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Refining catalysts in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (6 edition)

Seitenzahl: 182 Anzahl der Tische: 65 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 35
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 15.11.2023
Form der Präsentation:

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 3 500 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment. 


This report is the sixth edition of a complete study of the oil refining catalysts market in Russia.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian market of oil refining catalysts.

The object of research is catalysts for catalytic cracking processes and hydroprocesses (hydrotreating, hydrodesulfurization, hydrocracking, hydrodewaxing, reforming, isomerization).

The work is a desk research. Data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), railway transportation statistics, customs statistics, and the Infomine database were used as information sources. Materials from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, Internet sites of catalyst manufacturers and consumers, as well as scientific and technical literature were also involved.

Chronological scope of the study: 2006-2022; 2023 – estimate, forecast – 2024-2030.

Geography of research: Russian Federation.


This review is the most complete among those presented on the information market on this topic, and claims to be a reference manual that replaces the data of the FSGS of the Russian Federation, because Due to changes in the nomenclature of statistical reporting, the data of the FSGS of the Russian Federation contain incomplete information on the production of catalysts. Using this data without additional thorough analysis can lead to erroneous management decisions by marketing services and specialists working in the oil refining catalysts market.

A distinctive feature of this study is that it provides a detailed analysis of the oil refining catalysts market, which allows us to avoid mistakes made by the authors of similar studies conducted by other companies.

The second distinctive feature of this work is the breadth of the time frame - a detailed analysis of production and foreign economic transactions with oil refining catalysts was carried out in the period 2006-2023.


Scope of the study: the report consists of 7 parts, contains 182 pages, including 65 tables, 35 figures and 10 appendices.

The first chapter of the report is devoted to describing the classification of oil refining catalysts and identifying the main areas of use of catalytic processes in oil refining.

The second chapter provides a detailed range of oil refining catalysts produced in Russia and their brief characteristics. A review of the main raw materials necessary for the production of oil refining catalysts was carried out.

The third chapter is devoted to the production of oil refining catalysts in Russia. Statistical and estimated data on the production volumes of these catalysts in Russia in 2006-2023 are given, and the structure of catalyst production by type is identified. An overview of Russian enterprises producing oil refining catalysts, as well as organizations involved in the development and implementation of these catalysts, is given.

The fourth chapter is devoted to the analysis of Russia's foreign trade operations with oil refining catalysts in 2006-2023. In addition, a description is given of the main foreign companies supplying these catalysts to the Russian market.

The fifth chapter provides information on the level of export-import prices for oil refining catalysts of various types in 2006-2023. (cracking, hydrotreating, hydrocracking, reforming and isomerization).

The sixth chapter of the report examines the consumption of oil refining catalysts in Russia. This section shows the balance of production and consumption of these products in 2006-2023, the structure of consumption by type. Also given is a description of the Russian oil refining industry and an overview of the use of oil refining catalysts in various processes.

The seventh chapter provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market of oil refining catalysts for the period until 2030.

The appendices provide a list of operating and projected cracking, hydrotreating, hydrocracking, reforming, isomerization, hydrodewaxing, and xylene plants in Russia.

Addresses and contact information of enterprises producing and consuming oil refining catalysts are also given.


Target audience of the study:

- participants in the oil refining catalysts market – manufacturers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the petroleum products market.





1. Classification of catalysts and main directions of use of catalytic processes in oil refining


2. Range of oil refining catalysts produced in Russia and raw materials for their production


3. Production of oil refining catalysts in the Russian Federation in 2006-2023.

3.1. Capacities for the production of oil refining catalysts

3.2. Dynamics and structure of production of oil refining catalysts

3.3. Current status of the main Russian manufacturers of oil refining catalysts

JSC "Gazpromneft-Omsk Oil Refinery" (Omsk)

LLC "Salavat Catalyst Plant" (Republic of Bashkortostan)

Company "KNT Group" (Republic of Bashkortostan)

LLC "Ishimbay Specialized Chemical Plant of Catalysts" (ISHZK)

Sterlitamak Catalyst Plant LLC, RN-Cat LLC

JSC "Angarsk Plant of Catalysts and Organic Synthesis" - AZKiOS (Irkutsk region)

