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Coal Coke Breeze in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This review is the first edition of a study of the market for coal coke breeze in Russia.
Market monitoring has been conducted since 2016.
The purpose of the study - analysis of the Russian market for coke breeze
A distinctive feature of this review is that it provides a detailed analysis of the market for coke breeze - one of the secondary products of coke production, which has its own specifics.
The object of study is the coke breeze
This work is a desk study. As information sources, we used data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation (FCS of the Russian Federation), railway transport statistics of the Russian Federation, and the Infomine database. Materials from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, and websites of coke producers were brought in.
Chronological scope of the study: 2019-2018; estimate - 2019; forecast - 2020-2030.
Research geography: Russian Federation - a detailed analysis of the market.
The review consists of 6 parts, contains 50 pages, including 12 figures, 28 tables and 2 appendices.
The first chapter of the review provides information on technologies for the production of coke and coke breeze, as a by-product required for the production of raw materials. This chapter describes the requirements of the existing regulatory and technical documentation for the quality of coke breeze.
The second chapter of the review is devoted to the analysis of the production of coke breeze in Russia.
The third chapter presents data on Russian producers of coke breeze.
The fourth chapter is devoted to the analysis of foreign trade operations with coke breeze in Russia. Data on volumes of exports and imports of the studied products are presented, and the regional supply structure is estimated.
The fifth chapter of the review presents the balance of production and consumption of coke breeze in Russia, assesses the sectoral structure of consumption of the products studied, describes the main consumer sectors and enterprises.
The sixth chapter of the review provides a forecast for the development of the Russian market for coke breeze for a period up to 2030.
The appendices provide address and contact information for enterprises producing coke breeze in Russia.
The target audience of the study:
- market participants coke breeze - manufacturers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for marketing services and management decision-makers working in the coke breeze market.
1. Technology for producing coke breeze, product quality requirements
2. Production of coke breeze in the Russian Federation in 2016-2019.
3. The main producers of coke breeze in the Russian Federation
PJSC "Coke" (Kemerovo region)
Altai-Koks JSC (Altai Territory)
4. Export-import of coke breeze (2016-2019)
4.1 Dynamics of Russian foreign trade operations with coke breeze in physical and value terms in 2016-2019
4.2 Directions of Russian export deliveries of coke breeze in 2016-2019
4.3 The main exporters and importers of Russian coke breeze in 2016-2019
5. Domestic consumption of coke breeze in the Russian Federation in 2016-2019.
5.1. The balance of production and consumption of coke breeze
5.2. Pattern of consumption of coke breeze in Russia in 2018-2019
5.3 The main enterprises-consumers of marketable coke breeze
JSC "EVRAZ Kachkanar mining and processing plant"
Chelyabinsk Zinc Plant OJSC
6. Forecast for the development of the market for coke breeze in Russia until 2030
Appendix 1: Contact information of the enterprises producing coke breeze in Russia
Appendix 2: Contact information on coke breeze consumer enterprises in Russia
Table 1: Quality indicators of coke breeze, fraction 0-10 mm according to TU 0763-199-00190437-2004
Table 2: Production of coke breeze (6% humidity) in Russia by industrial groups in 2016-2019, thousand tons
Table 3: Production of coke breeze (6% humidity) by Russian enterprises in 2016-2019, thousand tons
Table 4: Production of coke breeze (6% humidity) in Russia by federal districts in 2016-2019, thousand tons
Table 5: Railway deliveries of coke breeze of PJSC "Coke" to Russian consumers in 2016-2019, thousand tons
Table 6: Key indicators of financial and economic activity of PJSC "Coke" in 216-2019, million rubles
Table 7: Rail supply of coke breeze
Table 8: Key indicators of financial and economic activity of Altai-Koks JSC in 216-2019, million rubles
Table 9: Dynamics of Russian exports of coke breeze in 2016-2019, thousand tons, (in real terms), thousand $
Table 10: The main importing countries of Russian coke breeze
Table 11: Export of coke breeze at border crossing stations in 2016-2018, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 12: Deliveries to the foreign market of coke breeze in Russia by supplying enterprises in 2016-2019, thousand tons
Table 13: Directions of export deliveries of PJSC “Coke” in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 14: Directions of export deliveries of Altai-Koks OJSC in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 15: Directions of export deliveries of JSC “Moskoks” in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 16: Directions of export deliveries of Mechel-Coke LLC in 2016-2019, thousand tons
Table 17: Directions of export deliveries of PJSC MMK in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 18: Directions of export deliveries of JSC Ural Steel in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 19: Directions of export deliveries of PJSC NLMK in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 20: Directions of export deliveries of OJSC “Evraz-ZSMK” in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 21: Directions of export deliveries of OJSC “Evraz-NTMK” in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 22: Directions of export deliveries of Gubakha Coke OJSC in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 23: Directions of export deliveries of coke-chemical enterprises of the DPR and LPR through the Russian territory in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 24: The largest foreign recipients of Russian coke breeze in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in kind)
Table 25: Balance of production and consumption of coke breeze in Russia in 2016-2019, thousand tons,%
Table 26: Railway deliveries of coke breeze to the largest Russian consumers in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Table 27: Deliveries of coke breeze of EVRAZ Kachkanarsky GOK JSC in 2016-2019 thousand tons (in kind)
Table 28: Deliveries of coke breeze of CZP PJSC in 2016-2019 thousand tons (in kind)
Figure 1: Dynamics of production of coke breeze (6% humidity)
Figure 2: Pattern of production of coke breeze in Russia in 2018 by industrial groups,%
Figure 3: Pattern of production of coke breeze in Russia
Figure 4: Regional structure of coke breeze production in Russia in 2018,%
Figure 5: Pattern of production of marketable coke breeze in Russia in 2018 by enterprises,%
Figure 6: Dynamics of production of coke breeze PJSC "Coke" in 2016-2019, thousand tons (6% humidity)
Figure 7: Dynamics of production of coke breeze Altai-Koks JSC in 2016-2019, thousand tons (6% humidity)
Figure 8: Dynamics of the Russian export of coke breeze in 2016-2019, thousand tons (in physical terms)
Figure 9: Dynamics of production, export and “visible” consumption of coke breeze in Russia in 2016-2019, mln tons
Figure 10: Sectoral structure of coke breeze consumption in Russia in 2018-2019,%
Figure 11: Dynamics of zinc production of CZP OJSC in 2016-2019, thousand tons
Figure 12: Forecast of the production of coke breeze in the Russian Federation until 2030, thousand tons (6% humidity)