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Aluminium Raw Materials (Bauxite, Nepheline, Alunite) in th CIS: Production, Market and Forecast
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This report is currently available in Russian language only. However, we can provide an English version of the report within 3 weeks after receiving a payment.
The report is devoted to investigation of current standing of market of aluminum raw materials in the CIS and forecast of the world and its development up to 2020 The report includes 7 Sections, contains 130 pages including 46 Tables, 46 Figures and 2 Appendices.
As information sources, data of Federal State Statistics Service (FSSS), OAO "RZD" (statistics of rail transportation), Federal Customs Service, State Customs Service of Ukraine (data on foreign trade operations), Republic of Kazakhstan Agency for Statistics, Data UNTrade. Also, data of the Committee on Statistics of CIS countries, companies, the database of "InfoMine", as well as materials and media reports of issuers.
The first chapter of the report is devoted to the global primary aluminum market. This section covers information on the world's reserves and production of primary aluminum, also provides a brief description of world exports and imports, and prices for these products.
The second chapter of the report presents data on reserves and deposits of aluminum raw materials in CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan and others).
In the third chapter of the report presents data on volumes of production of primary aluminum in the CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan) in 2002-2011
This section describes the statistics of mining production in the CIS, the regional structure of production, and also presents data on volumes of primary aluminum production by individual enterprises. Also in this chapter analyzes the current state of the leading players in the market of CIS aluminum raw materials, including data on existing production facilities.
The fourth chapter analyzes the foreign trade of CIS countries (Russia, Ukraine, Azerbaijan) and aluminum raw materials. The data on exports and imports of the product in bulk and in money terms, regional structure of supplies, identified the major suppliers and consumers.
In the fifth chapter of the report devoted to the consumption of primary aluminum, are supply-demand balances of these products in CIS countries (Russia, Kazakhstan, Ukraine) in 2002-2011, assessed the dynamics of "apparent" consumption of primary aluminum. It also provides information about the main company-consumers of the products.
Also chapter includes a brief description of the CIS market of alumina and its consumption in aluminum production.
The sixth chapter describes the analysis of the price of raw aluminum. This section describes some of the prices for these products in the domestic market of Russia, as well as an overview of import prices.
The seventh and final chapter of the report is devoted to forecast of production and consumption of primary aluminum in Russia in 2012-2020
Appendix presents contact information on the main producers and consumers of aluminum raw materials in the CIS.
1. World market for primary aluminum
1.1. Stocks of primary aluminum
1.2. Production of primary aluminum, the major countries and companies
1.3. The main country-importers of bauxite exporters in 2007-2011
1.3.1. Exports of bauxite
1.3.2. Imports of bauxite
1.4. Review of prices for raw aluminum
2. Reserves and deposits of primary aluminum in the CIS
2.1. Bauxite
2.2. Nepheline ore
2.3. Alunite
3. Production of primary aluminum in the CIS in 2002-2011
3.1. Russia
3.1.1. OK "RUSAL"
JSC "Sevuralboksitruda"
JSC "Timan Bauxite"
JSC "RUSAL-Achinsk"
3.1.2. OAO "Severo-Onega Bauxite Mine"
3.1.3. Open Society "Apatite"
3.2. Kazakhstan
3.2.1. Krasnooktyabr bauxite ore
3.2.2. Torgay bauxite ore
4. Analysis of foreign trade in aluminum raw materials in the CIS
4.1. Russian foreign trade in aluminum raw material in 2002-2011
4.1.1. Imports
4.1.2. Exports
4.2. Foreign trade operations of Ukraine with the aluminum raw material in 2002-2011
4.3. Foreign trade in Azerbaijan with the aluminum raw material in 2007-2011
5. Consumption of primary aluminum in the CIS in 2002-2011
5.1. Consumption of primary aluminum in Russia
5.1.1. Supply-demand balance of aluminum materials
5.1.2. Regional structure of consumption of primary aluminum