JSC "Industrial Catalysts" (Ryazan region)

Other enterprises

3.4. The main scientific and scientific-production organizations in Russia engaged in the development of oil refining catalysts

Institute of Catalysis named after. G.K. Boreskov SB RAS (Novosibirsk)

LLC "NPP "Neftekhim" (Krasnodar)

LLC NPF "OLKAT" (St. Petersburg)



4. Foreign trade operations with oil refining catalysts in Russia in 2006-2023.

4.1. Volume of exports and imports in physical and monetary terms

4.2. Directions and structure of export-import supplies

4.2.1. Export

4.2.2. Import

4.3. Main foreign companies supplying oil refining catalysts to Russia

HAIHUA Industry Group

Haldor Topsoe

Grace, Chevron, A.R.T.

BASF Catalysts



Albemarle Catalysts Company



5. Review of Russian export-import prices of oil refining catalysts in 2006-2023.


6. Consumption of oil refining catalysts in Russia in 2006-2023.

6.1. Balance of consumption of oil refining catalysts

6.2. Characteristics and overview of the situation in the oil refining industry of the Russian Federation

6.3 Use of catalysts in main oil refining processes at Russian refineries

Catalytic cracking

Hydroprocesses (hydrotreating, hydrocracking, hydrodewaxing)

Reforming, isomerization, production of aromatic hydrocarbons


7. Forecast of production and consumption of oil refining catalysts until 2030.


Appendix 1. Catalytic cracking units at Russian oil refineries

Appendix 2. Hydrotreating units at Russian oil refineries

Appendix 3. Hydrocracking units at Russian oil refineries

Appendix 4. Installations for dewaxing of petroleum products at oil refineries in Russia

Appendix 5. Reforming units at Russian oil refineries

Appendix 6. Isomerization units at Russian oil refineries

Appendix 7. Installations for the production of xylenes at oil refineries in Russia

Appendix 8. Contact information of manufacturers of oil refining catalysts in Russia

Appendix 9. Contact information of foreign manufacturers of oil refining catalysts

Appendix 10. Contact information of the main consumer enterprises of oil refining catalysts in Russia


Table 1: Main directions of use of catalytic processes in oil refining

Table 2: Composition of technical xylene obtained by various methods, % by weight

Table 3: Nomenclature and characteristics of the main oil refining catalysts produced in the Russian Federation

Table 4: Main types of raw materials and suppliers for the production of oil refining catalysts

Table 5: Railway supplies of aluminum raw materials to catalyst enterprises in Russia in 2011-2022, tons

Table 6: Capacity for the production of catalyst products for the oil refining industry in Russia (at the beginning of 2023)

Table 7: Main Russian manufacturers of oil refining catalysts

Table 8: Production of oil refining catalysts at Russian enterprises in 2009-2023, thousand tons

Table 9: Financial indicators of SKatZ LLC in 2013-2022, million rubles.

Table 10: Technical characteristics of the OCTIFINE catalyst produced by ISHZK

Table 11: Technical characteristics of the ADAMANT microspherical catalyst produced by ISHZK

Table 12: Financial indicators of ISHZK LLC in 2013-2022, million rubles.

Table 13: Financial indicators of SZK LLC in 2013-2022, million rubles.

Table 14: Range of hydrotreating and hydrocracking catalysts produced by JSC "AZKiOS"

Table 15: Range of reforming and isomerization catalysts produced by JSC "AZKiOS"

Table 16: Main financial and economic indicators of JSC "AZKiOS" in 2013-2020, million rubles.

Table 17: Russian installations operating on catalysts produced by Industrial Catalysts CJSC

Table 18: Main financial indicators of Industrial Catalysts JSC in 2013-2020, million rubles

Table 19: Main financial indicators of NZK LLC in 2013-2021, million rubles.

Table 20: Financial indicators of For-Alumina LLC in 2013-2022, million rubles.

