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Plastic Lubricants (Grease) in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast (6 edition)

Seitenzahl: 228 Anzahl der Tische: 50 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 39
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 30.10.2024
Form der Präsentation:

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 2 500 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the sixth edition of the study of the plastic lubricants market in Russia.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the Russian plastic lubricants market.

The objects of the study are plastic lubricants - lithium, lithium complex, sodium and sodium-calcium, hydrated calcium, anhydrous calcium, calcium complex, aluminum, other soap, inorganic, organic, hydrocarbon, semi-liquid.

This work is a desk study. The sources of information used were data from the statistical committees of the EAEU countries (including Rosstat, the National Statistical Committee of the Republic of Belarus, the Bureau of National Statistics of the Agency for Strategic Planning and Reforms of the Republic of Kazakhstan); international UN databases (UNdata), World Bank, Eurostat; international and European trade data (UN Comtrade, Trade Map); the Federal Customs Service of Russia (until 2022); Unified Information System in the Sphere of Procurement; railway transportation statistics; SBIS database; foreign specialized companies; annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities; industry and regional press, conference materials, websites of enterprises-producers and consumers of the studied products; scientific and technical literature (elibrary, etc.), FIPS patent database; InfoMine database, etc.

Chronological framework of the study: 1997-2023; estimate - 2024, forecast - 2025-2030.

Geography of the study: Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.


The report consists of 8 parts, contains 228 pages, including 39 figures, 50 tables and 5 appendices.

The first chapter of the report presents the classification and technology of lubricant production.

The second and third chapters analyze the production of these products. In particular, the second chapter provides data on the volumes and structure of production, traces the dynamics of lubricant production by Russian enterprises in 2001-2024. The third chapter presents a description of the manufacturing companies (dynamics and structure of production, financial indicators, directions of product deliveries, development plans).

The fourth chapter of the report examines foreign trade operations with plastic lubricants in 2007-2023 with an analysis of the volumes and directions of export-import deliveries.

The fifth chapter is devoted to the consideration of the dynamics of prices for lubricants in the domestic and foreign markets.

The sixth chapter describes the Russian market for the consumption of plastic lubricants. It analyzes in detail the structure of consumption of this product, the balance "production-consumption".

The seventh chapter provides an overview of the main consumer industries, a description of the largest Russian consumer companies.

The eighth chapter of the report provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market for plastic lubricants for the period up to 2030.

The appendices provide, among other things, the addresses and contact information of the main Russian enterprises-manufacturers and consumers of plastic lubricants.


Target audience of the study:

- participants in the plastic lubricants market - manufacturers, consumers, traders;

- potential investors.

The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for marketing departments and decision-makers working in the lubricants market.





