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Biopolymers in Russia and worldwide: Production, Market and Forecast

Seitenzahl: 73 Anzahl der Tische: 25 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 14
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 18.09.2020
Form der Präsentation:

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.

This report is the first edition of a study of the biopolymer market in Russia and the world.


The purpose of the study is to analyze the world and Russian markets of biopolymers (bioplastics).

The objects of research are bioplastics: biodegradable polymers (BGP), pseudo biodegradable polymers (pseudo BRP produced with the use of oxybiodegradable additives) and traditional polymers from bio raw materials (biopolyethylene, biopolyethylene terephthalate, etc.).

This work is a desk study. The sources of information were data from European Bioplastics, the nova-Institute of Rosstat, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, data from information analytical agencies, industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, and websites of biopolymer manufacturers.

Chronological scope of the study: 2015-2019; forecast - 2025

Geography of research: world, Russian Federation.

The report consists of 4 parts, contains 73 pages, including 25 tables and 14 figures.


The first chapter of the review provides a brief description of the world market for biopolymers for packaging and technical purposes (from natural and synthetic materials). For biodegradable polymers (BRP), pseudo biodegradable polymers (pseudo BRP) and materials based on them, the market capacity and production dynamics in volume and value terms in 2015-2019 are shown. In addition, brief characteristics of the main manufacturers and consumers are given.

In the second chapter, the state of the Russian market of BGP and pseudo PDP in 2015-2019 is analyzed, brief characteristics of the main manufacturing enterprises and consumers are given. An analysis of projects for the creation of production facilities for the products under consideration in the territory of the Russian Federation (implemented, not implemented, in the implementation stage) is also presented.

The third chapter is devoted to the analysis of Russian imports of BGP by type in 2015-2019. In particular, the dynamics of the volumes of imports of individual BGP in physical and value terms, prices for specific products, main suppliers and recipients are given.

The fourth chapter of the review is devoted to forecasting the development of the Russian market for PDUs and materials for packaging and technical purposes based on them for the period up to 2025.


Target audience of the study:

- biopolymer market participants - manufacturers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed research claims to be a reference manual for marketing services and specialists making management decisions working in the market of polymer products and food packaging.





1. Analysis of the world market

1.1. BGP and materials for packaging and technical purposes based on them

Types of manufactured BGP and packaging materials based on them

The total volume of world production (in volume and value terms) in 2015-2019

Main manufacturers

Main consumers

1.2. Pseudo BGP and materials for packaging and technical purposes based on them

Types of produced pseudo BGP and packaging materials based on them

The total volume of world production (in volume and value terms) in 2015-2019

Main manufacturers

Main consumers


2. Analysis of the Russian market

2.1. BGP and materials for packaging and technical purposes based on them

Types of manufactured BGP and packaging materials based on them

Production (in volume and value terms) in 2015-2019

Main manufacturers

Main consumers

Analysis of projects for the creation of a BGP production on the territory of the Russian Federation (implemented, not implemented, in the implementation stage)

2.2. Pseudo BGP and materials for packaging and technical purposes based on them

Types of produced pseudo BGP and packaging materials based on them

Production (in volume and value terms) in 2015-2019

Main manufacturers

Main consumers

Analysis of projects to create a pseudo BGP production in the Russian Federation (implemented, not implemented, in the implementation stage)


3. Analysis of the import of biodegradable polymers of the Russian Federation in 2015-2019.

3.1. Polybutylene adipate terephtalate (PBAT)

3.2. Polybutylene succinate and Polybutylene succinate adipate (PBS and PBSA)

3.3. Polylactic acid (PLA)

3.4. Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA)

3.5. Polycaprolactone (PCL)

3.6. Polypropylene carbonate (PPC)

3.7. Starch and starch-containing compositions


4. Forecast of development of the market for BGP and materials for packaging and technical purposes based on them in Russia and the world for the period up to 2025.

Table 1. Volumes of world production of bioplastics by type in 2019, thousand tons,%

Table 2. World consumption of bioplastics by industry in 2019, thousand tons,%

Table 3. Volumes of consumption of certain types of biopolymers by fields of application in 2019, thousand tons

Table 4. Regional structure of the distribution of world capacities for the production of biopolymers in 2018-2020. and 2023-2025 (forecast)

Table 5. Advantages and disadvantages of the main biodegradable polymers

Table 6. The volume of the world market for biodegradable polymers in natural (thousand tons) and value ($ million) by types of polymers in 2019

Table 7. The world's largest manufacturers of selected types of BGP

Table 8. The main areas of application of certain types of BGP

Table 9. Main spheres of application of BGP (on natural and synthetic raw materials) in 2019, thousand tons,%

Table 10. Use of the main types of PDU in the production of flexible and rigid packaging and technical products in 2019, thousand tons

Table 11. Advantages and disadvantages of the main groups of biodegradable additives to polymers

Table 12. The world's largest producers of oxo-biodegradable additives to polymers

Table 13. Assessment of the likelihood of development of the Russian biopolymer industry by type of plastics

Table 14. Not implemented biopolymer projects in Russia

Table 15. Russian market of biodegradable additives and production of bioplastics based on them in the period from 2007 to 2019, tons, million $

Table 16. The largest manufacturers of bioplastic packaging in Russia

Table 17. Russian imports of PLA by application in 2015-2019, t, $ / kg

Table 18. Russian imports of PLA in 2015-2019 (by fields of application, largest suppliers and consumers), t, $ / kg

Table 19. Russian imports of PCL in 2015-2019, t, $ / kg

Table 20. Russian imports of modified starch in 2015-2019, t, $ / t

Table 21. Features and sectors of application of the main starch-containing biocomposites

Table 22. Volumes of world production of bioplastics by type in 2019 and forecast for the period up to 2025, thousand tons,%

Table 23. Factors affecting the biopolymer market

Table 24. Possible mechanisms for stimulating the production of biodegradable plastics in the Russian Federation

Table 25. Forecast of consumption of bioplastics in Russia for the period up to 2025

Figure 1. Classification of bioplastics

Figure 2. Classification of biodegradable polyesters according to their origin

Figure 3. World production of bioplastics (biodegradable and bio-based) in 2015-2019, million tons

Figure 4. Product structure of world production of bioplastics (biodegradable and bio-based) in 2019,%

Figure 5. Structure of consumption of certain types of biopolymers by fields of application in 2019, thousand tons

Figure 6. Distribution of regions of the world by methods of dealing with plastic waste

Figure 7. Genealogy of production methods for the main biodegradable polymers from hydrocarbons

Figure 8. Dynamics of world production of biodegradable polymers (BGP) in 2015-2019, thousand tons

Figure 9. The volume of the world market for biodegradable polymers (by type) in 2019 and forecast for 2025, million tons

Figure 10. Volume of the world market for biobase (non-biodegradable) polymers (by type) in 2019 and forecast for 2025, thousand tons

Figure 11. Dynamics of Russian imports of polylactide (PLA) in physical (t) and value (thousand $) terms in 2015-2019

Figure 12. Dynamics of Russian imports of polycaprolactone (PCL) in physical (t) and value (thousand $) terms in 2015-2019

Figure 13. Forecast of world production of bioplastics (biodegradable and bio-based) for the period up to 2025

Figure 14. Scenario forecast of the consumption of bioplastics in Russia for the period up to 2025, thousand tons


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