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Сorrugated Сardboard in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.
This report is the first edition of the research market of corrugated cardboard in Russia.
The purpose of research – market analysis corrugated cardboard.
The research object is corrugated cardboard.
This work is a Desk study. As information sources, we used data of Federal service of state statistics (Rosstat), statistics of rail transportation of the Russian Federation, Federal customs service of the Russian Federation; UN databases, databases "INFOMINE". Also, data of sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, Internet-sites of enterprises-manufacturers of corrugated cardboard, and telephone interviews with manufacturers of these products.
The chronological scope of the study: 2012-2015; forecast – up to 2020
Geography research: Russia – a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.
Volume of research: report consists of 7 sections, contains 76 pages, including 22 tables, 21 figures and Appendix.
The first Chapter is devoted to the production technology of corrugated cardboard.
In the second Chapter of the report presents the requirements to the quality of corrugated cardboard.
The third Chapter is devoted to analysis of production of corrugated cardboard in Russia. This Chapter presents data on volumes of production of corrugated cardboard in 2012-2015, the dynamics of its release. The regional structure of production of investigated product. Describes the current state of the main enterprise-producers of corrugated cardboard.
The fourth Chapter analyzes foreign trade operations of corrugated paperboard in Russia in 2012-2015 presents data on volumes of exports and imports of this product, estimates regional pattern of the supplies.
In the fifth Chapter of the report presents information about the level of prices on corrugated Board and original components for their production on the domestic Russian market in 2014-2015, as well as analyses data on dynamics of export-import prices on products in Russia in 2014-2015
The sixth Chapter is devoted to the domestic consumption of corrugated cardboard in Russia.
This page presents the balances of production-consumption, estimates regional and sectoral structure of consumption of corrugated cardboard in Russia, the main consumers of these products.
In the concluding seven Chapter of the report describes current tendencies of the market development of corrugated cardboard and contains a forecast of production in Russia for the period up to 2020
In the report's appendices present contact data of the leading manufacturers of corrugated cardboard.
Target audience research:
- participants of the market of corrugated cardboard – producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and for decision management solutions operating in the market.
I. Technology of production of corrugated cardboard
II. Quality parameters of corrugated cardboard
III. The corrugated cardboard production in Russia in 2012-2015
3.1. Volume and dynamics of production of corrugated cardboard in 2012-2015
3.2. Regional structure of production of corrugated cardboard in 2014-2015
3.3. Production of corrugated cardboard by major manufacturing enterprises in 2012-2015
3.4. Brief characteristics of the main producers of corrugated cardboard
3.4.1. ZAO "Public enterprise “Naberezhnye Chelny cardboard and paper mill. S. P. Titov"
3.4.2. SE "Perm pulp and paper company"
3.4.3. OJSC "Ilim Gofra"
3.4.4. JSC "Kamenskaya paper and cardboard factory" (Tver region.)
3.4.5. JSC "Arkhangelsk pulp and paper mill" (Arkhangelsk region).
3.4.6. OJSC "Arkhbum"
IV. Export-import of corrugated cardboard, the directions and tendencies of supplies of Russia in 2012-2015
4.1. The imports of corrugated paperboard in 2012-2015
4.1.1. Volume and dynamics of the imports of corrugated cardboard
4.1.2. Structure of Russian import of corrugated paperboard by country
4.1.3 Regional structure of Russian import of corrugated cardboard
4.2. The export of Russian corrugated cardboard in 2012-2015
4.2.1. Volume and dynamics of the Russian exports of corrugated cardboard
4.2.2. The structure of Russian exports of corrugated paperboard by country
4.2.3. Regional structure of Russian exports of corrugated cardboard
V. Prices on corrugated cardboard and original components
5.1. Review of domestic prices on corrugated cardboard in Russia in 2014-2015
5.2. Review of domestic prices for basic components (liner and fluting) in the 2014-2015
5.3. Review of export-import prices in Russia on corrugated cardboard in 2012-2015
VI. Consumption of corrugated cardboard in Russia in 2012-2015
6.1. The balance and structure of consumption of corrugated Board in 2012-2015
6.2. Regional structure of consumption of corrugated Board in 2014-2015
6.3. The main sectors of the consumption of corrugated paperboard in Russia
6.4. Consumption of corrugated cardboard in Russia by enterprises in 2014-2015
VII. Forecast of production of corrugated cardboard in Russia up to 2020
Appendix: Contact information on main company-producers of corrugated cardboard
Table 1. Classes and brand of corrugated cardboard
Table 2. Standard sizes of corrugations
Table 3. Requirements to the quality of corrugated cardboard types D, T, P (according to GOST R 52901 - 2007)
Table 4. Requirements to the quality of corrugated cardboard type C (according to GOST R 52901 - 2007)
Table 5. The corrugated cardboard production in Russia
Table 6. Financial performance ZAOr "NP NCH KBK them. After S. P. Titov" in 2012-2014, ths.