1. Classification and technology of lubricant production

1.1. Classification of lubricants and their characteristics

1.2. Technology of lubricant production


2. Lubricant production in Russia in 1992-2024

2.1. Structure of Russian lubricant production in 1992-2024

2.2. Dynamics of plastic lubricant production in Russia in 1997-2024


3. Current state of the main enterprises producing plastic lubricants in Russia

3.1. Group of lubricant manufacturers that are part of oil refineries

3.1.1. Gazpromneft-SM LLC (Moscow)

3.1.2. Intesmo LLC (Lukoil-Volgogradneftepererabotka, Volgograd)

3.1.3. PJSC NK Rosneft – MZ Nefteprodukt (Moscow)

3.1.4. Enterprises that have ceased production of plastic lubricants

3.2. Group of specialized lubricant manufacturers

3.2.1. Kazan Plant RICOS - Lubricants LLC (Republic of Tatarstan)

3.2.2. JSC Neftemaslozavod (ONMZ, Orenburg)

3.2.3. Titan-Lubricants LLC (Rostov Region)

3.2.4. PKF Rusma LLC (Saint Petersburg)

3.2.5. TD Misma LLC (Miass, Chelyabinsk Region)

3.2.6. Enterprises that have ceased production of plastic lubricants

3.3. Group of lubricant manufacturers that are part of enterprises in other industries

3.3.1. JSC Phosphochem (Tolyatti, Samara Region)

3.3.2. Enterprises that have ceased production of plastic lubricants

3.4. Other lubricant manufacturers


4. Russian export-import of lubricants in 2007-2023

4.1. Volume of export-import of lubricants in Russia in 2007-2023

4.2. Trends and features of Russian import of plastic lubricants in 2007-2023

4.3. Brief characteristics of the main foreign suppliers of plastic lubricants to the Russian market

4.3.1. Shell Lubricants

4.3.2 Exxon Mobil

4.3.3 Total

4.3.4 Fuchs

4.4. Trends and features of Russian export of lubricants in 2007-2023


5. Review of prices for plastic lubricants in 1999-6 months of 2024

5.1. Domestic prices for plastic lubricants in Russia in 1999-6 months of 2024

5.2. Russian export-import prices for plastic lubricants in 2007-2023


6. Consumption of lubricants in Russia in 2003-6 months of 2024

6.1. Balance of production and consumption of lubricants in Russia in 2003-2023

6.2. Sectoral structure of lubricant consumption in Russia

6.3. Largest Russian enterprises-consumers of lubricants in 2004-2024


7. Current state and development prospects of consuming industries

7.1. Situational analysis and development prospects of railway transport in Russia

7.1.1. JSC Russian Railways

7.2. Situational Analysis and Development Prospects of the Fuel and Energy Complex of Russia

7.2.1. PJSC Gazprom

7.2.2. PJSC Rosneft

7.2.3. PJSC Lukoil

7.2.4. JSC Surgutneftegas

7.3. Situational Analysis and Development Prospects of the Russian Metallurgical Industry

7.3.1 PJSC Novolipetsk Iron and Steel Works (NLMK)

7.3.2. EVRAZ Holding

7.3.3. JSC Samara Iron and Steel Works (SMZ)

7.3.4. JSC Beloretsk Iron and Steel Works (Republic of Bashkortostan)

7.4. Situational Analysis and Development Prospects of Mechanical Engineering in Russia

7.4.1. PAO AvtoVAZ (Tolyatti, Samara Region)

7.5. Situational Analysis and Development Prospects of the Automotive Industry in Russia

7.6. Other Industries Consuming Lubricants


8. Forecast of Production and Consumption of Lubricants in Russia for the Period up to 2030


Appendix 1. Marking of Plastic Lubricants According to GOST 23258-78

Appendix 2. Scheme of Organization of High-Speed ​​and High-Speed ​​Traffic on the Network of JSC Russian Railways for the Period up to 2030

Appendix 3. Largest Machine-Building Enterprises in Russia

Appendix 4. Contact Information of the Main Lubricant Manufacturers in Russia

Appendix 5. Contact Information of the Main Lubricant Consumers in Russia

Table 1. Composition of some plastic lubricants produced by Russian enterprises for various industries

Table 2. Classification of NLGI plastic lubricants

Table 3. Structure of lubricant production in Russia in 1992-2023, thousand tons, %

Table 4. Production of lubricants in Russia by enterprises in 2001-6 months. 2024, thousand tons

Table 5. Main plastic lubricants produced by Gazpromneft-SM LLC

Table 6. Main consumers of lubricants produced by Gazpromneft-SM LLC, tons

Table 7. Lubricants produced by Kazan Rikos Plant LLC - lubricants

Table 8. Lubricants produced by Neftemaslozavod JSC

Table 9. Main consumers of lubricants produced by Neftemaslozavod JSC in 2004-6 months of 2024, tons

Table 10. Main financial indicators of Neftemaslozavod JSC in 2005-2023, million rubles

Table 11. Lubricants produced by Misma-Ros LLC and their prices (February 2024), RUB/t

Table 12. Lubricants produced by NPP Plasma LLC and their prices (since January 2024), RUB/kg

Table 13. Key indicators of foreign trade in lubricants in Russia in 2007-2023, t, thousand dollars

Table 14. Russian imports of lubricants by delivery directions in 2007-2023, t

Table 15. Distribution of import deliveries of lubricants from Russia by manufacturing companies in 2007-2023, t, %

Table 16. Distribution of imports of lubricants from Russia by main manufacturing companies and brands in 2021-2023, t, USD/t

Table 17. Foreign analogues of some domestic lubricants

Table 18. Largest Russian consumers of imported lubricants in 2007-2023, t

Table 19. Russian lubricant exports by delivery directions in 2007-2023, t

Table 20. Russian lubricant exporters in 2007-2023, t

Table 21. Quarterly producer prices for lubricants in Russia in 1999-6 months of 2024, RUB/t (excluding VAT)

Table 22. Average annual producer prices of lubricants by regions of Russia in 2000-7 months of 2024 2024, RUB/t

Table 23. Average annual import prices for plastic lubricants in Russia by supplier countries in 2013-2023, USD/t

Table 24. Average annual prices of the main foreign suppliers of plastic lubricants in Russia in 2013-2023, USD/t

Table 25. Export prices of Russian lubricant manufacturers and traders in 2013-2023, USD/t

Table 26. Key indicators of the Russian lubricant market in 2003-2023, thousand tons, %

Table 27. Industry structure of lubricant consumption in 2008-2023, thousand tons

Table 28. Industry structure of consumption of various types of lubricants in 2008-2023 yy., thousand tons, %

Table 29. Main consumers of lubricants in 2004-6 months of 2024, tons

Table 30. Dynamics of industrial production in Russia in a number of industries, growth rates, 2007-2023, %

Table 31. Length of communication routes in Russia by different modes of transport in 2000-2023, thousand km

Table 32. Freight turnover of transport enterprises in Russia in 2000-2023, billion ton-km

Table 33. Passenger turnover by types of public transport in Russia in 2000-2023, billion passenger-km

Table 34. Revenue structure of JSC Russian Railways in 2003-2023

Table 35. Performance indicators of JSC Russian Railways in 2005-2023

Table 36. Key financial indicators of JSC Russian Railways in 2004-2023

Table 37. Volumes and directions of railway supplies of lubricants to JSC Russian Railways and other railway transport enterprises in 2006-2023, t

