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Products of deep processing of tungsten concentrates in Russia: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is a study of market prospects for products of deep processing of tungsten concentrates.
The purpose of research – market analysis of various types of tungsten products.
Object of research are ferrotungsten, tungsten trioxide, ammonium paratungstate, tungsten carbide, tungsten metal and products from him, solid and heavy alloys.
This work is a Desk study. As information sources, we used data of Federal service of state statistics (Rosstat), JSC "RZD" (statistics of rail transportation), Federal customs service of Russia (FCS), customs service of Ukraine, the database "INFOMINE". Also, data of sectoral and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of issuers of securities, Internet-sites of producers and consumers of tungsten products.
The chronological scope of the study: 1996-2015; detailing data 2007-2015
Geography research: Russian Federation.
Volume of research: report consists of 5 sections, contains 117 pages, including 46 tables, 35 figures, 2 Appendix.
In the first Chapter of the report presents a study on the real capacity of each commodity tungsten product.
In the second Chapter assessed the market prospects for these products.
The third Chapter is devoted to the consideration of possible substitutes (substitutes) tungsten commodity products.
The fourth Chapter is devoted to identify the most promising products obtained from the processing of tungsten concentrate.
In the fifth Chapter conducted a SWOT analysis of the feasibility of the project on deep processing of tungsten trioxide, tungsten powder, tungsten carbide.
The application is hosted in the balance of production-consumption of tungsten in Russia.
Target audience research:
- participants of the market of tungsten – producers, consumers, traders;
- potential investors.
The proposed study claims the role of reference for marketing services and for decision management solutions operating in the market of tungsten.
1. The determination of the real capacity of the Russian market commercial tungsten products
1.1. Ferrotungsten
1.2. Ammonium paratungstate. Tungsten anhydride. Other tungstates
1.2.1. Provoleta production of ammonium and tungsten anhydride in Russia in 2007-2015, the Volume of consumption in Russia
1.2.2. Exports and imports of ammonium paratungstate, tungsten trioxide and tungstates in other 1999-2015
1.3. Tungsten powder
1.3.1. Production of tungsten powders in Russia, manufacturers
1.3.2. Export-import of tungsten powders in Russia (2008-2015)
1.3.3. The consumption of tungsten powders in Russia, structure of use, the main company-consumers
1.4. Tungsten metal (rods)
1.5. Tungsten products (bars, wire, etc.)
1.6. Export-import of tungsten metal in 1999-2015
1.7. Tungsten carbide and hard alloys
1.8. Heavy alloys
1.9. Russian export sales of various kinds of tungsten products
1.10. Russian producers of tungsten products
1.10.1. JSC "gidrometallurg" (Nalchik)
1.10.2. JSC "Kirovogradskaya plant of hard alloys" (Sverdlovsk region).
1.10.3. JSC "Pobedit" (G. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia-Alania)
1.10.4. JSC "Polema" (Tula region)
1.10.5. LLC "Plant of refractory metals" (Bryansk region, Unecha)
2. Determining the market prospects of various kinds of commercial tungsten products
2.1. Market prospect of production of ferrotungsten
2.2. Market Outlook the production of ammonium paratungstate and tungsten anhydride
2.3. Market Outlook the production of tungsten powder, rods, rental
2.4. Market Outlook the production of tungsten carbide and hard alloys
3. Evaluation of substitutionist trademark of tungsten products in the medium and long term
4. Identify the most promising products obtained from the processing of tungsten concentrates
5. SWOT-analysis of the feasibility of the project on deep processing of tungsten concentrates with obtaining of marketable products. The definition of market barriers
Appendix 1. The balance of production-consumption of tungsten products in Russia in 2007-2015, kt
Appendix 2. The list of sources
Table 1. Requirements for chemical composition ferrotungsten (GOST 17293-82)
Table 2. The main exporters of ferrotungsten from Russia in 2007-2015, t, mln $
Table 3. The main foreign recipients of ferrotungsten from Russia in 2011-2015, kt
Table 4. The main Russian importers of ferrotungsten 2007-2015, t
Table 5. The balance of "apparent" consumption of raw materials in the production of tungsten anhydride in Russia in 2007-2015, kt
Table 6. Directions of export PVA from Russia in 1999-2015, t, thousand $
Table 7. Directions of export of tungsten anhydride from Russia in 1999-2015, t, thousand $
Table 8. The main foreign recipients of tungsten anhydride from Russia in 2007-2015, t
Table 9. Export of crystals of lead tungstate and burden for their production from Russia in 2007-2011, t, thousand $
Table 10. Dynamics of import supplies to Russia tungstate in 2012-2015, tons, thousand $
Table 11. The chemical composition of the powders of tungsten on TU 48-19-101-84
Table 12. Bulk density and dispersivity special tungsten powders of various grades
Table 13. Chemical composition of grades of tungsten powders beyond TU 48-19-72-92
Table 14. Chemical composition of grades of recovered powders of tungsten on TU 14-22-143-2000
Table 15. Chemical composition of tungsten powders of JSC "Polema", ppm
Table 16. Directions of export supplies of powders of tungsten from Russia in 2008-2015, kt, thousand $
Table 17. Russian companies-exporters of tungsten powders in 2008-2014, t
Table 18. Fields of imports of tungsten powders of the Russian Federation in 2008-2015, t, thousand $
Table 19. Russian importers of tungsten powders in 2008-2015, kt
Table 20. The average import price of tungsten powders for Russian companies-importers in 2008-2015, $/kg
Table 21. Export of tungsten metal by types of products and suppliers in 2013-2015, t
Table 22. Key foreign consumers of Russian metal tungsten in 2014
Table 23. Import of metallic tungsten by product and the recipient in 2014-2015, t, mln $
Table 24. The list of necessary equipment for organization of production of hard alloy of tungsten anhydride
Table 25. Technical characteristics of the varieties of powders of tungsten
Table 26. The main Russian exporters of tungsten carbide in 2007-2015, t, mln $
Table 27. The main foreign recipients of Russian carbide in 2007-2015, t
Table 28. Major exporters of tungsten carbide in Russia in 2007-2015, t
Table 29. The main Russian importers of tungsten carbide in 2009-2015, tons
Table 30. The density and chemical composition of tungsten heavy alloys
Table 31. Supplies of tungsten concentrate to JSC "Gidrometallurg" in 2002-2015, t
Table 32. Results of activity of OJSC " Gidrometallurg " 2005-2015,
Table 33. SWOT-analysis of JSC " Gidrometallurg "
Table 34. Supplies of tungsten concentrate to JSC "KZTS" in 2002-2014, t
Table 35. Mass fraction of impurities contained in the tungsten anhydride of production of JSC "KZTS"
Table 36. Financial results of JSC "KZTS" in 2007-2017
Table 37. SWOT-analysis of JSC "KZTS"
Table 38. Financial results of JSC "Pobedit" in 2010-2015, thousand rubles.
