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Equipment for Gravity Separation of ThinClasses of Mineral Raw Materials in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast

Seitenzahl: 267 Anzahl der Tische: 83 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 61
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 25.11.2016
Form der Präsentation:

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Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

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Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 4 000 Euro

This report is the first edition of the study of the Russian market of equipment for gravity separation of thin classes of minerals. The study mainly focuses on the market of centrifugal concentrators. It is also focused on spiral separators and concentrationin tables.

Market monitoring conducted from 2014

The purpose of research – market analysis of gravitational enrichment equipment slim classes

The objects of study are different gravitational machines: centrifugal concentrators of different types, spiral separators, concentrating tables, jigs, centrifugal, etc.

This work is a Desk study. As information sources used data of Rosstat, Federal customs service of Russia, official statistics of rail transportation of JSC "RZHD", sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, and also Internet sites, gravity equipment, both domestic and foreign manufacturers.

The chronological scope of the study: dynamics of production of tin, tungsten, loparite presented from 1997 to 2015, production of gold 2009-2016 Forecast of the needs of Russian industry gravity separators for enrichment of classes of thin (projects) – up to 2025

Geography research: Russian Federation.


The report consists of 8 sections, contains 267 pages, including 61 figure 83 tables and 8 annexes.

In the first Chapter of the report presents brief characteristics of modern gravity separators for enrichment of classes of thin mineral raw materials

In the second Chapter of the report describes the practice of application of gravity of the apparatus for the enrichment of disseminated raw materials on the example of the enrichment of tin, tungsten, chromite, loparite, gold ore. In a separate section describes the experience of subtle enrichment of coking coal in the factories of new generation in Russia. A large section is devoted to gold mining, because centrifugal concentrators in demand in the industry.

The third Chapter is devoted to the production of spiral separators, concentrating tables and centrifugal concentrators in Russia.

In the fourth Chapter of the report describes export and import operations in a 2000-2016 spiral separators, concentration tables and centrifugal concentrators. Examined the structure of import by brands, production companies, manufacturers. Given the price of the purchased equipment.

In the fifth Chapter of the report presents data on the main suppliers to Russia centrifugal concentrators – Falcon and Knelson. The basic specifications of all models produced. Annex 7 describes the features of technical policy of the company Falcon when you create a hub 3 generations that allowed it to occupy a leading place, along with Nelson, in the Russian market.

The sixth Chapter is to assess the capacity of the Russian market for hubs, screws and concentration tables in 2014-2015 Separately examines the structure of consumption of this equipment by industry. Briefly considered the largest consumers.

The seventh Chapter presents new projects for the enrichment of ores by gravity separators.

The eighth Chapter presents forecast of development of market of centrifugal concentrators in Russia up to 2025

The Application describes the characteristics of some gravitational units.


Target audience research:

–manufacturers of gravitation equipment for thin enrichment classes;

– enrichers using in their factories, gravitational beneficiation equipment slim classes;

– potential investors.

The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and specialists taking management decisions.



1. Brief overview of the main gravity separators for enrichment of fine material

1.1. The enrichment in heavy environments

1.2. Separating time

Centrifugal jigging machine Kelsey

1.3. The enrichment in concentration tables

1.4. The concentration enrichment on the gateways

1.4.1. Movable mechanized gateways

1.4.2. Other gateways

1.5. The enrichment of the coil separators

1.6. Enriching centrifugal concentrators


2. Main features of the market of gravitational separators in Russia for the enrichment of disseminated materials (concentration tables, spiral separators, centrifugal concentrators)

2.1. The practice of applying gravity separators for fine coal beneficiation

2.1.1. Hydrosizer

2.1.2. Helical (spiral) separators

2.1.3. Tailoredmail hydrocyclone

2.2. The practice of application of gravitational separators in Russia in the beneficiation of ores, placers, quartz sand

2.2.1. Beneficiation of tin ore

2.2.2. Beneficiation of tungsten ores

2.2.3. The enrichment of loparite ores

2.2.4. Beneficiation of iron ore, oxidized iron ores, weathering, iron-containing technogenic deposits

2.2.5. The concentration of gold and PGE enrichment of polymetallic ores.

2.2.6. Studies on the additional extraction of valuable components from waste deposits and tailings stale

2.2.7. The enrichment of gold ores The General situation in the gold mining industry in Russia The largest Russian gold mining company The forecast for the development of the gold mining industry of Russia in 2016 The Russian gold mining industry: forecast of the Union of Gold producers for 2016-2020 The forecast of the Union of gold producers for 2016-2020 to conduct exploration for gold The use of modern technology for extraction of fine gold in the development of placer deposits

