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Electrostatic Separators for the processing of mineral and secondary raw materials in Russia and CIS: Production, Market and Forecast

Seitenzahl: 64 Anzahl der Tische: 20 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 22
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 01.12.2020
Form der Präsentation:

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel 

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and Adobe Illustrator presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 2 000 Euro

This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.


This report is the 1st edition of the CIS electrostatic separator market research.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the market for electrostatic separators.

The object of research is various types of electrostatic separators used for the enrichment of mineral raw materials, for the processing of secondary waste (including polymer).

This work is a desk study. The sources of information were data from the Federal State Statistics Service of the Russian Federation (Rosstat), the State Committee on Statistics of Ukraine, the statistics of railway transportation of the Russian Federation, the Federal Customs Service of the Russian Federation, the UN database (UNdata), and the Infomine database. Also, data from the industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, Internet sites of market participants, open tenders and purchases were attracted.

Chronological scope of the study: 1999-2020; forecast - until 2023

Geography of research: Russia, Ukraine.


Research volume: the report consists of 6 chapters, contains 64 pages, including 20 tables, 22 figures and 3 appendices.

In the first chapter, the basic physical foundations of the method of electrical separation and the devices used in this are given.

The second chapter of the report provides data on the main producers of electrostatic separator in Russia and Ukraine (range of production, estimated production volumes, main recipient companies, financial position).

The third chapter of the report provides data on foreign trade transactions with power systems in Russia (1999-2020) and in Ukraine (2013-2019).

The fourth chapter shows the export-import prices for power plants in Russia and Ukraine. Separate prices for electrostatic separator are given based on the analysis of open tenders.

The fifth chapter of the report examines the consumption of electrostatic separator in Russia / CIS. The main Russian consumers - mining and processing plants, as well as the use of ES in other areas are given.

In the sixth and final chapter of the report, a forecast of the electrostatic separator market development in Russia and Ukraine is given.

The appendices provide contact information on manufacturers and electrostatic separators in the CIS, as well as detailed information on export-import supplies of electrostatic separators in Russia.


Target audience of the study:

- market participants of equipment for the separation of minerals, metals, polymers - producers / consumers;

- potential investors.


The proposed study claims to be a reference manual for marketing services and specialists making management decisions in the market for equipment for the separation of minerals, metals, polymers.





1. Electrical separation, fundamentals and principles of operation, devices


2. Manufacturers of electrostatic separators in the CIS9

NPO Erga

JSC "NPK" Mekhanobr-Tekhnika "

LLC "Russian crown" (Yekaterinburg)

Irgiredmet JSC (Irkutsk)

NPF "Prodecology"


3. Export-import of electrostatic separators (1999-2020)

3.1 Russia

3.2 Ukraine


4. Review of prices for various types of electrostatic separators in Russia / CIS (2013-2020)


5. Consumption of electrostatic separators in Russia / CIS


6. Forecast of the development of the market for electrostatic separators in Russia and Ukraine


Appendix 1: Contact information of the main manufacturers of electrostatic separators in the CIS

Appendix 2: Export of electrostatic separators from Russia in 1999-2015 (detailed information)

Appendix 3: Import of electrostatic separators from Russia in 1999-2019 (detailed information)

Table 1: Technical characteristics of selected corona electrostatic separators

Table 2: Technical characteristics of some triboelectrostatic separators

Table 3: Ranges of specific electrical conductivity of different minerals, S / m

Table 4: Technical characteristics of different models of electrostatic separators ELKRON ESS manufactured by NPO Erga

Table 5: Technical characteristics of different models of ELKRON TESS electrostatic separators produced by NPO Erga

Table 6: Main technical characteristics of ELCOR separators manufactured by NPK Mekhanobr-Tekhnika JSC

Table 7: Technical characteristics of corona-electrostatic drum separators with a horizontal drum of OOO Russkaya Korona

Table 8: Technical characteristics of corona-electrostatic drum separators with a vertical drum LLC "Russkaya Korona"

Table 9: Main financial indicators of LLC Russian Crown in 2014-2019, thousand rubles

Table 10: Technical characteristics of corona barban electrostatic separators EBS manufactured by NPF "Prodecologia"

Table 11: Technical characteristics of triboelectric separators EBS-T manufactured by NPF "Prodecologia"

Table 12: Key financial indicators of LLC Russkaya Korona

Table 13: Directions and volume of exports of electrostatic separators from Russia in 1999-2015, units

Table 14: Directions and volume of imports of electrostatic separators in Russia in 1999-2020, units

Table 15: Directions and volume of exports of electrostatic separators in Ukraine in 1999-2019, units

Table 16: Main companies-importers of electrostatic separators supplied from Ukraine in 2013-2019

Table 17: Price of imported electrostatic separators of certain brands supplied to Russia, USD

Table 18: Prices for electrostatic separators of various brands purchased through open tenders in 2013-2020

Table 19: Properties of the separated minerals of the collective concentrate VGMK

Table 20: Analysis of open tenders and tenders for the supply of electrostatic separators in Russia in 2013-2020

Figure 1: Schemes of electrostatic separators: a - drum, b - chamber with vertically arranged electrodes, c - cascade plate

Figure 2: Schemes of triboelectric separators: a - drum, b - chamber with plate electrodes

Figure 3: Schemes of corona separators: a - drum corona-electrostatic, b - chamber

Figure 4: External view of the electrostatic separator ELKRON ESS series produced by NPO Erga

Figure 5: External view of the electrostatic separator ELKRON TESS series produced by NPO Erga

Figure 6: External view of the ELCOR electrostatic separator manufactured by NPK Mekhanobr-Tekhnika JSC

Figure 7: External view of the corona-electrostatic separator with a vertical drum SE-70/140 LLC "Russkaya Korona"

Figure 8: External view of a two-channel triboelectric separator STEM-2K

Figure 9: External view of corona drum electrostatic separator EBS manufactured by NPF "Prodecologia"

Figure 10: External view of the triboelectric separator EBS-T manufactured by NPF "Prodecologia"

Figure 11: Dynamics of export deliveries of electrical separators

Figure 12: Dynamics of exports of electrostatic separators from Russia in 1999-2015, units

Figure 13: Dynamics of imports of electrostatic separators in Russia in 1999-2020, units

Figure 14: Dynamics of imports of electrostatic separators in Russia in value terms in 1999-2020, thousand dollars

Figure 15: Dynamics of exports of electrostatic separators in Ukraine in 1999-2019, units

Figure 16: Dynamics of exports of electrostatic separators in Ukraine in value terms in 1999-2020, thousand dollars

Figure 17: Consolidated geographical structure of exports of electrostatic separators in Ukraine in 1999-2019,%

Figure 18: Structure of export electrostatic separators of Ukraine produced by NPF "Prodecologia" by type of apparatus,%

Figure 19: Schematic diagram of the sand processing of the Malyshevskoye field at the VGMK

Figure 20: The developed process flow diagram of the sands of the Eastern section of the Central field

Figure 21: The developed process flow diagram of the sands of the Itmanovsky area of ​​the Lukoyanovskoye field

Figure 22: External view of the vacuum unit for electrostatic separation of granules CELT


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