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Proppants in Russia and the world: Production, Market and Forecast (10 edition)
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This report is the tenth edition of the research on the proppants market in Russia and the world.
The purpose of the study is to analyze the proppants market.
The object of the study are proppants: natural quartz sand, aluminosilicate ceramic proppants (based on bauxite, kaolin and their mixtures), magnesia-silicate proppants (based on serpentinites, olivinites and their natural mixtures), polymer-coated proppants (both ceramic and quartz sand).
Chronological scope of the study: 2000-2023; forecast – until 2030
Geography of the study: Russia – comprehensive detailed market analysis, world – brief description
This work is a desk research. Data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), railway transport statistics of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the UN Database, and the Infomine Database were used as information sources. Data from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, Internet sites of proppant manufacturing enterprises, as well as telephone interviews with manufacturers of these products were also involved.
Scope of the study: the report consists of 7 parts, contains 168 pages, including 61 tables, 40 figures and 2 appendices.
The first chapter of the report is devoted to a brief description of the current state of the global proppants market. This section provides data on the production volumes of proppants and the world's main manufacturers.
The second chapter provides data on the types and quality requirements of proppants.
The third chapter of the report is devoted to an analysis of proppants production in Russia. It provides data on the production volumes of proppants in 2000-2023, describes the current state of proppant manufacturing enterprises, including data on the characteristics of products, volumes and directions of supplies.
The fourth chapter of the report contains an analysis of foreign trade operations of Russian enterprises with proppants in 2000-2023. Data on supply volumes, main exporters and importers of the products under study are provided, and the regional structure of supplies is assessed.
The fifth chapter shows prices for proppants on the domestic market of Russia, and also analyzes the dynamics of export-import prices for products in 2003-2023.
The sixth chapter is devoted to assessing domestic consumption of proppants in Russia. This chapter presents the balance of production and consumption of products in 2000-2023, and assesses the regional structure of consumption. Information on the volumes of proppants shipped to the main Russian recipients is also provided. This chapter describes in detail the largest Russian consumers of proppants.
The final, seventh chapter of the report describes the main trends in the development of the proppants market and provides a forecast for the production and consumption of these products in Russia for the period until 2030.
The appendices to the report provide contact information for leading Russian manufacturers of proppants and the main consumers of the products.
Target audience of the study:
- proppants market participants – manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study purports to be a reference guide for marketing services and management decision-makers working in this market.
1. Brief description of the world market
1.1. Types of proppants
1.2. World production of proppants
1.3. Main manufacturers of proppants
2. Types of proppants, quality requirements and raw materials for the production of proppants
3. Production of proppants in Russia in 2000-2023.
3.1. Dynamics of proppants production in Russia in 2000-2023.
3.2. Current state of proppant manufacturers
JSC "Borovichi Refractories Plant" (Novgorod region)
LLC "Fores" (Sverdlovsk region)
Wellprop LLC (formerly Carbo Ceramics (Eurasia) LLC) (Chelyabinsk region)
PJSC "Uralchimplast" (Sverdlovsk region)
LLC "Nika-Petrotek" (NIKA PetroTech), (Semiluki, Voronezh region)
3.3. Enterprises that have ceased production
Trekhgorny Ceramic Plant LLC (Chelyabinsk region)
LLC "Krasnoyarsk Proppant Plant" (Krasnoyarsk Territory)
CJSC "Yuzhnouralsk Construction Ceramics Plant" (Chelyabinsk region)
LLC "Rezion" (Leningrad region)
JSC "Yurga Abrasives" (Kemerovo region)
4. Foreign trade operations with proppants in 2000-2023.
4.1. Export of proppants
4.2. Import of proppants
5. Price analysis
5.1. Prices of Russian manufacturers
5.2. Export-import prices in 2003-2023.
6. Consumption of proppants in Russia in 2000-2023.
6.1. Balance of production and consumption of proppants in Russia in 2000-2023.
6.2. Main Russian consumers of proppants
PJSC NK Rosneft
PJSC "Surgutneftegas"
PJSC Gazprom Neft
Service companies
7. Forecast for the development of the proppants market in Russia until 2030.
Appendix 1: Addresses and telephone numbers of proppant manufacturers
Appendix 2: Contact information of the largest proppants consumers
Table 1. Technical characteristics of various types of proppants
Table 2. Changes in hydraulic fracturing design, average productivity and economic efficiency of well operation in 2012-2017.