2.2.8. The enrichment of quartz Sands for glass industry

2.2.9. Beneficiation of chromite ore


3. The production of gravitational separators in Russia in 2014-2015

3.1. Production concentration tables in Russia in 2014-2015. Capacity of the Russian market

JSC "Zavod Trud" (Novosibirsk)

3.2. Manufacture of helical (spiral) separators in 2014-2015. Capacity of the Russian market

LLC "PC "Spirit" (Irkutsk)

3.3. Manufacturing of centrifugal concentrators in Russia in 2014-2015. The capacity of the market. The main company-producers. Structure of production of main producers

CJSC "Itomak" (Novosibirsk)

LLC "Mezon" (Irkutsk)

LLC "group of companies "Pugachev and partners" (Obninsk, Kaluga region)

JSC "Grant" (Moscow region).

Centrifugal concentrator "Shihan" (OOO "Heromachine")

Enterprises that have stopped production of centrifugal concentrators


4. Export and import gravity separators (concentration tables, spiral separators, centrifugal concentrators) in Russia (2010 -2016)

4.1 Foreign trade operations of Russia. Import

4.1.1. Russian imports of centrifugal concentrators in a 2000-2016 The volume of imports Import structure by brands Import structure by countries-manufacturers Import structure by manufacturers Import structure by company-recipients The average import price

4.1.2. Russian import concentration tables 2007-2016

4.1.3. Russian import helical (spiral) oil, 2007-2016

4.2. Foreign trade operations of Russia. Export

4.2.1. Russian exports of centrifugal concentrators in the 2001-2016 Exports The structure of Russian exports of centrifugal concentrators in the recipient countries in 2001-2016 The structure of Russian exports of centrifugal concentrators by companies-exporters in the 2001-2016 The structure of Russian exports of centrifugal concentrators by companies-recipients in 2001-2016 The average price of Russian export of centrifugal concentrators

4.2.2. Russian export spiral separators in 2013-2016

4.2.3. Russian exports concentration tables in 2014-2016


5. The main suppliers of gravity separators (concentration tables, spiral separators, centrifugal concentrators). Competitive analysis

5.1. Company Knelson

5.1.1. A brief profile of the company. A brief overview of products

5.1.2. The volume of production/sales and market share. Import prices on various grades of imported centrifugal concentrators, Knelson

5.1.3. Channels of deliveries to Russia

5.2. Company – Falcon (Sepro Mineral Systems Corp. (Canada)

5.2.1. A brief profile of the company. A brief overview of products.

5.2.2. The volume of production/sales and market share. Import prices on various grades of imported centrifugal concentrators Falcon

5.2.3. Channels of deliveries to Russia


6. Analysis of consumption gravity separators for mineral processing in Russia

6.1 Consumption in Russia

6.1.1. Estimation of market capacity in 2014-2015 The market capacity of centrifugal concentrators in Russia in 2014-2015 Market capacity spiral separators in Russia in 2014-2015 The market capacity of the concentrating tables in Russia in 2014-2015

6.1.2. Consumption structure in 2015 for the types of equipment and industries Structure of consumption of centrifugal concentrators in 2015 Structure of consumption of spiral separators in 2015 Structure of consumption of concentrating tables in Russia in 2015

6.1.3. Structure of consumption in 2015. for the types of equipment and industries mining. Description the largest consumers Coal preparation. Description the largest consumers Enrichment of ores of nonferrous and rare metals, description of the largest consumers

6.2. Criteria for supplier selection from the main consumers. Description of consumer preferences


7. New projects for the enrichment of ores with the use of gravity separators in Russia up to 2025. Involvement in the processing of stale tails


8. Characteristics and forecast of market development of centrifugal concentrators in Russia up to 2025. Prospects for use of gravity equipment for the enrichment of disseminated mineral raw materials of Russia



Appendix 1: Description of work installation gidroizolom enrichment of fine coal

Appendix 2: specifications of slurry spiral separators produced by "PC "Spirit"

Appendix 3: spiral Concentrators of the type "gene" (Keene Gold Genie)

Appendix 4: Centrifugal concentrator with floating bed CCFB - Flexy-Bowl

Appendix 5: Segregation of the centrifugal-bubbling hub (PPM)

Appendix 6: Centrifugal concentrates iCON (Falcon Concentrators/Sepro/iCON Gold Recovery Corporation) for small-scale mining

Appendix 7: Characteristics of technical policy Falcon/Sepro when creating the phones of the new generation 3

Appendix 8: Comparison of enrichment efficiency of artificial mixtures on the test apparatus on the hub, Nelson, CEC-100 and ITOMAK-0,1


