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Ball Clays for the Production of Building Ceramics in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (3rd edition)
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This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.
This report is the third edition of the market research of clay raw materials for the production of building ceramics in Russia.
The purpose of research - market analysis of refractory and refractory clays for production of building ceramics in Russia.
The objects of study are refractory, refractory clay, kaolin, building ceramics, ceramic tiles, sanitary ware.
This is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, Federal Customs Service of Russia, official statistics railage, sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, as well as web-sites of producers and consumers of clay for the production of building ceramics in Russia.
The chronological scope of the study: 2007-2013 .; Forecast - 2014-2020.
Geography studies: Russian Federation.
The report is composed of 8 Sections, contains 155 pages, including 71 table, 32 figures and 2 appendices.
In the first chapter of the report presents data on resources, required for the production of building ceramics, and their characteristics. The chapter shows the characteristics of existing quarries and explored deposits for the production of these products in Russia.
The second chapter describes the requirements for the quality of clay to be met by the ceramic industry.
The third chapter is devoted to production in Russia and kaolin clays for production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014. This section of the report presents statistical and estimated data on volumes of production, regional structure of production.
The fourth chapter describes the current state of the producers of refractory and refractory clays and kaolin in Russia. The data on the capacity and production volumes of raw clay, the largest consumers of enterprise financial data company.
The fifth chapter presents data on foreign trade in the clay raw material for the production of building ceramics in Russia for the period 2007-2013 1st half of 2014 and presents data on regional pattern of export-import supplies, main exporters and importers of these products, as well as the stamp of products supplied.
The sixth chapter presents information on the price of clay raw materials for the production of building ceramics in the Russian domestic market, and analyzes data on dynamics of export-import prices on the products in Russia in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014.
The seventh chapter is devoted to consumption of refractories and refractory clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia. In this chapter the supply-demand balance of the product. The chapter examines the regional pattern of consumption of clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia. Also in chapter provides the current status of the main branches of consumption products in Russia. Among other things, this chapter provides the main consumers of clay raw materials in Russia and the current status of the largest of them.
The eighth chapter is devoted to the prospects and forecast of the market development of clay raw materials for the production of building ceramics in Russia.
The Appendix contains the address and contact information on producers refractory and refractory clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia. Also in the appendix is the full text of GOST 9169-75.
The target audience of the study:
- Building ceramics market participants - producers, consumers, traders;
- Potential investors.
This research claims to be the reference for marketing services and for decision management solutions, working in the market of the product.
1. Reserves and deposits of clay raw materials for the production of building ceramics in Russia
1.1. Reserves and deposits of kaolin
1.2. Reserves and deposits of refractory clays
1.3. Reserves and deposits of refractory clays
1.4. Description of the main deposits of clay raw materials in Russia
2. Requirements for the quality of clay for the production of building ceramics in Russia
3. Mining and production of clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014
4. Current standing of producers of clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics
4.1. Clay
4.1.1. CJSC "NP" Chelyabinsk Mining Group "(Chelyabinsk region)
4.1.2. JSC "Vladimirovskaya quarry refractory clays" (Rostov region).
4.1.3. CJSC "Miloslavskoe universal enterprise" (Ryazan region).
4.1.4. Ltd. "Euro-Ceramics" (Pskov region).
4.1.5. OJSC "The Voronezh Mining Group '
4.1.6. LLC "Core-Ceramics" (Lipetsk region).
4.1.7. CJSC "Lukoshkinsky careers" (Lipetsk region).
4.1.8. JSC "Novoorsky ceramics" (Orenburg region).
4.1.9. JSC "Ural Steel" (Orenburg region).
4.1.10. Ltd. "Buskul" (Chelyabinsk region).
4.2. Kaolin
4.2.1. JSC "Novokaolinovy GOK" (Chelyabinsk region).
4.2.2. CJSC "Plast-Riphean" (Chelyabinsk region).
4.2.3. Ltd. "Keramos" (Orenburg region).
4.2.4. JSC "Xanth" (Chelyabinsk region).
4.2.5. "Plant of ceramic products" (Sverdlovsk region).
5. The analysis of foreign trade operations with refractory clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014
5.1. Import
5.2. Export
6. Review of prices on clay and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia
6.1. Review of domestic prices
6.2. Analysis of export-import prices on fireproof clay and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013 and H1 20141
7. Domestic consumption of clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia
7.1. Supply-demand balance of clay and kaolin for production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014
7.2. Current standing of the main consumption in Russia in 2007-2013. and the 1st half of 2014
Manufacture of ceramic tiles
Production of sanitary ceramic products
7.3. Key consumers of clay raw materials for the production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013. and the 1st half of 2014
7.4. The main producers of building ceramics in Russia
7.4.1. JSC "Strojjfarfor" (Rostov region).
7.4.2. Ltd. "Estima Ceramics" (Moscow)
7.4.3. JSC "KM GROUP" (Orel)
7.4.4. JSC "Volgograd Ceramic Factory"
7.4.5. PKF "Voronezh Ceramic Factory" (Voronezh region).
7.4.6. «Samara Stroyfarfor" (Samara region).
