Marktforschungen für mineralische Rohstoffe, Metalle und chemische Produkte

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Unsere Nachrichten

28 December 2024
In 2024, the Infomine Research Group completed over 80 studies.
13 December 2024
Company news
On December 12, Olga Voloshina, Head of the Chemical and Petrochemical Products Markets Department, took part in the XIX International Conference "Sulfur and Sulfuric Acid 2024", organized by CREON Conference, where she gave a report "Overview of the Russian Sulfuric Acid Market".
06 December 2024
Company news
On December 5, the company's CEO Igor Petrov gave a presentation on "Russia's export potential in the field of non-ferrous and rare metals and issues of limiting supplies to the external market" at the Mining Industry 2024 Forum (organized by Creon Energy).
29 November 2024
Company news
On November 29, Olga Voloshina, Head of the Chemical and Petrochemical Products Markets Department, took part in the VII Industry Conference “Water Treatment and Purification 2024”, organized by CREON Energy, where she persented a report “Overview of the Russian Market of Inorganic Coagulants”.
22 November 2024
Company news
Director Igor Petrov took part in the 3rd international forum "Non-ferrous metals of Russia and the CIS: mining, construction and modernization of enterprises" (November 19-20, 2024, Moscow), organized by Vostock Capital.
Mehr Nachrichten


The company's results in 2016

30 December 2016

In 2016 the company "Research group "INFOMINE" performed over 60 studies.

A feature of the last period was a small increase in contract research investment character appeared in the second half of the year. In General, for the market marketing research of industrial products is still characterized by instability.

Russian companies are the main customers of our research, their share in 2016 increased to about 78%.

In 2015 the number of our new clients included the Russian companies:

JSC Rosneftegaz, JSC "Russian venture company", JSC "development Corporation of North Caucasus", JSC "Ivanovo polyester complex", JSC "Ekaterinburg factory OTSM", JSC "Volzhsky abrasive plant", OOO "Persol", JSC "Novosibirsk plant of artificial fiber", JSC "Bratsk plant of metal constructions", LLC "Karjala pulp" LLC "Institut Gipronikel'", OOO "Antaraya", LLC "Samara Stroyfarfor", JSC Mining Company "Chrome" OOO "Sintez-PKG", Agronova, etc.

as well as a number of CIS companies:

OOO "Scientific Ukraine" (Ukraine), LLC "KAZ minerals Bozymchak" (Kyrgyzstan), LLP "SKZ-U" (Kazakhstan), Talco Management (Tajikistan).


The main research topics of the company in 2016 - chemical products (34%), metals (28%), non-metallic raw materials and building materials (18%) and equipment (12%).

You should allocate the 2 large-scale custom work:

- the markets of procurement in the pulp and paper industry;

- the markets for large enterprises of nonferrous metallurgy of the Russian Federation.

It was also performed several works investment issues for banks in Russia and Kazakhstan. Significant progress has been made related to forecasting production and consumption of major nonferrous metals in Russia.


By order of companies in Russia and CIS was running the study:

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) from the textile industry (polyester fibres and yarns) and of raw materials for its production in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast

Salt (sodium chloride) technical in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (9th edition)

Salt (sodium chloride) in the world: Production, Market and Forecast

Yellow phosphorus market in Russia and CIS: Production, Market and Forecast

Thermal phosphoric acid in Russia and the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast

Fractionated quartz sand in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (2nd edition)

Equipment for gravity separation of thin classes of mineral raw materials in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

Lignosulfonates in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

Potassium sulfate in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3rd edition)


A new direction of research was custom work associated with the study of the China market:

Overview of the markets of ferromanganese and metal manganese in China

Market overview iron ore concentrates in the people's Republic of China


Also, experts of "INFOMINE", the updated number of studies, which are "iconic":

Market review of petroleum coke (green and calcined) in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (19 edition)

Sulphur market in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (13th edition)

Rare earth elements (metals) in the CIS and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (10 edition)

Fluorite (fluorspar) in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (8th edition)

Diatomite in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (7 edition)

Steel grinding (grinding) balls and equipment for their production in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (6th edition)

Railway wheels market in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (6th edition)

Iron ore raw materials (iron ore concentrate, sinter, pellets) in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (6th edition)

Continuous basalt fiber, reinforcing articles and materials on its basis in the CIS: Production, Market and Forecast (4th edition)

Catalysts for oil refining in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (3rd edition)


In 2016, the company's experts published 6 articles in scientific and popular scientific publications. Also the employees have made 6 presentations at various conferences, seminars and meetings.


The company has received 20 positive reviews and letters of recommendation from various organizations.


Bald erscheinen

February 2025

Aniline in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (3 Edition)

February 2025

Organosilicon compounds in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast

February 2025

Niobium and niobium products in Russia, EAEU countries and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (9 edition)

February 2025

Sputtering Metal Targets in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

February 2025

Titanium Raw Materials in Russia, the EAEU and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (5 edition)

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