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Project in the Non-Ferrous Metallurgy of Russia and the CIS
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This report is the 1st edition of the survey “Project in the Non-Ferrous Metallurgy of Russia and the CIS”.
The purpose of the study is to review and analyze projects in the non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia and the CIS, their impact on the production of non-ferrous metals in Russia.
This work is a desk study. The sources of information were data from Rosstat, materials of the sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of manufacturers of the products in question, websites of enterprises, scientific and technical literature, the INFOMME database.
Geography of research: Russia and CIS countries
Scope of research: the report consists of 3 parts, contains 51 pages, including 2 tables and 3 figures.
The first chapter of the report presents an overview of projects in the non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia, with a breakdown by direction - mining and processing of ores; the creation of metallurgical facilities; the creation of facilities for the processing of metals.
The second chapter of the report is devoted to a review of projects in the non-ferrous metallurgy of the CIS countries (Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan), with a breakdown into areas - mining and processing of ores and the creation of metallurgical facilities.
The third chapter provides an analysis of the impact of ongoing projects on the production of non-ferrous metals, given the forecast of the production of basic non-ferrous metals in Russia until 2025-2030
Target audience of the study:
- participants of the market of non-ferrous metals;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims to be a reference tool for professionals working in the field of non-ferrous metals, and making management decisions.
I. Overview of major projects in Russia
1.1 Mining and processing of non-ferrous metal ores
1.1.1 MMC Norilsk Nickel
1.1.2 Baikal Mining Company
1.1.3 Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company (UMMC)
1.1.4 Russian Copper Company
1.1.5 CJSC “First Mining Company” (PGRK)
1.1.6 Amur Minerals
1.1.7 KazMinerals
1.2 Production of non-ferrous metals (metallurgical capacity)
1.2.1 MMC Norilsk Nickel
1.2.2 Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company
1.2.3 Russian Copper Company
1.2.4 RUSAL
1.3 Production of products from non-ferrous metals
1.3.1 Russian Copper Company
1.3.2 Ural Mining and Metallurgical Company
II. Overview of major projects in the CIS countries
2.1 Mining and processing of non-ferrous metal ores
2.1.1 KAZ Minerals (Kazakhstan)
2.1.2 Kazakhmys (Kazakhstan)
2.1.3 Kazzinc (Kazakhstan)
2.1.4 Aktobe Copper Company (Kazakhstan)
2.1.5 Almalyk MMC (Uzbekistan)
2.2 Production of non-ferrous metals (metallurgical capacity)
2.2.1 Kazakhmys (Kazakhstan)
2.2.2Almalyk Mining and Metallurgical Combine (Uzbekistan)
III. Evaluation of the impact of projects on production volumes and market situation in the non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia
3.1 Copper
3.2 Nickel
3.3 Aluminum
3.4 Zinc
3.5 Lead
3.6 Tin
Table 1: The main ongoing investment projects in the non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia until 2025
Table 2: The main investment projects in the non-ferrous metallurgy of the CIS countries until 2025
Figure 1: Dynamics of investment in non-ferrous metallurgy of Russia in 2014-2018, billion rubles
Figure 2: Forecast of production of copper in concentrate and cathode copper in Russia up to 2025-2030
Figure 3: Forecast of aluminum production in Russia up to 2025-2030