5.1.3. Consumption of primary aluminum in Russia
5.1.4. A brief description of the Russian market of alumina
5.1.5. Description of the main company-consumers of primary aluminum
5.1.6. Production of aluminum and alumina consumption in Russia
5.2. Consumption of primary aluminum in Kazakhstan
5.2.1. The consumption of bauxite and alumina production in Kazakhstan
5.2.2. Production of aluminum and alumina consumption in Kazakhstan
5.3. Consumption of primary aluminum in Ukraine
5.3.1. Supply-demand balance of aluminum materials
5.3.2. Consumption of primary aluminum
5.3.3. Production of aluminum and alumina consumption in Ukraine
5.4. Consumption of primary aluminum in Azerbaijan
6. Price analysis
6.1. Domestic prices for raw aluminum
6.2. An analysis of import prices on aluminum materials
7. Forecast of production and consumption of primary aluminum in Russia to 2020
Appendix 1. Contact companies that produce aluminum raw materials in the CIS
Appendix 2. Contact information on company-consumers of primary aluminum in the CIS
Table 1. World production of primary aluminum for the main countries in 2003-2011, mln t
Table 2. The world's major manufacturers of bauxite and power, thousand t
Table 3. The volume of exports of primary aluminum core countries in 2007-2011, kt
Table 4. The main destinations of supplies of alumina,% of total shipments in 2010
Table 5. The volume of imports of bauxite, the main countries in 2007-2011, kt
Table 6. Dynamics of average annual contract prices for metallurgical grade bauxite in some countries in 2007-2011, $ / t
Table 7. State of SMEs aluminum raw materials of the Russian Federation on 01.01.2010, mln t
Table 8. The main deposits of bauxite in Russia
Table 9. Standard on bauxite mined in Kazakhstan
Table 10. Characteristics of bauxite deposits, belonging to JSC "Aluminium of Kazakhstan"
Table 11. Possible sources of growth and development of the bauxite reserves of raw material base of JSC "Aluminium of Kazakhstan"
Table 12. The main deposits of nepheline ores in Russia
Table 13. Bauxite mining in the CIS in 2002-2011, kt
Table 14. Bauxite mining by Russian enterprises in 2002-2011, kt
Table 15. Chemical composition of bauxite mined JSC "SUBR"
Table 16. The main consumers of bauxite production of "Sevuralboksitruda" in 2007-2011, kt
Table 17. Financial results of JSC "SUBR" in 2007-2011, mln.
Table 18. Chemical composition of bauxite mined JSC "Timan Bauxite"
Table 19. The main consumers of bauxite production of "Timan Bauxite" in 2007-2011, kt
Table 20. Financial results of JSC "Timan Bauxite" in 2007-2011, mln.
Table 21. Chemical composition of bauxite mined JSC "SWAT"
Table 22. The main consumers of bauxite production of JSC "North Onega Bauxite Mine" in 2007-2011, kt
Table 23. Financial results of JSC "Apatite" in 2010-2011, mln Rubles.
Table 24. Volumes of Russian foreign trade with the aluminum raw material in 2002-2011, thousand t, mln $
Table 25. Imports of primary aluminum in the direction of Russian supplies in 2008-2011, kt, thousand $
Table 26. Volumes and destinations of supplies of raw aluminum Russian importers in 2009-2011, kt
Table 27. Exports of primary aluminum in the direction of Russian supplies in 2008-2011, kt, thousand $
Table 28. The volume of foreign trade of Ukraine with the aluminum raw material for the period 2002-2011, thousand t, mln $
Table 29. Imports of aluminum raw material supply lines to Ukraine in 2008-2011, thousand t, mln $
Table 30. Imports of aluminum raw material supply in areas of Azerbaijan in 2007-2011, thousand t, mln $
Table 31. Supply-demand balance of bauxite in Russia in 2002-2011, kt,%
Table 32. The consumption of nepheline and nepheline ore concentrate in Russia in 2002-2011, kt
Table 33. The main consumers of primary aluminum in Russia in 2009-2011, kt
Table 34. Consumption of primary aluminum in Russia in terms of 100% Al2O3 in 2006-2011, kt,%
Table 35. Alumina Production in Russia by enterprises in 2002-2011, kt
Table 36. Supply-demand balance of alumina in Russia in 2006-2011, kt,%
Table 37. Supplies of bauxite in the JSC "BAZ-SUAL" in 2007-2011, kt
Table 38. Supplies of bauxite in OAO "Urals Aluminum Plant-SUAL" in 2007-2011, kt
Table 39. Financial results of JSC "RUSAL Achinsk" in 2007-2011, mln.
Table 40. Supplies of bauxite in OAO "RUSAL Alumina Boksitogorsk" in 2007-2011, kt
Table 41. Financial results of JSC "RUSAL Alumina Boksitogorsk" in 2007-2011, mln.
