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Bags Packed and High-Quality Coal in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

Seitenzahl: 94 Anzahl der Tische: 27 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 17
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 12.01.2015
Form der Präsentation:

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the first edition of market research graded coal (including bags) in Russia.

The purpose of research - analysis of the Russian market of high-quality coal (including bags).

The object of the study is sorted coal large and middle classes (including bags).

This Is a desk study. As information sources, we used data of Rosstat, the Russian customs statistics, statistics railage; used materials sector and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of companies, web-sites of company-producers and trading companies, as well as data obtained from telephone interviews with representatives of enterprises.

Chronological framework of the study: 2012-2014

Geography of research: the Russian Federation - a comprehensive detailed analysis of the market.


The report consists of 8 Sections, contains 94 pages, including 17 Figures, 27 Tables and Appendix.

In the first chapter of the report provides a classification of coal grades and grades according to GOST 25543-88. Designated areas of application of different grades of coal.

The second chapter is devoted to the description of the production technology of high-quality coal and its packaging (packing).

The third chapter presents data on the extraction and processing of thermal coal in Russia, as well as the production of high-quality coal large and middle classes (including bags) in 2012-2013

The fourth chapter is devoted to a description of the largest coal companies, producing high-quality coal (including bags). The data obtained from the interviews with the companies on production, type and quality of the products, channels of implementation, prices, cost of production.

The fifth chapter of the report presents the same information about the largest trading companies that implement high-quality coal in the Russian market. Furthermore, contact data shows these companies.

In the sixth chapter contains prices in 2012-2014 on various brands of high-quality (including bags) coal, consider the structure of the cost of production of coal.

The seventh chapter is devoted to analysis of consumption of the products in question in Russia in 2012-2013 This section describes the amount and structure of consumption by region and application area.

The eighth chapter contains a brief description of the development prospects of the industry.

The Appendix presents addresses and contact information of enterprises producing high-quality coal large and middle classes (including packaged) in Russia.


The target audience of the research:

- Market participants graded coal large and middle classes (including bags) - producers, consumers, suppliers;

- Potential investors.

The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and professionals to make managerial decisions, working in the market of high-quality coal large and middle classes (including bags).





I. Classification and application of coal


II. Production technology and high-quality packaged (packaged) coal


III. Extraction and processing of coal types in the Russian Federation. Production of long (including packaged) coal large and middle classes


IV. The largest coal mining companies producing high-quality coal (including the package)

IV.1. JSC "Siberian Coal Energy Company" (SUEK)

IV.2. JSC "UK KRU" (Kemerovo region).

IV.3. JSC "Kuzbass Fuel Company" OJSC ("CPC")

IV.4. HC "SDS-Ugol" (Kemerovo region).

IV.5. JSC "Stroyservice" (Kemerovo region).

IV.6. LLC "Karakan Invest" (Kemerovo region).

IV.7. JSC "Russian Coal"

IV.8. Other coal companies


V. Largest trading companies selling high-quality (including packed or packaged) coal

V.1. LLC "Baltic Coal Company" (Kaliningrad)

V.2. LLC "Prominvest" (Kemerovo)

V.3. LLC "Coal Production Company" (Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region).

V.4. LLC "Tsentrregionugol" (Moscow region).

V.5. JSC "Ozerskoye lesotoplivnoe enterprise" (Ozery, Moscow region).

V.6. LLC "InterTEK" (Ekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region).

V.7. LLC "Complex supply" (St. Krasnoufimsk, Sverdlovsk region).

V.8. JSC "Sibuglesbyt" (Myski, Kemerovo region).