Table 21: Oil refining catalysts developed by Nizhny Novgorod Sorbents JSC

Table 22: Main domestic developers of oil refining catalysts

Table 23: Introduction of Isomalk-2 technology and supply of SI-2 isomerization catalysts at Russian refineries

Table 24: Main characteristics of reforming catalysts of NPP Neftekhim LLC

Table 25: Financial indicators of NPP Neftekhim LLC and Nizhny Novgorod Catalysts LLC in 2013-2022, million rubles.

Table 26: Main financial and economic indicators of LLC NPF "OLKAT" in 2013-2020, million rubles.

Table 27: Foreign trade of oil refining catalysts in the Russian Federation in 2016-2023, tons, thousand $

Table 28: Main countries and companies receiving Russian oil refining catalysts in 2009-2023, tons

Table 29: Supplies of oil refining catalysts from Russia by type in 2009-2023, tons

Table 30: Russian companies supplying oil refining catalysts in 2009-2023, tons

Table 31: Directions for supplies of imported oil refining catalysts to Russia in 2009-2023, tons

Table 32: Supplies of imported oil refining catalysts to Russia by type in 2009-2023, tons

Table 33: Main Russian recipients of imported oil refining catalysts in 2012-2023, tons

Table 34: Main foreign manufacturers of oil refining catalysts supplying them to Russia in 2014-2023, tons

Table 35: Distribution of supplies of main types of oil refining catalysts to Russia by supplier companies in 2014-2023, tons

Table 36: Importers of oil refining catalysts HAIHUA in 2016-2023, tons

Table 37: Russian consumers of Haldor Topsoe catalysts in 2014-2022, tons

Table 38: Russian consumers of catalysts from Grace, ART and Chevron companies in 2014-2022, tons

Table 39: Importers of oil refining catalysts BASF Catalysts in 2014-2022, tons

Table 40: Russian consumers of Axens catalysts in 2014-2022, tons

Table 41: Russian consumers of UOP catalysts in 2014-2022, tons

Table 42: Russian consumers of Albemarle Catalysts Company catalysts in 2014-2022, tons

Table 43: Russian consumers of Johnson Matthey Catalysts catalysts in 2014-2022, tons

Table 44: Average annual export prices of the Russian Federation for oil refining catalysts of various types in 2009-2023, $/kg

Table 45: Average annual import prices of the Russian Federation for oil refining catalysts of various types in 2009-2023, $/kg

Table 46: Average annual import prices for various types of oil refining catalysts purchased by Russian refineries in 2013-2023, $/kg

Table 47: Average annual prices for oil refining catalysts of various types supplied to Russia in 2013-2023. major Western companies, $/kg

Table 48: Volumes of consumption of oil refining catalysts in Russia in 2013-2023, thousand tons, %

Table 49: Volumes of consumption of oil refining catalysts in Russia by type in 2013-2023, thousand tons, %

Table 50: Share of imports in the consumption of oil refining catalysts of various types in the Russian Federation (average indicator for 2010-2015 and 2016-2020), %

Table 51: Production of main types of petroleum products in Russia in 1990-2022, million tons

Table 52: Volumes of primary oil refining by Russian companies in 2015-2022, million tons

Table 53: Current composition of technological processes of Russian and foreign oil refining (% of the total volume of primary crude oil refining)

Table 54: Commissioning of secondary processing plants at Russian refineries in 2011-2022.

Table 55: Postponement of commissioning dates for oil refining units at Russian refineries (as of the end of 2023)

Table 56: Change in oil refining capacity in 2005-2022 in Russia, million tons

Table 57: Russian cracking and hydrocracking catalysts by brand and manufacturer

Table 58: Main parameters of existing isomerization technologies

Table 59: Assessment of the state of supply of catalysts to oil refining enterprises of the Russian Federation

Table 60: Commissioning of new capacities and installations for secondary oil refining in Russia until 2025

Table 61: Volume of investments in the modernization of the oil refining industry in Russia until 2030, billion rubles

Table 62: Forecast for the commissioning of units at domestic refineries in 2020-2030.

Table 63: Chronology of purchases of oil refining catalysts by type and by oil company in 2010-2022. and procurement forecast for the period up to 2035.

