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Indium-Tin Oxide (ITO): Production, Market and Forecast in Russia and the world

Seitenzahl: 107 Anzahl der Tische: 9 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 53
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 24.07.2014
Form der Präsentation:

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 2 000 Euro

This report is the first edition of market research indium-tin oxide (ITO) and materials for its production in Russia and the world.

Market monitoring conducted from August 2013.

The purpose of research - analysis of the Russian and world markets ITO.

Object of study is indium tin oxide and materials for its production - indium tin.

This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Institute of Industrial Technology Research Institute (Taiwan) analyst firm NPD DisplaySearch (USA), sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, web-sites of company-producers of ITO, as well as data obtained from telephone interviews employees of companies-consumers of the product.

The chronological scope of the study: 1999-2013; forecast - 2014-2020

Study geography: Russian Federation and other countries of the world.


The report consists of four parts, contains 107 pages, including 53 figures, 9 tables and 4 applications.

In the first chapter of the report presents brief characteristics of the general properties of the material indium tin oxide (hereinafter - ITO), the properties of the compound and its components, the description of hazards and toxicity properties of ITO and applications, as well as indications of danger powder ITO.

In the second chapter of the report presents information on a transparent conductive coatings and applications ITO. the basic characteristics of markets.

The third chapter is devoted to the review of the aspects of the production of raw ITO. A description of the indium market. indium market in Russia and CIS, the forecast needs until 2020 and technological aspects indiya.Opisan market extraction of tin and tin mining world.

The fourth chapter presents data on problems and vzmozhnostyah poentsialnyh substitutes ITO - graphene, its Istoiya and prospects.

The Appendix presents data on manufacturers, suppliers (trading companies, traders) ITO, ITO consumers and current market prices ITO.

Target audience research:

- Market participants ITO - producers, consumers, traders;

- Potential investors.


This research claims to be the handbook for marketing services and for decision management solutions operating in the market ITO.



1. General description of the material indium tin oxide

1.1. General properties of the material indium tin oxide (indium-tin oxide, more - ITO), the properties of the compound and its components, the description of hazards and toxicity

1.2. Properties of ITO and the application

1.3. Indications of danger ITO powder


2. Transparent conductive coatings and applications of ITO. Main characteristics of markets

2.1. Market LCD (and plasma) displays

2.2. Current state of the flat panel display

2.3. Organic light emitting diodes (OLED)

2.4. Solar panels

2.7. Situation c transparent conductive and electrochromic glass in Russia

2.8. Production of ITO and medium-term prospects

2.9. World market TVs (LCD and plasma)

2.10. Common Market for all types of monitors - laptops, televisions, etc., etc..

2.11. Smartphones

2.12. New consumption sector ITO - solar energy and its prospects

2.13. Totals - potrebnosit in ITO and prgnozy


3. Aspects of the production of commodities ITO

3.1. Description of the market india

3.1.1. Raw materials for the production of indium

3.1.2. World production of indium prices in 2001-2013

3.1.3. Producers of primary indium

3.1.4. Indium market in Russia and CIS

3.1.5. consumption of indium

3.1.6. 2020 demand forecast and technological aspects of indium recovery

3.2. tin market

3.2.1. World production of tin

3.2.2. State of the Russian market of tin


4. Opportunities and challenges of potential replacements for ITO

Graphene, its history and prospects


Appendix 1: Manufacturers ITO

Appendix 2: Suppliers (trading companies, trydery) ITO

Appendix 3: Consumers ITO

1. LCD screens

2. Solar cells (panel)

3. Glass, windows, portholes, etc.

Appendix 4: Current market prices ITO

The European market

Asian market

U.S. Market

Table 1: General properties of ITO

Table 2: Revenues from sales of flat-panel displays in the world in 2010-2012

Table 3: Increase in the average size of flat panel displays in the world in 2010-2013, in%

Table 4: World consumption is glasses with ITO-coated displays million square feet. ft.

Table 5: World production capacity target of indium tin oxide, MT / month

Table 6: World TV delivery technology, thousand pieces.