Table 38. Production capacities of Gazprom Group in Russia in 2011-2023

Table 39. Structure of NLMK Group

Table 40. Key production indicators of PJSC NLMK in 2012-2023

Table 41. Key financial performance indicators of NLMK PJSC in 2012-2023, million USD

Table 42. Key production indicators of EVRAZ Holding JSC in 2008-2023

Table 43. Key financial performance indicators of EVRAZ Holding JSC in 2015-2023, million USD

Table 44. Volumes and directions of supplies of ZSMK lubricants

Table 45. Dynamics of production of individual types of engineering products in Russia in 2007-2023, thousand units

Table 46. Key performance indicators of AvtoVAZ OJSC in 2012-2023

Table 47. Application of plastic lubricants in vehicle components

Table 48. Compatibility of domestic and foreign plastic lubricants in vehicle components

Table 49. Key indicators of the Russian lubricant market in 2009-2023 and forecast for the period up to 2030, thousand tons, %

Table 50. Structure of consumption of various types of lubricants in 2008-2023 and forecast for the period up to 2030, %

Figure 1. Components of plastic lubricants

Figure 2. Classification of plastic lubricants by main functions and conditions of use

Figure 3. Structure of the group of antifriction plastic lubricants

Figure 4. Changes in the structure of production of plastic lubricants in Russia in 2010-2023, thousand tons

Figure 5. Dynamics of production of plastic lubricants in Russia in 2001-2024 (thousand tons), production growth rates (% to the previous year)

Figure 6. Shares of the largest manufacturers in the all-Russian production of plastic lubricants in 2023, %

Figure 7. Structure of the production of plastic lubricants by federal districts of Russia in 2010, 2016 and 2023, %

Figure 8. Dynamics of supplies of plastic lubricants produced by Gazpromneft Lubricants Italia S.p.A. in Russia in 2011-2023, t

Figure 9. Dynamics of lubricant production by Gazpromneft-SM LLC in 2001-2024, thousand t

Figure 10. Sales structure of Neftemaslozavod JSC by product type in 2010, 2015, 2020, 2023, %

Figure 11. Dynamics of lubricant production by Neftemaslozavod JSC in 2001-2024, thousand t

Figure 12. Dynamics of plastic lubricant production by Titan-Lubricants LLC in 2018-2024, thousand t

Figure 13. Dynamics of lubricant production by Phosphochem JSC in 2001-2024, thousand t

Figure 14. Dynamics of import and export of lubricants in Russia in 2007-2023, thousand tons

Figure 15. Largest countries-importers of lubricants to Russia in 2023, %

Figure 16. Dynamics of the structure of Russian imports of lubricants by manufacturing companies in 2017-2023, tons

Figure 17. Dynamics of Russian imports of premium lubricants in 2007-2023, tons

Figure 18. Shares of the largest exporting companies in the total volume of Russian exports of plastic lubricants in 2023, %

Figure 19. Average monthly prices of lubricant manufacturers in Russia in 1999-7 months. 2024, RUB/t (excluding VAT)

Figure 20. Dynamics of average annual prices for lubricants (RUB/t) in Russia in 1999-2024

Figure 21. Dynamics of average annual export-import prices for plastic lubricants in Russia in 2007-2023, USD/t

Figure 22. Dynamics of production, export-import and "apparent" consumption of plastic lubricants in Russia in 2003-2023, thousand tons

Figure 23. Industry structure of lubricant consumption in 2023, %

Figure 24. Dynamics of freight turnover of various modes of transport in Russia in 2000-2023, billion ton-km

Figure 25. Dynamics of passenger turnover of various modes of transport in Russia in 2000-2023, billion passenger-km

Figure 26. Plans for the development of the railway network according to the "Strategy for the Development of Railway Transport in Russia until 2030"

Figure 27. Dynamics of gas and oil production (including gas condensate) and coal in Russia in 2001-2024

Figure 28. Structure of oil production in Russia in 2023, %

Figure 29. Structure of gas production in Russia in 2023, %

Figure 30. Coal production in Russia by main basins in 2008-2023, million tons

Figure 31. Structure of the transport complex fleet of the oil and gas production industry, %

Figure 32. Dynamics of oil (million tons) and gas production (billion m3) of PJSC Gazprom in 2008-2023

Figure 33. Dynamics of production of steel, cast iron and rolled ferrous metals in Russia in 2005-2023, million tons

Figure 34. Dynamics of production of steel pipes in Russia in 2001-2023, million tons

Figure 35. Dynamics of production of some types of hardware products in Russia in 2005-2023, thousand tons

Figure 36. Location of the main mechanical engineering centers in Russia

Figure 37. Structure of production of passenger cars in Russia in 2023 by manufacturers, %

Figure 38. Dynamics of production of cars of PJSC AvtoVAZ in 1990-2023, thousand units

Figure 39. Basic forecast of production and consumption volumes of plastic lubricants in Russia for the period up to 2030


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