Table 7. The financial performance of cardboard SE "Perm pulp and paper company" in 2012-2014, mln.
Table 8. Financial results of JSC "Ilim Gofra" in 2012-2015, ths. RUB.
Table 9. Financial results of JSC "Kamenskaya paper and cardboard factory" in 2012-2015, ths. RUB.
Table 10. The financial performance of cardboard JSC "Arkhbum" in 2012-2014, mln.
Table 11. External trade of corrugated cardboard in Russia in 2012-2015, kt, mln m2
Table 12. Imports of corrugated paperboard in Russia in 2012-2015, ths.
Table 13. The main foreign senders and Russian recipients of imported corrugated cardboard in 2012-2015, t
Table 14. Russian exports of corrugated cardboard in the direction of the supply in 2012-2015, ths.
Table 15. The main Russian exporters of corrugated cardboard in 2012-2015*, kt
Table 16.Average producer prices of corrugated cardboard by Federal districts of the Russian Federation in 2014-2015, RUB./m2 (excluding VAT)
Table 17.Monthly dynamics of average prices of producers of containerboard uncoated cardboard (liner) by Federal districts of Russia in 2014-2015, thousand RUB/t (excluding VAT)
Table 18. Monthly dynamics of average prices of producers of paper for corrugation (fluting) by Federal districts of Russia in 2014-2015, thousand RUB/t (excluding VAT)
Table 19. Consumption of corrugated cardboard in Russia in 2012-2015, mln m2, %
Table 20.The production of corrugated packaging from corrugated cardboard by regions of Russia, including Russia's largest producers/consumers of corrugated cardboard in 2014-2015, mln m2
Table 21. The growth rate of the production of pulp and paper production in Russia in 2012-2015, % to the previous year
Table 22. The rate of growth of production in some industries in Russia in 2012-2015, % to the previous year
Figure 1. The corrugated cardboard production in Russia in 2010-2015, mln m2
Figure 2. The average structure of production of corrugated paperboard by types, %
Figure 3. Structure of production of corrugated cardboard by Federal districts of Russia in 2014-2015, %
Figure 4. Production volume of corrugated cardboard ZAOr "NP NCH KBK them. After S. P. Titov" in 2012-2015, mln m2
Figure 5. Production volume of corrugated cardboard GP Perm pulp and paper company" in 2012-2015, mln m2
Figure 6. Production volume of corrugated Board, OAO Ilim Gofra" in 2012-2015, mln m2
Figure 7. Production volume of corrugated cardboard JSC "Kamenskaya paper and cardboard factory" in 2012-2015, mln m2
Figure 8. The volume of corrugated cardboard production JSC "Arkhangelsk PPM" in 2012-2015, mln m2
Figure 9. Production volume of corrugated cardboard JSC "Arkhbum" in 2012-2015, mln m2
Figure 10. External trade of corrugated cardboard in Russia in 2012-2015, ths.
Figure 11. Dynamics of import supplies of corrugated cardboard in Russia in 2012-2015, thousand t, mln $
Figure 12. Geographical structure of Russian import of corrugated cardboard in 2012-2015, %
Figure 13. Dynamics of exports of corrugated cardboard from Russia in 2012-2015, thousand t, mln $
Figure 14. Average producer prices of corrugated paperboard in the domestic market in 2014-2015, RUB./m2 (excluding VAT)
Figure 15. Monthly dynamics of average prices of Russian producers on paperboard uncoated containerboard (liner) and fluting (fluting) in 2014-2015, thousand RUB/t (excluding VAT)
Figure 16. Russian dynamics of average annual export and import prices of corrugated cardboard in 2012-2015, $/t
Figure 17. Consumption of corrugated cardboard in Russia in 2012-2015.
Figure 18. Structure of the consumption of corrugated cardboard by Federal districts of Russia in 2014-2015, %
Figure 19. Sectoral structure of consumption of corrugated Board in Russia, %
Figure 20. Structure of the consumption of corrugated Board by end-uses in Russia, %
Figure 21. Forecast of consumption of corrugated Board in 2016-2020, mln m2