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Abteilung für Energiewirtschafts-, Ausrüstungs- und Öko-Märkte
Kopf: Elena Gusarova
Die Abteilung für Energiewirtschafts-, Ausrüstungs- und Öko-Märkte wurde 2006 gegründet. Die Abteilungsleiterin ist Frau Jelena Gusarowa
Hauptforschungen der Abteilung
Thermal Coal in Russiaand and the EAEU: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition) | 12/2023 | 2000 Euro |
Carbide Metalworking Tools in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition) | 09/2023 | 2000 Euro |
Gondola Cars in Russia and CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (3 edition) | 02/2022 | 2000 Euro |
Springs for Freight Car Trucks in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition) | 02/2019 | 2000 Euro |
Coal in Russia: Market, Pricing, Transportation and Forecast | 01/2019 | 2000 Euro |
Secondary Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast | 09/2015 | 2000 Euro |
Dumpers Articulated Frame in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast | 07/2014 | 2000 Euro |
Coal in the Ukraine: Production, Market and Forecast | 04/2014 | 2000 Euro |
Railroad Car Tanks in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition) | 03/2014 | 2000 Euro |