7.4.7. "Kirov ceramics" (Kaluga region).
7.4.8. Ltd. "OSMiBT" (Belgorod region).
8 Forecast of production and consumption of clay for the production of building ceramics in Russia up to 2020.
Appendix 1: GOST 9169-75 Raw material of clay for ceramic industry
Appendix 2: Contact information on the largest Russian manufacturers
Table 1: The main deposits of kaolin in Russia and their stocks
Table 2: The main deposits of refractory clays in Russia and their reserves
Table 3: The main deposits of refractory clays in Russia and their stocks
Table 4: Regulated fire-proof clay raw materials for the ceramics industry
Table 5: Regulated by Al2O3 content of raw clay for ceramic industry
Table 6: Regulated content colorants clay raw materials in the calcined state for the ceramics industry
Table 7: Regulated by the clay mineral composition of raw materials for the ceramics industry
Table 8: Capacity and production of clay raw materials by Russian enterprises for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 9: Properties of clays mined JSC "NP" Chelyabinsk Rudoupravlenie "
Table 10: Russian consumers clay JSC "NP" Chelyabinsk Mining Group "for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 11: Financial performance of Ltd. "NP" Chelyabinsk Mining Group "in 2007-2011, mln. Rub.
Table 12: Russian consumers clays of "Vladimirovskaya quarry refractory clays" for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013. and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 13: Financial results of JSC «Vladimirovskaya quarry refractory clays" in 2007-2013, mln. Rub.
Table 14: Physical and chemical properties of clays JSC "Miloslavskoe universal enterprise"
Table 15: Russian consumers clay JSC "Miloslavskoe universal enterprise" for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 16: Financial performance of ZAO "Miloslavskoe universal enterprise" in 2007-2011, mln. Rub.
Table 17: Indicators of quality clay Pechora deposits mined Ltd. "Euro-Ceramic"
Table 18: Supplies of Russian and imported raw clay LLC "Euro-Ceramics" in 2007-2013., kt
Table 19: Basic properties of refractory clays mined JSC "Voronezh Mining Group"
Table 20: Russian consumers fireclay JSC "Voronezh Mining Group" for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 21: Financial results of JSC "Voronezh Mining Group" in 2007-2013, mln. Rub.
Table 22: Russian consumers clays, LLC "Core-Ceramics" for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 23: Financial performance of LLC "Core-Ceramics" in 2007-2013, mln. Rub.
Table 24: Russian consumers clay JSC "Lukoshkinsky careers" for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 25: Financial performance of JSC "Lukoshkinsky quarry" in 2007-2012, mln. Rub.
Table 26: Specifications of fireclay "Novoorsky ceramics"
Table 27: Russian consumers clays of "Novoorsky ceramics" for the production of building ceramics in 2009-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 28: Financial results of JSC «Novoorsky ceramics" in 2012-2013, mln. Rub.
Table 29: Physical and chemical properties of refractory clays JSC "Ural Steel"
Table 30: Financial results of JSC "Ural Steel" in 2007-2013, bln. Rub.
Table 31: Financial performance of LLC "Buskul" in 2007-2012, mln. Rub.
Table 32: The range of products of JSC "Novokaolinovy GOK"
Table 33: Specifications of kaolin of various brands of "Novokaolinovy GOK"
Table 34: Physical and chemical properties of kaolin "Novokaolinovy GOK"
Table 35: Russian consumers of kaolin of "Novokaolinovy GOK» for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 36: Financial results of JSC «Novokaolinovy GOK» in 2007-2013, mln. Rub.
Table 37: Technical quality enriched kaolin JSC "Plast-Riphean" for ceramic products
Table 38: Russian consumers of kaolin of JSC "Plast-Riphean" for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 39: Financial results of JSC «Plast-Riphean" in 2007-2012, mln. Rub.
Table 40: Russian consumers of kaolin, LLC "Keramos" for the production of building ceramics in 2009-2014, kt
Table 41: Financial performance of OOO "Keramos" in 2007-2012, mln. Rub.
Table 42: Specifications of kaolin production of "Xanth"
Table 43: Foreign suppliers of raw clay in "Xanth" for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013, kt
Table 44: Russian consumers of kaolin of "Xanth" for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013, kt
Table 45: Financial results of JSC "Xanth" in 2007-2013, mln. Rub.