Address book of the Russian manufacturers of centrifugal concentrators

The list of sources

Table 1. Applications of jigging

Table 2. Technical characteristics of centrifugal jigging machine Kelsey

Table 3. Results enrichment of gold-silver ore at different gravitational systems (Falcon, Kelsey, Itomak)

Table 4. Extraction of minerals of different density by industrial spiral separator, %

Table 5. Granulometric characteristics of the products beneficiation spiral separator, coal slurries Pechora UB

Table 6. Plan production of tin, tungsten concentrates, OOO "Pravourmiyskoe" until 2018, t

Table 7. The distribution of the reserves of tin in Russia in 2015

Table 8. The main indigenous and placer deposits of tin in Russia, tin t

Table 9. Comparative results preparation of sand g/C coil separators and centrifugal concentrators (industrial tests on man-made Barun-Naryn field of tungsten)

Table 10. The main Russian deposits of tungsten, t WO3

Table 11. The technological parameters of the enrichment of clay martite ore deposits Velikhovskaya South (RK) jigging and spiral separators

Table 12. The reserves of oxidized ferruginous quartzites on the largest Russian development fields (2011)

Table 13. Dynamics of production of indigenous, placer, associated and secondary gold in Russia in 2009-2016, t, %

Table 14. Thirty of the largest gold mining companies of Russia in 2012-2015, t, %

Table 15. Financial performance of JSC "Saranovskaya mine "Rudnaya" in 2013-2014, thousand RUB.

Table 16. Key performance indicators of JSC "Mashinostroitelny Zavod "Trud" in 2010-2015

Table 17. The structure of commodity production of JSC "Mashzavod Trud" in 2014-2015, thousand RUB. %

Table 18. The installation of spiral separators produced by "Spirit" in the Russian and Kazakhstani enterprises in 1998-2016

Table 19. Export spiral separators OOO "Spirit" in 2005-2014, pieces., t, thousand$.

Table 20. Key financial indicators of OOO "Spirit" in 2013-2014, mln.

Table 21. Specifications of centrifugal concentrators, ZAO "Itomak"

Table 22. The results of comparative tests of centrifugal concentrator ITOMAK and other processing devices

Table 23. Key financial indicators of JSC "Itomak" in 2011-2014, thousand rubles

Table 24. Technical characteristics of the centrifugal concentrator KC-1700

Table 25. Distribution of gold in the hub of ck-1700 on fractions when working at the ore technologies at OOO "Rudnik Chalbinski"

Table 26. Specifications centrifugal concentrator for hydraulic SYSTEMS-1700

Table 27. The list of companies where you installed centrifugal concentrators, OOO "Mezon"

Table 28. Technical characteristics of the centrifugal concentrator KSC-1

Table 29. Technical characteristics of the centrifugal concentrator KNP-0,2

Table 30. Technical characteristics of the centrifugal concentrator CVKP-3

Table 31. Technical characteristics of the centrifugal concentrator CVKP-5

Table 32. Technical characteristics of the centrifugal concentrator CVKP-10

Table 33. Technical characteristics of the centrifugal concentrator CVKP-25

Table 34. The list of enterprises, where the equipment produced by LLC "GC "Pugachev and partners"

Table 35. Technical parameters of centrifugal concentrators produced by JSC "Grant"

Table 36. The financial position of JSC "Grant" in 2008-2015, thousand RUB.

Table 37. Specifications centrifugal segregation hub "Shihan"

Table 38. Technical characteristics of the Hub SHEEHAN L-02

Table 39. Import of centrifugal concentrators in Russia by brands in 2000-1, p/g 2016, units, thous.

Table 40. Direct receivers of imported centrifugal hub 2000-2016

Table 41. The direction and the volume of imports of the concentration of tables in Russia in 2007-2016, m2 soundboard

Table 42. Main suppliers concentrating tables in Russia, 2007-2016, m2 soundboard

Table 43. Main suppliers concentrating tables in Russia, 2007-2016, thous.

Table 44. Direct receivers of imported concentration tables 2007-2016

Table 45. The direction and volume of import spiral separators in Russia in 2007-2016, the number of turns

Table 46. The main companies-suppliers of spiral separators in Russia in 2007-2016, the unit turns

Table 47. The main companies-suppliers of spiral separators in Russia 2007-2016, thous.

Table 48. Direct consumers of imported spiral (helical) oil, 2007-2013

Table 49. Russian exports of centrifugal concentrators in the country, pieces, thousand$.

Table 50. Export shipments of Russian manufacturers of centrifugal concentrators in the 2001-2016, thous.