Table 64: Consumption of oil refining catalysts in the Russian Federation by type in 2012-2022. and forecast for the period up to 2030, t

Table 65: Production of oil refining catalysts in the Russian Federation by type in 2017-2020. and forecast for increasing capacity for the period up to 2025-2030, thousand tons

Figure 1: Structure of catalyst production in Russia by enterprise in 2006-2022, %

Figure 2: Structure of production of oil refining catalysts by type in 2006-2022, %

Figure 3: Dynamics of production of oil refining catalysts in Russia in 2006-2023, thousand tons

Figure 4: Dynamics of production of oil refining catalysts at Gazpromneft-Omsk Refinery JSC in 2006-2022, thousand tons

Figure 5: Scheme of the production of cracking, hydrotreating and hydrocracking catalysts under construction at Gazpromneft-Omsk Refinery JSC

Figure 6: Dynamics of catalyst production at SKatZ LLC in 2006-2022, thousand tons

Figure 7: Dynamics of catalyst production at ISHZK LLC in 2010-2022, thousand tons

Figure 8: Production of catalysts by JSC "AZKiOS" in 2003-2022, tons

Figure 9: Diagram of an industrial installation for the production of hydrotreating catalysts at NPK Sintez LLC

Figure 10: Dynamics of export-import supplies of oil refining catalysts in the Russian Federation in 2006-2023, tons

Figure 11: Dynamics of exports of spent oil refining catalysts from Russia in 2006-2023, tons

Figure 12: Dynamics of Russian exports of oil refining catalysts in physical (thousand tons) and value ($ million) terms in 2006-2023.

Figure 13: Geographical structure of exports of Russian oil refining catalysts in 2006-2022, tons

Figure 14: Structure of export supplies of Russian oil refining catalysts, % (averaged for 2018-2022)

Figure 15: Dynamics of Russian imports of oil refining catalysts in physical (thousand tons) and value ($ million) terms in 2006-2023.

Figure 16: Structure of imported oil refining catalysts in physical and value terms, % (averaged for 2018-2022)

Figure 17: Dynamics of Russian imports of oil refining catalysts by type in 2006-2022, tons

Figure 18: Supplies of oil refining catalysts by Western companies to the Russian Federation in 2009-2022, tons

Figure 19: Distribution of supplies of oil refining catalysts to Russia by supplier companies in 2010-2023, %

Figure 20: Distribution of supplies to Russia of the main types of oil refining catalysts by supplier companies (averaged for 2018-2022), %

Figure 21: Dynamics of import prices for oil refining catalysts of various types in the Russian Federation in 2006-2023, $/kg

Figure 22: Comparison of import and export prices of hydroprocess catalysts in 2006-2023, $/kg

Figure 23: Dynamics of domestic consumption of oil refining catalysts in Russia (thousand tons) and the share of imports (%) in 2006-2023.

Figure 24: Dynamics of domestic consumption of oil refining catalysts (by type) in Russia in 2010-2023, thousand tons

Figure 25: Structure of consumption of oil refining catalysts by type (averaged for 2018-2022), %

Figure 26: Shares of companies in the Russian catalyst market in 2015, 2017 and 2020, 2022%

Figure 27: Volume of oil refining by Russian refineries (million tons) and depth of oil refining (%) in 1998-2022.

Figure 28: Structure of motor gasoline by environmental class in 2011-2022, %

Figure 29: Main Russian refineries by oil refining volumes in 2022, million tons

Figure 30: Total number of commissioned and reconstructed oil secondary processing plants in the Russian Federation in 2011-2022, units

Figure 31: Oil refining volumes and output of petroleum products in Russia in 2019-2035, million tons

Figure 32: Consumption of domestic cracking catalysts, imported catalysts from Grace and BASF companies by Russian refineries in 2006-2022, thousand tons

Figure 33: Consumption of hydrotreating catalysts (including hydrocracking) of foreign production by Russian refineries in 2006-2022, thousand tons

Figure 34: Consumption of foreign-made reforming catalysts by Russian refineries in 2006-2022, thousand tons

Figure 35: Forecast of production and consumption of oil refining catalysts in the Russian Federation until 2030-2035, thousand tons


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