Table 7: Top 5 producers of flat panel TV in terms of revenue

Table 8. Major manufacturers of CdTe solar cells on their capacity for 2011-2012, MW

Table 9: Company-producers of indium in CIS

Figure 1: Structure of ITO (chemical formula - molecular and empirical)

Figure 2: Examples of optical transmittance curves ITO and ITO coated glass

Figure 3: Image of the crystallographic cell of indium oxide

Figure 4: Appearance and ITO micrograph

Figure 5: Schematic of magnetron sputtering ITO and appearance of targets

Figure 6: Schematic of the band structure of undoped indium oxide doped with tin and

Figure 7: Microstructure of ITO powder and appearance package with ITO

Figure 8: Schematic representation of the structure of the LCD dipleya

Figure 9: Application Development RFP and forecast to 2016 (in million US $) transparent coatings of all types, including ITO

Figure 10: Dynamics of development (US $) and Forecast to 2016 Market clearcoats by type of materials used

Figure 11: Change in world production of flat panel displays (in billion USD) 1998-2015

Figure 12: Production chain manufacture the LCD screen (LCD-display)

Figure 13: Diagram of operation of the display by using ITO as a transparent electrode

Figure 14: Structure of LED projector with the placement of a set of LEDs on three sides polarizing prism (a) and the projector with semiconductor lasers (b)

Figure 15: The main producers of LCDs by country

Figure 16: The main producers of LCD displays for companies

Figure 17: Dynamics of demand and supply of flat panels 2011-2014

Figure 18: Dynamics of growth of suppliers of flat panel displays by region in 2010-2016

Figure 19: Diagram of the OLED-Display

Figure 20: Smartphone Galaxy Round with curved OLED-TV

Figure 21: Structure of CdTe solar edementa by using ITO

Figure 22: Evolution of the cascade development of solar cells for a-Si: H, μc-SiH and Si-Ge using ITO

Figure 23: Optimal cutting maternal plates of different generations

Figure 24: Substrate G8 factory AUO (in the background - vacuum unit) and factory G7.5, inside view

Figure 25: Dynamics of production in the world televiziorov (cathode-ray and flat)

Figure 26: Dynamics of the total production of LCD panels (monitors, TVs, laptops, and so on.) In 2007-2014 (in million units)

Figure 27: Dynamics of sales of LCD displays (including organichekih OLED) in 2006-2015

Figure 28: Dynamics of sales mob. phones and smartphones million units in 1997-2014

Figure 29: Growth in smartphone sales by country (%%) in 2011-2012

Figure 30: Structure by Type energetki solar modules and forecast for 2020

Figure 31: Growth in consumption ITO (in million m2) to 2018 in connection with the development of solar energy

Figure 32: Schematic representation of the modern silicon solar cell

Figure 33: Production of glass with a layer of ITO-million m2

Figure 34: Production (tons) and prices (USD / kg) of the primary and secondary indium 1996-2013

Figure 35: Dynamics of prices for indium in 2001-2009, USD / kg

Figure 36: Dynamics of production of primary and secondary processing of indium in China in 2000-2012, tons

Figure 37: Diagram of production of indium - primary (primary) and secondary (secondary / recycled) by country in 2013, tons,%

Figure 38: Primary production of indium in the CIS in 2002-2013, tons

Figure 39: Structure of consumption of indium in 2003 and 2011,%

Figure 40: Trends and Forecast till 2016 the use of indium (in million US $) in materials for solar energy

Figure 41: Trends and Forecast till 2016 the use of indium (in million US $) in different types of solar cells

Figure 42: Forecast of consumption growth in India 2011-2020 by areas of application include units.

Figure 43: Dynamics of consumption of indium to 2016 field of application, ie

Figure 44: Raspedelenie mining and tin deposits by world regions,%

Figure 45: Dynamics of world tin prices (1990-2012), USD / t and the total world production of tin (1952-2012), kt

Figure 46: Dynamics of consumption of tin in the United States and the world.

Figure 47: Comparison of different conductive connections

Figure 48: Schematic representation of a family of transparent conductive oxides

Figure 49: Forecast of the various types of transparent conductive compounds to 2018 million

Figure 50: Forecast of market development of transparent conductive coatings was based on ITO (in million USD) 2020

Figure 51: Schematic representation of the carbon nanotube

Figure 52: Structure of graphene

Figure 53: Diamond-like carbon film (SEM image of Carl Zeiss Supra 40-30-87) 6 × 6 mm


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