Table 3. Production volume of proppants Carbo Ceramics Inc. in 2011-2017, thousand tons
Table 4. Average annual prices for various types of proppants produced by Carbo Ceramics Inc. in 2014-2016, $/pound
Table 5. Financial performance indicators of Carbo Ceramics Inc. in 2012-2018, million $
Table 6. Standardized quality indicators of aluminosilicate proppants
Table 7. Physico-chemical parameters of magnesium silicate proppants
Table 8. Physico-chemical parameters of polymer-coated proppants
Table 9. Production of proppants in Russia by enterprise in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Table 10. Physico-chemical parameters of Borprop proppants produced by Borovichi Refractory Plant JSC
Table 11. Physico-chemical parameters of ultra-strong proppants Borprop SSP produced by Borovichi Refractory Plant JSC
Table 12. Physico-chemical parameters of light proppants Borprop Light produced by Borovichi Refractory Plant JSC
Table 13. Physico-chemical parameters of ultra-strong proppants Borprop RCP produced by Borovichi Refractory Plant JSC
Table 14. Volumes and directions of supplies of proppants produced by Borovichi Refractories Plant JSC in 2009-2023, thousand tons
Table 15. Export of proppants by JSC Borovichi Refractories Plant in 2005-2023, thousand tons
Table 16. Financial indicators of JSC Borovichi Refractories Plant in 2008-2023, million rubles.
Table 17. Physical characteristics of ForeProp proppants produced by Fores LLC
Table 18. Structural divisions of Fores LLC for the production of proppants
Table 19. Volumes and directions of supplies of proppants produced by Fores LLC in 2007-2023, thousand tons
Table 20. Export of proppants by Fores LLC in 2007-2023, thousand tons
Table 21. Financial indicators of Fores LLC in 2008-2023, million rubles.
Table 22. Financial indicators of Tekhnokeramika LLC in 2009-2023, million rubles.
Table 23. Financial indicators of Bogdanovichsky expanded clay LLC in 2011-2023, million rubles.
Table 24. Physico-chemical parameters of aluminosilicate proppants CarboEconoProp produced by Wellprop LLC
Table 25. Physico-chemical parameters of aluminosilicate proppants CarboLite produced by Wellprop LLC
Table 26. Physico-chemical parameters of aluminosilicate proppants CarboProp produced by Wellprop LLC
Table 27. Physico-chemical parameters of aluminosilicate proppants CarboHSP produced by Wellprop LLC
Table 28. Volume of supplies of raw materials to Wellprop LLC in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 29. Volumes and directions of supplies of proppants produced by Wellprop LLC in 2008-2023, thousand tons
Table 30. Export of proppants by Wellprop LLC in 2008-2023, thousand tons
Table 31. Financial indicators of Wellprop LLC in 2011-2023, million rubles.
Table 32. Production volume of proppants by PJSC Uralchimplast in 2008-2023, t
Table 33. Volumes and directions of supplies of proppants produced by Uralchimplast PJSC in 2020-2023, thousand tons
Table 34. Technical characteristics of proppants produced by Nika-Petrotek LLC
Table 35. Volumes and directions of supplies of proppants produced by Nika-Petrotek LLC in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Table 36. Volumes and directions of supplies of proppants produced by Orenburg Propant LLC in 2019-2023, thousand tons
Table 37. Financial performance indicators of Nika-Petrotek LLC in 2015-2023, million rubles
Table 38. Financial performance indicators of Orenburg Propant LLC in 2018-2023, million rubles
Table 39. Physico-chemical parameters of proppants Ural-prop Production standard of Trekhgorny Ceramic Plant LLC
Table 40. Volumes and directions of supplies of proppants produced by Trekhgorny Ceramic Plant LLC in 2006-2020, thousand tons
Table 41. Export of proppants by Trekhgorny Ceramic Plant LLC in 2006-2020, thousand tons
Table 42. Financial indicators of Trekhgorny Ceramic Plant LLC in 2010-2021, million rubles.
Table 43. Technical characteristics of ROSPROP proppants produced by Krasnoyarsk Proppant Plant LLC
Table 44. Volumes and directions of supplies of proppants produced by Krasnoyarsk Proppant Plant LLC in 2015-2020, thousand tons
Table 45. Financial performance indicators of Krasnoyarsk Proppant Plant LLC in 2015-2020, million rubles
Table 46. Volumes and directions of export of proppants in 2007-2023, thousand tons
Table 47. Export volumes of proppants by Russian manufacturers in 2007-2023, thousand tons
Table 48. Volume of Russian imports of proppants by region in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Table 49. Suppliers of proppants to Russia in 2005-2023, thousand tons
Table 50. Main Russian importers of foreign-made proppants in 2006-2023, thousand tons
Table 51. Domestic Russian prices for proppants in 2014 and 2016, thousand rubles/t, including VAT
Table 52. Average annual export prices of Russian producers of proppants in 2018-2023, $/t
Table 53. Average annual Russian import prices for proppants by region in 2011-2023, $/t
Table 54. Balance of production and consumption of proppants in Russia in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Table 55. Largest Russian recipients of proppants in 2010-2023, thousand tons
Table 56. Supplies of proppants to Surgutneftegas PJSC in 2009-2023, thousand tons
Table 57. Supplies of proppants to PJSC LUKOIL in 2010-2023, thousand tons
Table 58. Supplies of proppants to Gazprom Neft PJSC in 2010-2023, thousand tons
Table 59. Main indicators of financial and economic activities of Packer Service LLC in 2014-2022, million rubles
Table 60. Key performance indicators of Petro Welt Technologies AG in 2013-2018.
