -M"
Table 19. Ratings and cost of pipes for heating systems OOO " Feed -M"
Table 20. Specifications of pipes, manufactured by LLC " NTT"
Table 21. Import volumes of GRP pipes in Russia by countries in 2004-2012, t
Table 22. The main suppliers of imported fiberglass pipes in 2007-2012 , t
Table 23. Delivery volumes ( t) and average prices for the products ( thousand $ / t) of the largest foreign supplier of fiberglass pipes to Russia in 2010-2012
Table 24. The main importers of GRP pipes in 2008-2012
Table 25. Regional pattern of import of composite pipes in 2008-2012 , t
Table 26. Export volumes of GRP pipes by Russian enterprises in 2007-2012 , t
Table 27. Export volumes of GRP pipes Russia by region in 2004-2012, t
Table 28. International standards for GRP pipes
Table 29. Classification of geosynthetics
Table 30. Technical characteristics of geosynthetics for the reinforcement of asphalt pavement layers
Table 31. Comparative characteristics of reinforcing geogrids of polyester yarn and fiber
Table 32. The volume of major products of " STEKLONiT " in 2009-2012 , t, thousand m n, thousand m2
Table 33. Specifications geogrids SSNP - Highway production of " STEKLONiT "
Table 34. Specifications geogrids Naftogaz GRUNTSET production of " STEKLONiT "
Table 35. Prices of geogrid production of " STEKLONiT " rub/m2 with VAT
Table 36. Specifications geogrids ARMDOR
Table 37. Specifications geogrids manufactured by " BauTex "
Table 38. Specifications geogrids manufactured by " Sudogda fiberglass "
Table 39. Prices of geogrids manufactured by " Sudogda fiberglass ," rub / rm . m, with VAT
Table 40. Specifications geogrids manufactured by " Rekstrom -K"
Table 41. Prices of basalt geogrids manufactured by " Rekstrom -K"
Table 42. Indicators of foreign trade of fiberglass geogrids , t, thousand $, $ / t
Table 43. Export volumes steklokompozitnyh geogrids by Russian enterprises in 2008-2012 , t
Table 44. Export volumes steklokompozitnyh geogrids from Russia to destinations in 2008 -2012 , t
Table 45. Import volumes steklokompozitnyh geogrids in Russia on the board in 2008-2012 , t
Table 46. For the import steklokompozitnyh geogrids in Russia in 2008-2012 , t
Table 47. The main socio- economic indicators of the Far Eastern Federal District
Table 48. Sectoral structure of gross value added of the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District ,%
Table 49. Security of the Republic of Sakha ( Yakutia), minerals
Table 50. The share of mineral resources of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in the mineral resource potential of Russia and the Far Eastern Federal District, %
Table 51. Gross regional product areas DFO 2010-2011 , bln .
Table 52. Indices of industrial production by economic activity in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2000-2011, in % to the previous year
Table 53. Volumes of mining Yakutia in 1990-2012
Table 54. The number of accidents on the sewer , water , heat and steam network entities of the Far Eastern Federal District in 2006-2012
Table 55. The length of heat and steam two-pipe networks in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District , km
Table 56. The length of heat and steam networks in two-pipe in need of replacement in the subjects of the Far Eastern Federal District , km ,% of the entire network
Table 57. Volumes replaced heat and steam in a two-pipe networks in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District in 2005-2012 , km
Table 58. The state of water supply and sewerage networks of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2006-2011 , km ,%
Table 59. The state of water supply and sewerage networks of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2008-2012 , km ,%
Table 60. The length of the sewer and water networks in the regions of the Far Eastern Federal District , km
Table 61. Length of Communications Yakutia km , end of year
Table 62. Indicators of different types of transport of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in 1990-2011
Table 63. The rail transport of metal pipes (m) and freight charge ( RR ) in the Far Eastern Federal District in 2012 t, mln.
Table 64. Average cost of delivery of metal pipes during transport by rail to the Far Eastern Federal District in 2012 , Ruble / t
Figure 1. Comparative characteristics of the tensile strength of basalt fiber and glass fibers , MPa
Figure 2 . Comparative characteristics of the modulus of elasticity of basalt fiber and glass fiber , hPa
Figure 3 . The approximate structure of continuous basalt fiber in Russia
Figure 4 . Structure pipe wall made by centrifugal casting
Figure 5 . Scheme - finger- socketed connection with double O-ring seal
Figure 6. Push-fit scheme - jointed with a double O-ring seal and stopper
Figure 7. The scheme flange
Figure 8. Bond scheme
Figure 9. Estimates of the volume of production of GRP pipes "SPE " FTA "in 2007-2012 , km
Figure 10 . Dynamics of production of glass tubes Ltd. TST "in 2007-2012 , km
Figure 11. Dynamics of production of glass tubes , LLC " TSS " in 2003-2012 , km
Figure 12. Dynamics of production of glass tubes , LLC " NTT" in 2008-2012 , km
Figure 13. Dynamics of production of composite pipes in 2006-2012 in the "Plant basalt pipes " , km
Figure 14. Dynamics of export- import operations in basalt glass pipes in 2004-2012, t
Figure 15. Dynamics of import of GRP pipes in Russia in kind ( thousand tons) and value terms ( $ million ) in 2004-2012
Figure 16. The structure of Russian imports of fiberglass pipe -producing countries in 2007-2012 ,%
Figure 17. Dynamics of average import prices of GRP pipes in 2004-2012, thousand $ / t
Figure 18. Dynamics of Russian export of fiberglass pipes in 2004-2012, t
Figure 19. The dynamics of foreign trade operations with fiberglass geogrids in Russia in 2008-2012 , t
Figure 20. Dynamics of export steklokompozitnyh geogrids in Russia in kind ( t ) and the monetary value ( $ million ) in 2008-2012
Figure 21. Dynamics of import of steklokompozitnyh geogrids in Russia in kind ( t ) and monetary value ( $ million ) in 2008-2012
Figure 22. The population of the Far Eastern Federal District , in thousands
Figure 23. The gross regional product of the federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2010-2011 , bln .
Figure 24. The dynamics of the gross regional product of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2005-2011 , bln . ,%
Figure 25. The index of industrial production of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia) in 2000-2011, in % to the previous year
Figure 26. Gross value added in Russia , the Far Eastern Federal District and the Republic of Sakha ( Yakutia) in 2010 ,%
Figure 27. The dynamics of oil production ( thousand tons) and natural gas (million m3 ) in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2000-2012
Figure 28. Dynamics of investments into the fixed capital of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in 2005-2012 , bln . ,%
Figure 29. The market capacity of composite pipes , depending on the % replacement of metal pipes of heating networks in the Far Eastern Federal District , km
Figure 30. The market capacity of composite pipes , depending on the % replacement of metal pipes of water supply systems in the Far Eastern Federal District , km
Figure 31. The market capacity of composite pipes , depending on the % replacement of metal sewer network in the Far Eastern Federal District , km