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Engineering Services for Mining Industry in Russia: Market and Forecast

Seitenzahl: 94 Anzahl der Tische: 32 Anzahl der Zeichnungen: 8
Report Sprache: Russian
Freigegeben: 09.10.2020
Form der Präsentation:

PDF Copy

Pdf, Word (version for copying and editing)

Pdf, Word, Excel - the version with the source data

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies (for credit organizations)

Pdf, Word, Excel, 2 hard copies and PowerPoint presentation (for incorporation into investment projects)

Manifestation: Herunterladen
Preis: 2 000 Euro

This report is the first edition of a survey of the engineering services market in the Russian mining industry.

The purpose of the study is to analyze the market of engineering services in mining Russia (ferrous, non-ferrous, precious metals, coal, mining chemical and non-metallic raw materials).

This work is a desk study. The sources of information were data from the scientific, industry and regional press, annual and quarterly reports of securities issuers, documents of procurement commissions, websites of engineering service providers, an SIS database, data from customs statistics of the Russian Federation, and the results of a survey of a number of domestic specialists.

Chronological framework of the study: 2016-2019, forecast for 2020-2025

Research geography: Russian Federation.


The report consists of 6 chapters, contains 94 pages, including 32 tables, 8 figures and 4 appendices.

The introduction gives an understanding of the term "engineering services" (IS).

The first chapter contains an assessment of the capacity of the engineering services market in the mining industry of the Russian Federation and its structure.

The second chapter provides information on domestic suppliers of engineering services for the mining industry of the Russian Federation.

The third chapter provides information on foreign suppliers of engineering services and equipment for the mining industry of the Russian Federation.

The fourth chapter provides a price analysis of the main types and specific engineering services in the mining industry of the Russian Federation in 2016-2020. based on the analysis of open tenders / competitions.

The fifth chapter provides information about the main companies in the mining industry of the Russian Federation - consumers of IS.

The sixth chapter presents a forecast of the consumption of engineering services in the mining industry of the Russian Federation until 2025, an overview of the main projects being implemented in the industry.

The appendices contain the summary results of tenders of a number of companies related to the procurement of engineering services, as well as the contacts of the main suppliers of engineering services.


Target audience of the study:

- participants in the engineering market in Russia - researchers, developers, manufacturers, consumers;

- potential investors.

The proposed study claims to be a reference guide for specialists making management decisions working in the mining industry of the Russian Federation.



Introduction. Objects and research methodology


1. Assessment of the volume of engineering services in the mining industry in Russia and their structure


2. The main Russian companies-suppliers of engineering services for the mining industry in Russia

JSC "Irgiredmet"

Gipronickel Institute LLC


Sibniyugleobogaschenie JSC

LLC "Eurochem Project"

LLC "SPb-Giproshakht"

LLC "Polyus Project"


3. Foreign suppliers of engineering services for the mining industry in Russia




Cetco Coralina (Coraline Engineering)


4. Price survey of engineering services in the mining industry in Russia in 2016-2020


5. Consumers of engineering services in the mining industry in 2016-2020


6. Forecast of demand for engineering services in the Russian Federation in the mining industry of Russia until 2025, the main projects being implemented in the industry


Appendix 1. SWOT analysis of the largest engineering companies

Appendix 2. Import of certain large types of technological equipment by Russian mining companies in Russia in 2016-2019, thousand dollars

Appendix 3. Cost of a number of engineering services for mining enterprises of UMMC, RUB mln.

Appendix 4. Address book of the main engineering companies in Russia in the field of the mining industry

Table 1: Main types of engineering services

Table 2: Indicators of the main domestic engineering companies,

Table 3: Main projects and works of Irgiredmet JSC in 2015-2019

Table 4: Volumes of imports of equipment of JSC Irgiredmet and RIVS Group in 2015-2019, mln USD

Table 5: Key financial indicators of JSC "Irgiredmet" in 2010-2019, million rubles.

Table 6: Main projects and works of Gipronickel Institute LLC in 2015-2019 in the field of mining

Table 7: Key financial indicators of Gipronickel Institute LLC in 2010-2019, RUB mln.

Table 8: Main projects and works of the RIVS Group in 2015-2020

Table 9: Main financial indicators of JV CJSC "IVS" in 2005-2006, 2015-2019, million rubles.

Table 10: Main financial indicators of CJSC NPO RIVS in 2016-2019, million rubles

Table 11: Main financial indicators of LLC Mashzavod RIVS in 2010-2019, million rubles

Table 12: Main projects and works of Sibniyugleobogaschenie JSC

Table 13: Main financial indicators of Sibniyugleobogaschenie JSC in 2010-2019, million rubles

Table 14: Main financial indicators of JSC "Eurochem-Project" (until 2017 - LLC "TOMS-project") in 2014-2019, million rubles

Table 15: Main projects and works of SPb-Giproshakht LLC

Table 16: Key financial indicators of LLC SPb-Giproshakht in 2009-2019, million rubles

Table 17: Requests for proposals for the organized tendering of Polyus Project LLC in 2018-2020

Table 18: Main financial indicators of Polyus Project LLC in 2010-2019, million rubles

Table 19: Main financial indicators of CJSC Outotek SPb in 2013-2019, million rubles.

Table 20: Outotec supplies of mining and processing and metallurgical equipment and components to Russian enterprises in 2015-2019, thousand USD

Table 21: Key financial indicators of Metso LLC in 2015-2019, RUB million

Table 22: Metso supplies of equipment and components to Russian enterprises in 2015-2019, thousand dollars

Table 23: Key financial indicators of LLC FLSmidt Rus in 2013-2019, RUB mln.

Table 24: Supplies of FLSmidth equipment and components to Russian enterprises in 2015-2019, thousand dollars

Table 25: Key financial indicators of Coraline Engineering LLC in 2013-2019, RUB million

Table 26: Ranges of the cost of the main types of engineering services, million rubles

Table 27: Cost of individual engineering services related to design and technical solutions for a number of mining enterprises in Russia in 2015-2020, million rubles

Table 28: The volume of shipments of products, work performed and services by mining enterprises of Russia in 2013-2020

Table 29: Characteristics of the main mining and ore processing enterprises in Russia

Table 30: Characteristics of concentrators commissioned in Russia in 2017-2020

Table 31: Projects for the development of new fields in Russia *

Table 32: Forecast of the volume of the engineering services market in the mining industry of Russia in 2020-2025, billion rubles

Figure 1: Estimated structure of consumption of engineering services in the mining industry of the Russian Federation by types of raw materials,%

Figure 2: Estimated structure of consumption of engineering services in the mining industry in Russia by the volume of companies,%

Figure 3: The main areas of engineering services for Russian companies in the mining industry

Figure 4: Summary structure of equipment supplies to mining enterprises in Russia from the largest suppliers (Metso, FLSmidth, Outotec) in 2015-2019,%

Figure 5: Dynamics of Outotec equipment supplies to Russia

Figure 6: Consolidated structure of Outotec equipment supplies to "direct" recipients in 2015-2019,%

Figure 7: Summary structure of Metso equipment supplies by areas of use in 2015-2019,%

Figure 8: Consolidated structure of FLSmidth equipment supplies by areas of use in 2015-2019,%


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Verkaufsvertreter fur fertige Berichte


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