Table 42. Primary aluminum production in Russia by enterprises in 2002-2011, kt
Table 43. Technical requirements for alumina and Steel, produced Pavlodar aluminum plant
Table 44. Alumina Production in Russia by enterprises in 2002-2011, kt
Table 45. Prices of some Russian producers on the aluminum raw material in 2010-2011, rub. / Ton
Table 46. Prices for aluminum raw materials, imported by Russia in the direction of the supply in 2007-2011, $ / t
Figure 1. World reserves of primary aluminum, Gt
Figure 2. Geographical structure of world reserves of primary aluminum,%
Figure 3. World production of primary aluminum, mln t
Figure 4. The structure of primary aluminum production by country in 2011,%
Figure 5. Geographic pattern of aluminum raw material supplies major exporting countries (2010),%
Figure 6. Geographic pattern of aluminum raw material supplies the largest importing countries (2011),%
Figure 7. The main deposits of bauxite and the distribution of their balance reserves by region, Russia, mln t
Figure 8. Nepheline ore extraction and production of nepheline concentrate in Russia in 2002-2011, kt
Figure 9. Dynamics of mining of bauxite in Russia in 2002-2011, mln t
Figure 10. The structure of the bauxite mining companies in Russia in 2002-2011,%
Figure 11. The structure of bauxite mining "Sevuralboksitruda" on the mines in 2011,%
Figure 12. Dynamics of mining of bauxite of "Sevuralboksitruda" in 2002-2011, mln t
Figure 13. Dynamics of mining of bauxite of "Timan Bauxite" in 2002-2011, mln t
Figure 14. Mining of nepheline ores by JSC "RUSAL-Achinsk" in 2002-2011, mln t
Figure 15. Dynamics of mining of bauxite, OAO "Severo-Onega Bauxite Mine" in 2003-2011, kt *
Figure 16. Production of nepheline concentrate of JSC "Apatite" in 2002-2011, kt
Figure 17. Dynamics of mining of bauxite in the Republic of Kazakhstan in 1995-2011, kt
Figure 18. Dynamics of Russian foreign trade with the aluminum raw material in 2002-2011, kt
Figure 19. Dynamics of Russian import of aluminum raw materials in bulk and in money terms in 2002-2011, thousand t, mln $
Figure 20. Changing of regional structure of Russian import of primary aluminum in 2002-2011,%
Figure 21. Dynamics of Russian exports of aluminum raw materials in bulk and in money terms in 2002-2011, kt, thousand $
Figure 22. Dynamics of Ukrainian import of aluminum raw materials in bulk and in money terms in 2008-2011, mln t, mln $
Figure 23. Changing of regional structure of Ukrainian imports of primary aluminum in 2008-2011,%
Figure 24. Dynamics of production, exports, imports and consumption of bauxite in Russia in 2002-2011, kt
Figure 25. Regional structure of consumption of bauxite in Russia in 2011,%
Figure 26. Regional structure of consumption of primary aluminum in Russia * in 2011,%
Figure 27. Sectoral structure of consumption of primary aluminum in Russia * in 2011,%
Figure 28. Production of alumina and primary aluminum consumption in Russia * 2006-2011, kt
Figure 29. The structure of the alumina production by companies in Russia in 2011,%
Figure 30. Dynamics of production, imports and consumption of aluminum in Russia in 2006-2011, mln t
Figure 31. Alumina Production and consumption of bauxite in the "theological-Sual aluminum plant" in 2007-2011, kt
Figure 32. Production of alumina and bauxite consumption in OAO "Urals Aluminum Plant-SUAL" in 2007-2011, kt
Figure 33. Alumina Production and consumption of nepheline ores by JSC "RUSAL-Achinsk" in 2007-2011, kt
Figure 34. Production of alumina and bauxite in the consumption of JSC "RUSAL Alumina Boksitogorsk" in 2007-2011, kt
Figure 35. Alumina Production and consumption of nepheline concentrate JSC "BaselCement Pikalevo" in 2007-2011, kt
Figure 36. Dynamics of production of aluminum and alumina consumption in Russia in 2007-2011, kt
Figure 37. Dynamics of production of alumina Pavlodar aluminum smelter and bauxite consumption in Kazakhstan in 2002-2011, kt,%
Figure 38. Dynamics of production, exports, consumption of alumina and aluminum production in Kazakhstan in 2007-2011, kt
Figure 39. Dynamics of consumption of bauxite and alumina production in Ukraine in 2002-2011, mln t
Figure 40. Dynamics of production of alumina and bauxite consumption Nikolaev alumina refinery in 2007-2011, mln t
Figure 41. Dynamics of production, exports, consumption of alumina and aluminum production in Ukraine in 2007-2011, kt
Figure 42. Dynamics of production of alumina and bauxite consumption in Azerbaijan in 2003-2011, kt
Figure 43. Average prices of Russian producers of bauxite in 2002-2011, rub. / Ton,% change. year
Figure 44. Monthly dynamics of the price of bauxite, mined JSC "SUBR" in 2011-2012, rub. / Ton
Figure 45. Dynamics of prices on imported bauxite Ukraine in 2007-2011, $ / t
Figure 46. Forecast of bauxite mining in Russia in 2012-2020, kt