Table 46: Supply of imported raw materials in Russia and JSC "Ceramics Plant" in 2007-2013, kt
Table 47: Financial results of JSC "Ceramics Plant" in 2007-2013, mln. Rub.
Table 48: Import volumes of refractory clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in bulk and in money terms in 2007-2013. and the 1st half of 2014 kt, mln $, $ / t
Table 49: Fields of the imports of clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 50: Biggest suppliers of imported refractory clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 51: Volume of the imports of refractory clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics by brands and suppliers in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, $ / t
Table 52: Volumes and directions of supplies of imported refractory clays and kaolin Russian consumers for the production of building ceramics in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 53: Prices of imported refractory clays and kaolin in Russia in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014 (by country), $ / t
Table 54: Prices of imported kaolin and fireclay by brands and suppliers in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, $ / t
Table 55: Supply-demand balance of refractory and refractory clays for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014 kt,%
Table 56: Supply-demand balance of kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014 thousand. t,%
Table 57: Production of tiles by Federal Districts of Russia in 2007-1hy 2014, ths. M2
Table 58: Production of the floor tiles in the federal districts of Russia in 2007-1hy 2014, ths. M2
Table 59: Production of facade tiles by Federal Districts of Russia in 2007-1hy2014, ths. M2
Table 60: Production of sanitary ceramic products by Federal Districts of Russia in 2007-1hy 2014, th. Pcs.
Table 61: The main consumers of imported raw clay for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013. and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 62: Key consumers of domestic clay raw materials for the production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 63: Scope of supply of raw clay in "Strojjfarfor" in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 64: Shipments of clay raw materials in LLC "Estima Pottery" in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 65: Shipments of clay raw materials in «Samara association ceramics" in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 66: Scope of supply of raw clay in "CM Group" in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 67: Scope of supply of raw clay in "Volgograd Ceramic Factory" in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 68: Scope of supply of raw clay in the PCF "Voronezh Ceramic Factory" in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 69: Shipments of clay raw materials in «Samara Stroyfarfor" in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Table 70: Shipments of clay raw materials in the "Kirov ceramics" in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, th. tons
Table 71: Shipments of clay raw materials in OOO "OSMiBT" in 2007-2013 and the 1st half of 2014, kt
Figure 1: Structure of the reserves of kaolin in Russia by Federal Districts as of 01.01.2013,%
Figure 2: Structure of refractory clay reserves in Russia by Federal Districts as of 01.01.2013,%
Figure 3: Structure of refractory clay reserves in Russia by Federal Districts as of 01.01.2012,%
Figure 4: Regional structure of production of refractory and refractory clays for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2013,%
Figure 5: Regional structure of kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2013,%
Figure 6: Dynamics of production of clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 7: Share of clays and kaolin in the total production of clay raw materials for the production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013.%
Figure 8: Dynamics of mining of clay JSC "NP" Chelyabinsk Mining Group "in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 9: Dynamics of mining of clay "Voronezh Mining Group" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 10: Dynamics of mining of clay JSC "Miloslavskoe universal enterprise" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 11: Dynamics of mining of clay, LLC "Euro Ceramics" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 12: Dynamics of production of clay "Voronezh Mining Group" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 13: Dynamics of mining of clay, LLC "Core-Ceramics" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 14: Dynamics of production of refractory clays JSC "Lukoshkinsky quarry" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 15: Dynamics of production of clay "Novoorsky ceramics" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 16: Dynamics of mining of clay "Ural Steel" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 17: Dynamics of mining of clay, LLC "Buskul" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 18: Dynamics of production of enriched kaolin "Novokaolinovy GOK» in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 19: Dynamics of production of enriched kaolin JSC "Plast-Riphean" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 20: Production of secondary kaolin, LLC "Keramos" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 21: Dynamics of production of kaolin "Xanth" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 22: Production of kaolin of "Ceramics Plant" in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 23: Dynamics of imports of refractory clays and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in bulk and in money terms in 2007-2013., kt, million $
Figure 24: Dynamics of average import prices on fireproof clay and kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013., $ / T
Figure 25: Production, import and "apparent" consumption of refractories and refractory clays for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 26: Production, import and "apparent" consumption of kaolin for production of building ceramics in Russia in 2007-2013., kt
Figure 27: Dynamics of production of ceramic tiles in Russia in 2007-2013, mln. M2
Figure 28: Structure of tile-making by federal districts of Russia in 2013,%
Figure 29: Structure of production of floor tiles by federal districts of Russia in 2013,%
Figure 30: Structure of production of facade tiles by Federal Districts of Russia in 2013,%
Figure 31: Dynamics of production of sanitary ceramic products in Russia in 2007-2013, mln. Pcs.
Figure 32: Structure of production of sanitary ceramic products by Federal Districts of Russia in 2013,%