Table 51. Direct foreign consumers of Russian centrifugal concentrators in 2003-2009, thous.

Table 52. Characterization of particles and aggregates of valuable mineral from waste rock. The feasibility of various methods of enrichment

Table 53. Specifications of centrifugal concentrators, Knelson QS with periodic unloading

Table 54. Specifications of centrifugal concentrators, Knelson with continuous and intermittent discharge

Table 55. Brands of hubs, Knelson imported into Russia. The price of imported products by brands in 2000-2016, pieces, thousand$./PCs

Table 56. Technical characteristics of the centrifugal concentrator Falcon

Table 57. Specifications of centrifugal concentrators SB

Table 58. Specifications of centrifugal concentrators Falcon UF

Table 59. Brand of Falcon concentrators, imported in Russia. The price of imported products by brands in 2000-2016, pieces, thousand$./PCs

Table 60. The balance of production and consumption of centrifugal concentrators in Russia in 2014-2015

Table 61. Balance of production-consumption spiral separators in Russia in 2014-2016, units, %

Table 62. The balance of production and consumption, concentrating tables, Russian Federation, m2 conditional soundboard

Table 63. Processing capacity of main Russian ore gold processing plants, mln t

Table 64. Main equipment for beneficiation and dewatering OF coal "Raspadskaya"

Table 65. The main equipment for the enrichment and coal dewatering PF "Antonovskaya"

Table 66. Projects of Russia on the development of new deposits and reopening of old by 2025

Table 67. Prospective projects on construction of new processing plants, which could be claimed centrifugal concentrators

Table 68. Specifications slurry screw gateways produced by "PC "Spirit" for exploration and laboratory work

Table 69. Specifications slurry screw gateways produced by "PC "Spirit" for laboratory and pilot plant work

Table 70. Specifications slurry screw gateways produced by "PC "Spirit" for semi-industrial works and industrial screw locks

Table 71. Specifications industrial screw slurry gateways produced by "PC "Spirit"

Table 72. Specifications industrial mineral screw gateways produced by "PC "Spirit"

Table 73. Technical characteristics of the centrifugal concentrator CCFB Flexy-Bowl

Table 74. The results of experimental tests using a centrifugal-bubbling hub with enrichment of gold-bearing ores of weathering crusts Tambov field

Table 75. The dependence of the extraction of heavy components from their size in the centrifugal-bubbling hub of the pulp mill and Knelson-3

Table 76. The installation iCON

Table 77. Technical characteristics of the iCON i150 concentrator

Table 78. A non-linear increase in wear with increasing size of the bowl of the Falcon concentrator

Table 79. The dependence of the technological parameters on the magnitude of the centrifugal field

Table 80. A comparison of the effectiveness of the use of equipment Falcon c different braking systems

Table 81. Granulometric characterization of the powder of ferrosilicon brand FG-15, is used to test centrifugal separators.

Table 82. The results of the separation of artificial mixtures of magnetite and ferrosilicon at various centrifugal separators in optimal working conditions

Table 83. The extraction of a narrow class of fine magnetite from an artificial mixture of fine-grained quartz in the centrifugal separator SHEEHAN L-02 (total extraction of the entire magnetite particle size -40+0 mm – 63,5%)

Figure 1. The appearance of centrifugal concentrator with floating bed CCFB - Flexy-Bowl

Figure 2. Centrifugal concentrators Falcon in the Assembly shop of the plant Sepro in Canada

Figure 3. The use of different methods for enrichment of coal, depending on class size

Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the operation of hydrosizer for the enrichment of fine coal

Figure 5. The enrichment of fine coal using hydrosizer

Figure 6. Helical (spiral) separator

Figure 7. Dynamics of production of tin in concentrate in Russia in 1991-2015, kt

Figure 8. Dynamics of production of tungsten concentrate in Russia and export it in 2007-2015, t

Figure 9. Dynamics of production loparite concentrate by LLC "Lovozero GOK" in 1997-2015, kt

Figure 10. Regional structure of Russian gold production in 2015, %

Figure 11. Install the screw separators on the dredge 230 Mine "Udereisky"

Figure 12. The installation of "Siberia" for the enrichment of gold placers of JSC "Trud"

Figure 13. Dynamics of Russian production of quartz Sands for glass industry in 2000-2015, mln t

Figure 14. Gold mining plant in Armenia built by the project of JSC "TEAGUE" and JSC "Mashinostroitelny Zavod "Trud"

Figure 15. Multi-rotor hub ITOMAK-KGM-120A in the "Almazy Anabara", mine Mayat

Figure 16. Two centrifugal concentrator Itomak KG 40 installed in July 2016 at the processing complex artel "Vostok-1" (Khabarovsk Krai)