Table 61. Revenue structure of Petro Welt Technologies AG by main customers in 2014-2021, %
Figure 1. Dynamics of the number of hydraulic fracturing operations at US oil wells in 1949-2014, units.
Figure 2. Dynamics of oil production in the United States by production method in 2000-2023, million barrels
Figure 3. Dynamics of shale oil production in the United States by basin in 2007-2023, million barrels/day
Figure 4. Dynamics of the price of Brent oil in 2015-2024, $/barrel
Figure 5. Number of drilling rigs in the USA in 2007-2024, units.
Figure 6. Capacity of the global proppants market in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 7. Structure of the proppants market by type in 2012-2019, %
Figure 8. Dynamics and structure of proppants production at Carbo Ceramics Inc. in 2012-2017, thousand tons
Figure 9. Regional structure of proppants production in Russia in 2016-2023, %
Figure 10. Dynamics of proppants production in Russia in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Figure 11. Dynamics and structure of proppants production in Russia in 2013-2023, thousand tons
Figure 12. Dynamics of proppants production by type in Russia in 2003-2023, thousand tons
Figure 13. Dynamics of proppants production at Borovichi Refractories Plant JSC in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Figure 14. Comparative characteristics of Fores LLC products
Figure 15. Dynamics of shipment of proppants produced by Fores LLC by division in 2014-2023, thousand tons
Figure 16. Dynamics of proppants production by Fores LLC in 2002-2023, thousand tons
Figure 17. Dynamics of proppants production by Wellprop LLC in 2007-2023, thousand tons
Figure 18. Dynamics of proppants production by Nika-Petrotek LLC in 2015-2023, thousand tons
Figure 19. Dynamics of proppants production at Trekhgorny Ceramic Plant LLC in 2004-2020, thousand tons
Figure 20. Dynamics of Russian export-import of proppants in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Figure 21. Dynamics of Russian exports of proppants in 2003-2023, thousand tons, million $
Figure 22. Change in the regional structure of Russian proppants exports in 2010-2023, %
Figure 23. Dynamics of imports of proppants from Russia in 2003-2023, thousand tons, million $
Figure 24. Dynamics of average export-import prices for proppants in 2003-2023, $/t
Figure 25. Dynamics of production, export, import and consumption of proppants in the Russian Federation in 2000-2023, thousand tons
Figure 26. Structure of proppants consumption in Russia by region in 2016-2023, %
Figure 27. Oil and gas condensate production in Russia in 2000-2023, million tons
Figure 28. Structure of oil production in Russia by company in 2018-2022, %
Figure 29. Dynamics and structure of oil production in Russia by federal districts in 2014-2022, million tons
Figure 30. Dynamics of penetration in production drilling in Russia by largest companies in 2013-2023, thousand km
Figure 31. Dynamics of production drilling volumes by type in Russia in 2013-2023, million m
Figure 32. Dynamics of penetration in horizontal drilling in 2013-2019, million m
Figure 33. Dynamics of single-stage hydraulic fracturing and multi-stage hydraulic fracturing operations in Russia in 2006-2023, thousand units.
Figure 34. Shares of customer companies in the single-stage hydraulic fracturing market in Russia in 2018, %
Figure 35. Structure of the multistage hydraulic fracturing market by customer companies in 2018, %
Figure 36. Number of hydraulic fracturing operations carried out by the largest Russian oil and gas producing companies in 2005-2018.
Figure 37. Structure of consumption of proppants of PJSC NK Rosneft by fraction, %
Figure 38. Dynamics of application and efficiency of hydraulic fracturing at PJSC “Surgutneftegas”
Figure 39. Growth in the number of hydraulic fracturing operations and additional production from hydraulic fracturing and multi-stage fracturing in Gazprom Neft PJSC in 2010-2019.
Figure 40. Forecast of proppants consumption in Russia until 2030, million tons