Table 39. SWOT-analysis of JSC "Pobedit"
Table 40. Key foreign consumers of tungsten products JSC "Polema" in 2014
Table 41. Key domestic consumers of tungsten products JSC "Polema" in 2014
Table 43. Financial results of JSC "Polema" in 2008-2014
Table 44. SWOT-analysis of JSC "Polema"
Table 44. Financial performance of CJSC "Company "Wolfram" in 2008-2014, mln.
Table 45. The consumption of tungsten anhydride by domestic enterprises and the production of tungsten powder in 2014, t
Table 46. SWOT-analysis of the feasibility of building a new plant for the processing of tungsten concentrates
Figure 1. Dynamics of production of ferrotungsten in Russia according to FSGS in 2009-2014, t
Figure 2. Dynamics of production of ferrotungsten in Russia in 2009-2014, kt
Figure 3. Dynamics of export-import of ferrotungsten in Russia between 2000 and 2015, t
Figure 4. Structure of export of ferrotungsten from Russia by brands in 2007-2015, %
Figure 5. Dynamics of production of PVA and tungsten anhydride in Russia (recalculated to WO3) and domestic consumption of these compounds by Russian consumers in 2007-2015, t
Figure 6. Dynamics of exports of ammonium paratungstate from Russia (in equivalent of WO3) in 1999-2015, t
Figure 7. Dynamics of import of tungsten anhydride in Russia in 2002-2015, t, thousand $
Figure 8. Dynamics of exports of tungsten anhydride from Russia in 1999-2015, t
Figure 9. Structure of production of tungsten powders in Russia by company – producers in 2014, %
Figure 10. Dynamics of export-import of tungsten powders of the Russian Federation in 2008-2015, kt
Figure 11. Dynamics of average annual export-import prices in Russia tungsten powder in 2008-2014, $/kg
Figure 12. Structure of consumption of tungsten powders in Russia in 2014, %
Figure 13. Dynamics of Russian import of tungsten rods in 2007-2015, t
Figure 14. Dynamics of Russian export-import of tungsten metal in 1999-2015, t
Figure 15. Comparison of export shipments of metallic tungsten from Russia in 2007-2014 according to various sources, t
Figure 16. Structure of Russian import of metal tungsten commodity positions in physical terms in 2014, %
Figure 17. The main country-importers of metal tungsten in Russia in 2014, %
Figure 18. Dynamics of Russian export-import of tungsten carbide in 1999-2015, t
Figure 19. Dynamics of export sales from the Russian Federation of all types of tungsten-containing products in money terms in 2007-2015, mln $
Figure 20. Dynamics of export sales of various types of tungsten-containing products in 2007-2015, mln $
Figure 21. Dynamics of production of tungsten products (in equivalent of WO3) in JSC " Gidrometallurg " in 1999-2015, t
Figure 22. Dynamics of the share of exports in production of finished tungsten products (in equivalent of WO3) in JSC " Gidrometallurg " in 2007-2015, %
Figure 23. Dynamics of production of tungsten products, the export of tungsten anhydride and ammonium Gidrometallurg (in recalculation on WO3) JSC " Gidrometallurg " in 2007-2015, t
Figure 24. Dynamics of production of tungsten anhydride at Kirovogradskaya plant of hard alloys in 2003-2015, t
Figure 25. Dynamics of production of tungsten powders at JSC "KZTM" in 1999-2015, t
Figure 26. Dynamics of production of hard alloys in JSC "KZTS" in 1996-2015, t
Figure 27. Dynamics of production of tungsten products at JSC "Pobedit" in 1999-2014, t
Figure 28. Dynamics of production of tungsten products at JSC "Polema" in 1999-2015, t
Figure 29. Structure of the sales of tungsten products JSC "Polema" in 2014, %
Figure 30. Sales of tungsten products JSC "Polema" in 2014, %
Figure 31. Structure of export sales of products made of tungsten produced by JSC "Polema" in 2014 according to the spheres of consumption, %
Figure 32. Structure of domestic sales of products made of tungsten produced by JSC "Polema" in 2014 according to the spheres of consumption, %
Figure 33. Position of JSC "Polema" in Russian consumption of tungsten for instrumentation, %
Figure 34. Position of JSC "Polema" in Russian consumption of tungsten for single crystal growing in 2014, %
Figure 35. Dynamics of production of tungsten concentrate in Russia and its exports between 2007 and 2015, t