Figure 17. Concentrating plant of CJSC "Itomak" with the use of centrifugal concentrator KN 1.0

Figure 18. Installation of centrifugal concentrators, Itomak KG 40 LLP "Mayatas" (Kazakhstan) in 2014

Figure 19. Centrifugal concentrator "Itomak KG-100" for OJSC "Almazy Anabara" (2013)

Figure 20. Centrifugal concentrator on the hydraulic TSKG-1700

Figure 21. External view of the installation of mechanical disintegration for the preparation of pulp for the enrichment of centrifugal-vibrational concentrator CVKP-3

Figure 23. The appearance of centrifugal concentrator "Shihan" (OOO (Heromachine")

Figure 23. Dynamics of the imports of centrifugal concentrators in Russia 2000-2016 natural expression, pieces.

Figure 24. Dynamics of the imports of centrifugal concentrators in Russia in 2000-2016, in terms of value, mn USD.

Figure 25. The structure of Russian imports of centrifugal concentrators in terms of money for the company-manufacturer (2006-2016), %

Figure 26. Dynamics of average import prices on centrifugal concentrators in 2007-2016, thous.

Figure 27. The pivot structure of import of Russia concentrating tables in physical terms, by country of origin equipment (2007-2016), %

Figure 28. Dynamics of import concentration tables in Russia 2007-2016 in terms of value, thous.

Figure 29. The pivot structure of import of Russia concentrating tables in physical terms by the company-manufacturer (2007-2016), %

Figure 30. The pivot structure of import of Russia concentrating tables in terms of value for the company-manufacturer (2007-2016), %

Figure 31. The pivot structure of import of Russia spiral separators in the country of origin of the equipment (2007-2016), %

Figure 32. Dynamics of import spiral separators in Russia 2007-2016 in terms of value, thousand $

Figure 33. The pivot structure of import of Russia spiral separators in physical terms by the company-manufacturer (2007-2016), %

Figure 34. Dynamics of Russian exports of centrifugal concentrators in the 2001-2016 in natural expression, pieces.

Figure 35. Dynamics of Russian exports of centrifugal concentrators in the 2001-2016 in terms of value, thous.

Figure 36. Structure of export supplies of Russian centrifugal concentrators in 2001-2016 countries-buyers, % (depending on value)

Figure 37. The structure of Russian exports of centrifugal concentrators by companies-exporters in the 2001-2016, %

Figure 38. Dynamics of average prices of exported Russian centrifugal concentrators in the 2007-2016

Figure 39. Hub, Knelson with periodic unloading series KX-CD

Figure 41. Hub 32-2 CVD continuous discharge

Figure 42. The appearance of small Knelsona QS series of periodic unloading

Figure 43. Dynamics of supplies of centrifugal concentrators, Knelson in Russia 2000-2016.

Figure 43. Dynamics of the imports of centrifugal concentrators, Knelson to Russia in 2000-2016, in terms of value, mn USD.

Figure 44. View of a Falcon concentrator SB in the context of

Figure 45. Installation iCON IGR 500 (trade Concentrators Falcon/Sepro Mineral Sistem) for small scale gold mining and platinum

Figure 46. Dynamics of import supplies of centrifugal concentrators Falcon in physical terms 2000-2016.

Figure 47. Dynamics of the imports of centrifugal concentrators Falcon in Russia in 2000-2016, in terms of value, mn USD.

Figure 48. The SB750 Falcon concentrator for the needs of the pilot plant of the mine to them. Matrosov (2015)

Figure 49. The SB750 Falcon concentrator gold recovery plant of the mine "Juliet" (2014)

Figure 50. Concentrators Falcon (SB5200 – 13 PCs and SB2500 – 2 PCs.) for GCP field "Natalka"

Figure 51. Structure of consumption of spiral separators in Russia in 2015

Figure 52. Dynamics processing of coking coal and concentrate production at the processing plants of Russia in 2000-2015, mln t

Figure 53. The possible use of centrifugal concentrators "Shihan" for the enrichment of various types of minerals %

Figure 54. Device hydrosizer

Figure 55. The appearance of centrifugal concentrator iCON

Figure 55. Appearance settings iCON with complex dezintegriruetsja equipment

Figure 57. The bowl of the Falcon concentrator

Figure 58. Comparison of the profiles of the threads in the hub, Knelson and Falcon

Figure 59. Marking ceramic tiles on the side of the Falcon for easy installation at the site

Figure 60. The Falcon concentrator SB with ceramic lining

Figure 61. The geometry of the injection holes at Falcon concentrators and Knelson


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