V.9. Other retailers


VI. Prices and cost of high-quality and packed (packaged) coal


VII. Consumption of high-quality coal (including packaged) in Russia in 2012-2013

VII.1. Consumption

VII.2. Consumption pattern


VIII. Prospects for the development of high-quality coal production of large and middle classes (including packaged) in Russia


Appendix: Contact largest Russian manufacturers of high-quality coal large and middle classes (including packaged)

Table 1: Classification of coals on the technological properties and geological structure

Table 2: Use of coal various technology brands, groups and subgroups

Table 3: Production volumes of the largest manufacturers of steam coal in Russia in 2009-2013, th.,%

Table 4: Major producers of coal grade D in Russia in 2012-2013, mln t,%

Table 5: Production and processing of coal types in the Russian Federation and the Kuzbass in 2007-2013, mln t

Table 6: Production of coal (including anthracite) large and middle classes Russian enterprises and large coal basins in December 2013 and in January-December 2013, th.,%

Table 7: The largest enterprises for the production of coal and large middle classes in Russia in 2013, th.,%

Table 8: The volume of coal production of large and middle classes of Russia's largest mining companies in 2012-2013, th.

Table 9: Characteristics of high-grade coals mined branches of JSC "SUEK"

Table 10: Vintage composition of coal products with quality of "KRU"

Table 11: Characteristics of mined in OAO "Kuzbass Fuel Company" coals

Table 12: Some performance indicators of JSC "Kuzbass Fuel Company" in 2011-2013, mln t, rub. / T

Table 13: The cost structure of coal production of "Kuzbass Fuel Company" in 2012, mln.,%

Table 14: Nekotrye characteristics of coal produced JSC "Holding Company" SDS-Coal "

Table 15: Addresses of the points of sale and the price (rub. / Bag) of packed charcoal (25 kg bags) Ltd "Stroyservice"

Table 16: Characteristics of high-quality steam coal medium and large classes (according to GOST 19242-73) Ltd. "HC" Karakan Invest "

Table 17: Characteristics of non-standard energy coal medium and large classes of "HC" Karakan Invest "

Table 18: Qualitative characteristics grades of coal production cut "Steppenwolf" JSC "Russian Coal"

Table 19: Characteristics of steam coal range order brand, produced by JSC w. "Intaugol"

Table 20: Coal prices realized by LLC "Baltic Coal Company" (from September 15, 2014)

Table 21: Coal prices realized by LLC "Coal Production Company"

Table 22: Coal prices realized by JSC "Ozerskoye lesotoplivnoe enterprise" (p 12.05.2014)

Table 23: Coal prices realized by LLC "Prominvest" in 2014, rub. / T

Table 24: Foreign trade of coal (including quality) in Russia in 2012-2013, mln t

Table 25: Supply-demand balance of high-quality coal and large middle classes in Russia in 2012-2013, mln t,%

Table 26: Shipments to the Russian market of high-quality coal large and medium fractions (including packaged) major producers in 2013, th.

Table 27: Share of processing of various brands of energy coal in the total volume of their production

Figure 1: The optimal structure of production-grade thermal coal for a modern coal mining company,%

Figure 2: Complex packing wood and coal CFI-1

Figure 3: Dynamics of mining coal (by type) in Russia in 2005-2013, mln t

Figure 4: Shares of the largest mining companies in the total coal production in Russia in 2013,%

Figure 5: Brand structure of steam coal production in Russia in 2013,%

Figure 6: Production and consumption of coal grade D in Russia in 2007-2013, mln t

Figure 7: Structure of manufacture of high-quality coal medium and large classes by region in 2013,%

Figure 8: Shares of the largest coal companies in the total production of coal and large middle classes in Russia in 2013,%

Figure 9: Flow sheet of coal processing at concentrating plants of JSC "SUEK"

Figure 10: Brand structure of coal production enterprises of JSC "SUEK"

Figure 11: The structure of coal sales of "CTC" railway transportation to areas of consumption in 2013,%

Figure 12: Structure of the production cost of 1 ton of Russian coal in January-May 2013-2014,%

Figure 13: Average prices of coal producers in Russia in 2012-2014, rub. / T (excluding VAT)

Figure 14: Main regions of graded coal consumption in Russia in 2013,%

Figure 15: Structure of the supply of steam coal on the Russian domestic market consumption by industry in 2011-2013, mln t

Figure 16: Structure of the supply of high-quality thermal coal grade D consumption by industry in 2013,%

Figure 17: Level of gasification of Russian regions in 2010-2013,%


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